Keukasmallies Posted August 28, 2014 Posted August 28, 2014 Stepping back for a moment, I'm reminded that we, the voters, elected and continue to re-elect, the bozos who fuel this bureaucracy by making excuses the coin of the realm. Why do our elected officials not fire wrong-doers; why do they seem to merely suspend them for a period of time determined by the length of the news cycle, only to have the same dolts re-appear in another position? We get what we deserve, unfortunately.
B-Man Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 from today............ IRS says it has lost emails from 5 more employees By Stephen Ohlemacher Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- The IRS says it has lost emails from five more workers who are part of congressional investigations into the treatment of conservative groups that applied for tax exempt status. The tax agency said in June that it could not locate an untold number of emails to and from Lois Lerner, who headed the IRS division that processes applications for tax-exempt status. The revelation set off a new round of investigations and congressional hearings. On Friday, the IRS said it has also lost emails from five other employees related to the probe, including two agents who worked in a Cincinnati office processing applications for tax-exempt status. SCREW THIS. JUST START BEHEADING PEOPLE .
DC Tom Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 from today............ SCREW THIS. JUST START BEHEADING PEOPLE . My client just had their email server crash hard. Lost nine months or so of emails. The power company had a transformer blow at the off-site server center, and the power spike fried a couple of servers. Though their COOP plan was "We don't need a stinkin' COOP plan," so they had no backups (I've received no emails today, it's been wonderful). Which is idiotic and incompetent in the extreme. But it really is pure coincidence that this happens two days after my $200M-spent-but-nothing-to-show-for-it-after-six-years project is cancelled.
Keukasmallies Posted September 6, 2014 Posted September 6, 2014 More computer crashes, more emails lost at IRS. Just contrast the agency's inability to keep track of internal emails with the relentless pursuit of taxpayers in arrears, identification of groups who may have incurred the wrath of the current administration, and [add your own pet peeve here].
3rdnlng Posted September 6, 2014 Posted September 6, 2014 (edited) http://www.judicialw...campaign=090514 (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released a new batch of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) email documents revealing that under former IRS official Lois Lerner, the agency seems to acknowledge having needlessly solicited donor lists from non-profit political groups. According to a May 21, 2012, memo from the IRS Deputy Associate Chief Counsel: “such information was not needed across-the-board and not used in making the agency’s determination on exempt status.” Later, in her May 10, 2013, remarks in which Lerner first revealed in response to question she planted about the IRS targeting of conservative groups, she conceded that the requests for donor names was “not appropriate, not usual.” The new documents obtained by Judicial Watch also reveal that 75% of the groups from whom the lists were solicited were apparently conservative, with only 5% being liberal. The documents came in response to an October 2013 Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Internal Revenue Service (No. 1:13-cv-01559)) filed against the IRS after the agency refused to respond to four FOIA requests dating back to May, 2013. The emails are contained in the sixth batch of documents the IRS has been forced to produce in response to the Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit. Contained in the newly released IRS documents is an email from Deputy Associate Chief Counsel Margo L. Stevens that was sent in response to a question from Lerner concerning attempts to return donor lists the IRS had controversially obtained. In Stevens’ May 21, 2012, email to Lerner, she wrote: Lois, I wanted to get back with you with respect to your question whether TEGE [Tax Exempt & Government Entities] could return to those organizations from whom donor names were solicited in questionnaires following their submission of applications for recognition of their tax exempt status (under 501©(4)), now that TEGE has reviewed those files and determined that such information was not needed across-the-board and not used in making the agency’s determination on exempt status. Key parts of this email and other documents the IRS produced to Judicial Watch have been blacked out. (Many of the documents are completely blacked out (or partially redacted) seemingly because they are allegedly “pre-decisional” or “deliberative,” information that might be exempt from disclosure under FOIA. The Obama administration’s decision to withhold this information is completely discretionary and is not required by law.) A subsequent IRS email thread on June 27, 2012, revealed that inappropriately obtained donor lists were being used for a “secret research project” and that a top official wanted then-Acting IRS Commissioner Steve Miller to decide how to handle the issue. The email exchange, with the Subject line “donor names,” included the following............................................ And then on August 25, Department of Justice attorneys for the IRS conceded to Judicial Watch that Lerner’s “missing emails” (and all government records) had been backed in case of catastrophe but that it would be too “onerous” to search this backup system for Lerner’s emails. The Justice Department has since put out anonymous statements alleging Judicial Watch “misheard” what its lawyers said and that the agency did not disclose “new” information about a back-up system. It is not in dispute that the existence of any back-up system was withheld from the court despite two orders (order 1, order 2) demanding specifically sworn declarations about where Lerner’s emails may be residing and effort to obtain them. The Obama administration has refused Judicial Watch’s requests to amend the sworn declarations and finally inform Judge Sullivan directly about this back-up system. Administration lawyers have steadfastly refused and subsequently submitted a “status report” to the Court on August 29 that, again, makes no mention of any back-up system. Judicial Watch lawyers are preparing now to ask the Court for relief in light of the Obama administration’s continuing obstruction and contempt for Judge Sullivan’s orders. “Again, Judicial Watch has uncovered more shocking emails from the IRS, forced out by a lawsuit and a federal court,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Now we learn the stunning news that Obama’s IRS had a ‘secret research program’ using illicitly-obtained confidential donor lists of conservative and Tea Party organizations that opposed President Obama’s agenda or reelection. With all this IRS abuse, it is no wonder Lois Lerner said that questions by Congress and others were ‘dangerous.’ And it is well past time that President Obama should be held to account about his repeated and recent falsehoods about his IRS scandal. Next up: Judicial Watch will ask Judge Sullivan for help in requiring the Obama IRS to stop its obstruction and disclose the no-longer-missing emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials.” Edited September 6, 2014 by 3rdnlng
B-Man Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 LOL........................ Government agencies accused of political abuse of power, collaborate on messaging with those on whose behalf the power was abused: Oops! Wrong Number? Justice Dept. Official Calls Congressional Republicans in IRS Probe. A lead House Republican is accusing the Justice Department Office of Public Affairs of improperly trying to coordinate with House Democrats on the release of subpoenaed documents in the IRS investigation. Justice Department Director of Public Affairs Brian Fallon called the House Oversight Committee Friday evening and mistakenly spoke to Republican staff thinking he was speaking to Democrats, according to a spokesman for Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). In that call, Fallon said his agency was about to turn over some IRS documents. He stated that he was not being allowed to release the material directly to the media, but that he wanted to get it into the hands of certain reporters “before the [Republican] Majority” had the chance to share it. . . . The Justice Department is simultaneously investigating the IRS while defending the IRS in private litigation. Republicans have raised questions about alleged conflicts of interest in the Justice Department’s roles. They have asked to interview former Justice Department attorney Andrew Strelka who worked for IRS manager Lois Lerner during the time period in which she and her office are accused of improperly targeting conservatives. The Justice Department has balked saying that Strelka has nothing relevant to offer. Holder has also said his agency is conducting a fair and independent investigation of the IRS. Yeah, nobody believes that either, Eric. .
GG Posted September 19, 2014 Posted September 19, 2014 The healthcare thread has been archived, but this is a decent enough parallel. Don't worry, Holder will be right on this one, too. "Officials at CMS and HHS refused to admit to the public that the website was not on track to launch without significant functionality problems and substantial security risks," the report says. "There is also evidence that the Administration, to this day, is continuing its efforts to shield ongoing problems with the website from public view."
B-Man Posted September 23, 2014 Posted September 23, 2014 (edited) Hilarious..................... Sorry, Politico, but Lois Lerner Is Not A Victim. ............................. Nope. She’s a perpetrator. Ed Morrissey Points And Laughs At Politico.She’s entitled to take the Fifth. And we’re entitled to be suspicious when a high-level bureaucrat caught up in a scandal refuses to be accountable to Congress and then wants our sympathy on the pages of Politico. The rest of this piece is sheer drivel, and perhaps the most monumental effort ever made in print to deliberately miss the point Cry us a river, Lois Lerner http://washingtonexa...article/2553787 Lois Lerner’s Sob Story Employers won’t hire her. She’s been berated with epithets like “dirty Jew.” Federal agents have guarded her house because of death threats. And she’s spent hundreds of thousands of dollars defending herself against accusations that she orchestrated a cover-up in a scandal that has come to represent everything Americans hate about the IRS. Behold, the martyrdom of Lois Lerner. At least, that is the takeaway from Monday’s Politico interview with the former head of the IRS’s tax-exemption unit, the guileless victim of right-wing conspiracy theorists, Republican operators, and Darrell Issa. . Edited September 23, 2014 by B-Man
B-Man Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 THIS SEEMS TO BE A HABIT WITH THEM: IRS Erased Key Records in Lawsuit, NetJets Says. “NetJets is claiming in a lawsuit that as part of its tax dispute with the agency the IRS ‘wiped clean a number of computer hard drives containing emails and other electronic documents that the Government was required to produce.’” The hard drives may be clean, but the IRS is dirty. .
DC Tom Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 THIS SEEMS TO BE A HABIT WITH THEM: IRS Erased Key Records in Lawsuit, NetJets Says. “NetJets is claiming in a lawsuit that as part of its tax dispute with the agency the IRS ‘wiped clean a number of computer hard drives containing emails and other electronic documents that the Government was required to produce.’” The hard drives may be clean, but the IRS is dirty. . That's an easy one. Case ruled fully in favor of NetJet. Case closed.
B-Man Posted November 21, 2014 Posted November 21, 2014 On a Friday Afternoon, while amnesty talk fills the air and with a Ferguson Jury verdictin the offing...................How convenient: 30,000 missing emails from IRS’ Lerner recovered. More evidence of the Obama “dense pack” approach to scandals. .
