DC Tom Posted August 12, 2014 Posted August 12, 2014 Well, maybe they will do a better job next time Just so we're clear: when the IRS breaks the law under a Republican president, you're going to be okay with that, too?
IDBillzFan Posted August 12, 2014 Posted August 12, 2014 We know the IRS acted inappropriately because the admitted to it at the beginning of the whole fiasco. Two things you never see together: facts and statists.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted August 12, 2014 Posted August 12, 2014 Just so we're clear: when the IRS breaks the law under a Republican president, you're going to be okay with that, too? If they lost some emails while checking whether a Tea Party Groups/Civil Rights Group was a political organization--They are--I'd say, well, if they did something wrong surely their would be more evidence than just some emails. No matter what happens, there needs to be proof
DC Tom Posted August 12, 2014 Posted August 12, 2014 If they lost some emails while checking whether a Tea Party Groups/Civil Rights Group was a political organization--They are--I'd say, well, if they did something wrong surely their would be more evidence than just some emails. No matter what happens, there needs to be proof So when the IRS breaks the law under a Republican president, you're okay with that.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted August 12, 2014 Posted August 12, 2014 So when the IRS breaks the law under a Republican president, you're okay with that. In not backing up the emails...forgivable, but make sure it doesn't happen again In something else like picking on people...if you can prove it prosecute
IDBillzFan Posted August 12, 2014 Posted August 12, 2014 there needs to be proof You need more proof beyond the IRS literally admitting they singled out political opposition to silence them through illegal actions? Really? How the hell do you not get hit by a car every day?
B-Man Posted August 12, 2014 Posted August 12, 2014 and the false scandal continues (Day 446) IRS Admits to Targeting Conservative Groups in 2012 Election (May 10, 2013) Sharyll Attkisson’s Impressive Account of How Watergate Would Play Out in Obama Era: More Lost Emails — When Will Democrats Have Enough? Stonewaller-in-Chief: We’re Transparent, but Don’t Ask For Any Documents, Says the Obama White House Justice's IRS Connection: The Lawyer Who Had Tax-exempt Cases Coming and Going: IRS Officials Don't Recall Physical Damage to Lerner's Hard Drive
DC Tom Posted August 12, 2014 Posted August 12, 2014 In not backing up the emails...forgivable, but make sure it doesn't happen again Like I said...you'd be okay with Republicans violating federal law, then.
TakeYouToTasker Posted August 12, 2014 Posted August 12, 2014 Like I said...you'd be okay with Republicans violating federal law, then. More to the point, would he be OK with a private sector entity doing the same thing? Let's say Charles and David Koch privately owned a major finance house, and were subject to federal record keeping regulations through that business involvment, and were being investigated for perpetrating systemic illegal campaign contributions throughout their organization; and congress subpoenaed their institutional emails. Should they get a pass if they didn't comply with the archiving mandates, and broke federal law?
IDBillzFan Posted August 12, 2014 Posted August 12, 2014 Like I said...you'd be okay with Republicans violating federal law, then. Well, no. You'd have to blame the Republicans for violating federal law. You see, the first person simply made a mistake. If a Republican makes the same mistake after a Democratic made it once, then it's not acceptable because they should have learned from the mistakes made by the Democratic president. Now, if another Democratic president makes the same mistake, then that's okay because, really, how were they were they supposed to know what happened if the email telling them what happened got lost and was never backed up? Jeez, it's like I'm the only one who understands gatorman's logic.
B-Man Posted August 15, 2014 Posted August 15, 2014 Insufficient IRS answers have made a Judge really, really angry. Judge launches special inquiry into missing IRS emails and Lerner hard drive Judicial Watch has sued over missing IRS emails in the federal district court in D.C., pursuant to its FOIA request for such documents. The IRS was ordered to provide explanations as to missing emails, particularly Lois Lerner. The IRS provided explanations, but those were not good enough for the Judge, who launched his own inquiry into the matter {snip} In an extraordinary step, U. S. District Court Judge Emmett Sullivan has launched an independent inquiry into the issue of the missing emails associated with former IRS official Lois Lerner. Previously, Judge Sullivan ordered the IRS to produce sworn declarations about the IRS email issue by August 11. Today’s order confirms Judicial Watch’s read of this week’s IRS’ filings that treated as a joke Judge Sullivan’s order. Judge Sullivan, in his earlier ruling, appointed Magistrate Judge John M. Facciola to manage and assist in discussions between Judicial Watch and the IRS about how to obtain any missing records from other sources. Magistrate Facciola is an expert in e-discovery, and authorized Judicial Watch to submit a request for limited discovery into the missing IRS records after September 10. More at link:
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted August 15, 2014 Posted August 15, 2014 More to the point, would he be OK with a private sector entity doing the same thing? Let's say Charles and David Koch privately owned a major finance house, and were subject to federal record keeping regulations through that business involvment, and were being investigated for perpetrating systemic illegal campaign contributions throughout their organization; and congress subpoenaed their institutional emails. Should they get a pass if they didn't comply with the archiving mandates, and broke federal law? I'm sure I'd just break down and cry if they got away with it The IRS has been able to retrieve about 24,000 of Lerner’s emails sent to other IRS employees by recovering them from other agents who received, sent or were copied on the emails. However, Koskinen has acknowledged that the IRS wouldn’t be able to find emails Lerner sent outside the agency. Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/06/irs-lois-lerner-emails-108044.html#ixzz3AUMPvWre That's not enough??? They have all these and found nothing.
3rdnlng Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/backups-for-missing-lois-lerner-irs-emails/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=082514 (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced the following developments in the IRS’ missing emails investigation. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated: Department of Justice attorneys for the Internal Revenue Service told Judicial Watch on Friday that Lois Lerner’s emails, indeed all government computer records, are backed up by the federal government in case of a government-wide catastrophe. The Obama administration attorneys said that this back-up system would be too onerous to search. The DOJ attorneys also acknowledged that the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) is investigating this back-up system. We obviously disagree that disclosing the emails as required would be onerous, and plan to raise this new development with Judge Sullivan. This is a jaw-dropping revelation. The Obama administration had been lying to the American people about Lois Lerner’s missing emails. There are no “missing” Lois Lerner emails – nor missing emails of any of the other top IRS or other government officials whose emails seem to be disappearing at increasingly alarming rate. All the focus on missing hard drives has been a diversion. The Obama administration has known all along where the email records could be – but dishonestly withheld this information. You can bet we are going to ask the court for immediate assistance in cutting through this massive obstruction of justice. Here is the second set of sworn declarations by IRS officials in response to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan’s investigation into the missing emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials. The declarations were provided after close of business on Friday, August 22. The first meeting was held this afternoon by Magistrate Judge John M. Facciola, who was appointed by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan to manage and assist in discussions between Judicial Watch and the IRS about how to obtain any missing records which have been the subject of longstanding Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. IRS (No. 1:13-cv-1559)). Judge Sullivan has encouraged Judicial Watch to submit a request for limited discovery into the missing IRS records after September 10. Sign Up for Updates! Read more about DOJ, IRS, IRS Scandal, lois lerner
DC Tom Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 http://www.judicialw...campaign=082514 (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced the following developments in the IRS’ missing emails investigation. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated: Department of Justice attorneys for the Internal Revenue Service told Judicial Watch on Friday that Lois Lerner’s emails, indeed all government computer records, are backed up by the federal government in case of a government-wide catastrophe. The Obama administration attorneys said that this back-up system would be too onerous to search. The DOJ attorneys also acknowledged that the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) is investigating this back-up system. We obviously disagree that disclosing the emails as required would be onerous, and plan to raise this new development with Judge Sullivan. This is a jaw-dropping revelation. The Obama administration had been lying to the American people about Lois Lerner’s missing emails. There are no “missing” Lois Lerner emails – nor missing emails of any of the other top IRS or other government officials whose emails seem to be disappearing at increasingly alarming rate. Technically, if Congress subpoenaed Lerner for her emails, and she couldn't provide them because she lost them, the administration hasn't been lying. The person under subpoena couldn't answer the subpoena. The fact that someone else could who wasn't subpoenaed. Sure, it would be hiding behind the letter of the law...but doing so rather effectively. And if Judicial Watch is only figuring out NOW that the government keeps off-site backups, they're very, VERY stupid.
3rdnlng Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 Technically, if Congress subpoenaed Lerner for her emails, and she couldn't provide them because she lost them, the administration hasn't been lying. The person under subpoena couldn't answer the subpoena. The fact that someone else could who wasn't subpoenaed. Sure, it would be hiding behind the letter of the law...but doing so rather effectively. And if Judicial Watch is only figuring out NOW that the government keeps off-site backups, they're very, VERY stupid. Judicial Watch has been the Bulldog here. They are not letting go. They're building a case that this administration won't be able to refute.