B-Man Posted November 29, 2014 Posted November 29, 2014 "not a smidgen" IRS accused of sharing 2,500 private taxpayer documents with White House Washington Times, by Cheryl K. Chumley The Internal Revenue Service may have given thousands of confidential filings from private taxpayers to the White House to review, a lawsuit against the Treasury Department just revealed. The suit, filed against Treasury’s inspector general by Cause of Action, a legal advocacy outfit, reveals a steady stream of communication went on between the White House and the IRS — a potentially “improper” stream, the group alleged, The Daily Caller reported. “[T]he Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration informed Cause of Action that there exist nearly 2,500 potentially confidential documents relating to investigations of improper disclosures of confidential taxpayer information by the IRS to the White House. The Justice Department has requested more time to review the documents before making them public More at the link: Original Article
Nanker Posted November 30, 2014 Posted November 30, 2014 Fuggettaboudit. If Craig Livingstone's Filegate didn't damage the Clintons, you honestly this that this is going to touch Putney Obama?
3rdnlng Posted December 10, 2014 Posted December 10, 2014 (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released internal Department of Justice (DOJ) documents revealing that former IRS official Lois Lerner had been in contact with DOJ officials about the possible criminal prosecution of tax-exempt entities two full years before what the IRS conceded was its “absolutely inappropriate” 2012 targeting of the organizations. According to the newly obtained documents, Lerner met with top Obama DOJ Election Crimes Branch officials as early as October 2010. The new documents were obtained through a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the DOJ on July 21, 2014 (Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice (No. 14-cv-01239)), after the agency failed to respond to an April 21, 2014, FOIA request seeking: Any and all records concerning meetings and/or communications between the Department of Justice Criminal Division Public Integrity Section and the Internal Revenue Service Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, the White House, Members of Congress and/or congressional staff, and any non-government entity, regarding 501©(4) or other tax-exempt organizations. As result of a court order, the DOJ last month produced only two pages of heavily redacted emails (832 pages were withheld in entirety) that show the Obama Justice Department initiated an October 8, 2010, meeting between the IRS and top criminal prosecutors at the DOJ Public Integrity Section and Election Crimes Division “concerning 501©(4) issues.” On September 29, 2010, a DOJ official (whose name is blacked out) emailed a staff assistant at the IRS (whose name is also redacted): As we discussed this afternoon, we would like to invite Ms. Ingram [apparent reference to Sarah Hall Ingram former commissioner, IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities] to meet with us concerning 501©(4) issues, and propose next Friday at 10:00 a.m. We are located in the Bond Building, 12th Floor, New York Avenue, NW, Thank you for your assistance.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted December 10, 2014 Posted December 10, 2014 http://www.judicialw...campaign=121014 (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released internal Department of Justice (DOJ) documents revealing that former IRS official Lois Lerner had been in contact with DOJ officials about the possible criminal prosecution of tax-exempt entities two full years before what the IRS conceded was its “absolutely inappropriate” 2012 targeting of the organizations. According to the newly obtained documents, Lerner met with top Obama DOJ Election Crimes Branch officials as early as October 2010. The new documents were obtained through a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the DOJ on July 21, 2014 (Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice (No. 14-cv-01239)), after the agency failed to respond to an April 21, 2014, FOIA request seeking: Any and all records concerning meetings and/or communications between the Department of Justice Criminal Division Public Integrity Section and the Internal Revenue Service Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, the White House, Members of Congress and/or congressional staff, and any non-government entity, regarding 501©(4) or other tax-exempt organizations. As result of a court order, the DOJ last month produced only two pages of heavily redacted emails (832 pages were withheld in entirety) that show the Obama Justice Department initiated an October 8, 2010, meeting between the IRS and top criminal prosecutors at the DOJ Public Integrity Section and Election Crimes Division “concerning 501©(4) issues.” On September 29, 2010, a DOJ official (whose name is blacked out) emailed a staff assistant at the IRS (whose name is also redacted): As we discussed this afternoon, we would like to invite Ms. Ingram [apparent reference to Sarah Hall Ingram former commissioner, IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities] to meet with us concerning 501©(4) issues, and propose next Friday at 10:00 a.m. We are located in the Bond Building, 12th Floor, New York Avenue, NW, Thank you for your assistance. Bull sh** just complete Bull sh**
3rdnlng Posted December 10, 2014 Posted December 10, 2014 Bull sh** just complete Bull sh** You can't get away with that schit here. Explain why internal Justice Department memos are complete bullschit. If you can't or won't, just go away so that you are not wasting space and breathing our air.
/dev/null Posted December 10, 2014 Posted December 10, 2014 You can't get away with that schit here. Explain why internal Justice Department memos are complete bullschit. If you can't or won't, just go away so that you are not wasting space and breathing our air. Because BushCheneyPalinRomneysHorseYoureARacistTeabaggerLalalalaICantHearYou
/dev/null Posted December 11, 2014 Posted December 11, 2014 I've come to the conclusion that the wrong GOP is investigating this mess. The Grand Ol Party should ask the Guardians of Peace to do to the IRS what they done to Sony.
Gary M Posted December 12, 2014 Posted December 12, 2014 Bull sh** just complete Bull sh** More stuff you won't like here:
Chef Jim Posted December 12, 2014 Posted December 12, 2014 Bull sh** just complete Bull sh** You're right, it is bull ****. Finally you're getting pissed off at your government.
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