IDBillzFan Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 I'm sure I'd just break down and cry if they got away with it A true knob-gobbling statist like yourself would never be happy until everyone feared the government. When everyone fears the government, only then will the government finally be able to run everything the people are too stupid to run. Such a good little knob-gobbling statist you are.
Doc Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 Technically, if Congress subpoenaed Lerner for her emails, and she couldn't provide them because she lost them, the administration hasn't been lying. The person under subpoena couldn't answer the subpoena. The fact that someone else could who wasn't subpoenaed. Sure, it would be hiding behind the letter of the law...but doing so rather effectively. And if Judicial Watch is only figuring out NOW that the government keeps off-site backups, they're very, VERY stupid. I'm sure they knew, but everyone was being told that the backups were gone as well.
B-Man Posted August 27, 2014 Posted August 27, 2014 Will’s Take: The IRS is ‘Off the Rails and it is Now Thoroughly Corrupted’ On Tuesday’s Special Report, George Will reacted to the revelation that the IRS destroyed Lois Lerner’s Blackberry after the congressional investigation had begun without searching the smartphone. Will said he could hardly wait for IRS lawyers to show up in court and tell the judge it would be too onerous to stop obstructing justice in this case. “The IRS is the most intrusive and potentially punitive institution of the federal government and it is a law enforcement institution and it is off the rails and it is now thoroughly corrupted,” Will said. “And people are saying, “Well, the Justice Department can take care of this.” There’s a reason why Jack Kennedy had his brother [be] Attorney General. There’s a reason why Richard Nixon had his campaign manager, John Mitchell, [be] Attorney General. It’s an inherently political office and it can’t be trusted in cases like this.” Following up on Will’s comments, Charles Krauthammer added, “obstruction of justice [by the IRS] would be a major scandal even exceeding the original offense.”
Koko78 Posted August 27, 2014 Posted August 27, 2014 Will’s Take: The IRS is ‘Off the Rails and it is Now Thoroughly Corrupted’ On Tuesday’s Special Report, George Will reacted to the revelation that the IRS destroyed Lois Lerner’s Blackberry after the congressional investigation had begun without searching the smartphone. Will said he could hardly wait for IRS lawyers to show up in court and tell the judge it would be too onerous to stop obstructing justice in this case. “The IRS is the most intrusive and potentially punitive institution of the federal government and it is a law enforcement institution and it is off the rails and it is now thoroughly corrupted,” Will said. “And people are saying, “Well, the Justice Department can take care of this.” There’s a reason why Jack Kennedy had his brother [be] Attorney General. There’s a reason why Richard Nixon had his campaign manager, John Mitchell, [be] Attorney General. It’s an inherently political office and it can’t be trusted in cases like this.” Following up on Will’s comments, Charles Krauthammer added, “obstruction of justice [by the IRS] would be a major scandal even exceeding the original offense.” Well I know two people who are going to be audited very soon...
B-Man Posted August 28, 2014 Posted August 28, 2014 (edited) NEW YORK POST: IRS back-up baloney. Some 15 months after Americans learned about the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups, we still have no clue how such an abuse was allowed to happen. And every day, the story only gets murkier. This week, for instance, a government watchdog group, Judicial Watch, said administration officials admitted that all the “missing” e-mails belonging to Lois Lerner (the woman at the heart of the scandal) had been backed up after all — as part of a practice to back up all the government’s e-mails. No government official had said anything like that before. As House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., describes it, these reports are another part of “what’s emerging to be just an amazing sequence of cover-up, delay, denial. ” An administration official later denied it had said anything new to Judicial Watch and claimed the group was mischaracterizing the facts. The problem for Americans is that the government’s story has always seemed incredible — so why believe anything it says now? There’s more: According to a sworn declaration, Lerner had two Blackberries, one of which contained all of the e-mails that would have been sent to her crashed computer. But that Blackberry “was removed or wiped clean of any sensitive or proprietary information and removed as scrap for disposal in June 2012” — even after the hard drive “crash” and months after an initial congressional inquiry. How did that happen? Not by accident. . Will IRS’s Strategy of Destroying Evidence Pay Off? Edited August 28, 2014 by B-Man
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