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Ha! Good one... EiL Decoder Ring.... LoL


Unfortunately, one doesn't exist so you can't take the lazy way out. I am trying to get Wham-O to make one, but my Asian supply chain is not all there. You are a money man, think I can keep the price point below $19.95? God forbid the unwashed masses get priced out of the market, I'd have to communicate with them myself. LoL a pretty complicated device no doubt!




Your emails must give the NSA fits...

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Your emails must give the NSA fits...


:lol: "it makes absolutely no sense! It must be a secret al qaeda code."


:lol: "it makes absolutely no sense! It must be a secret al qaeda code."


"I don't know what this cipher is! It's resistant to every cryptographic attack I know! I can't even figure out what language it is!"


Ha! Good one... EiL Decoder Ring.... LoL


Unfortunately, one doesn't exist so you can't take the lazy way out. I am trying to get Wham-O to make one, but my Asian supply chain is not all there. You are a money man, think I can keep the price point below $19.95? God forbid the unwashed masses get priced out of the market, I'd have to communicate with them myself. LoL a pretty complicated device no doubt!




Mommy eats the peas on Monday!


IRS: Shame and Loathing on the Media Trail

by Roger L.Simon


A number of smart people, among them Peter Wehner, Mark Halperin and John Hinderaker, have been pointing out the unfortunately predictable silence of the mainstream media regarding the IRS scandal — not to mention the myriad other Obama scandals that we will soon be counting on three, or is it four, hands.


The front page of Tuesday’s New York Times made no mention of the congressional hearings on the missing Lois Lerner emails and putative computer crash; the networks were a virtual silence of the not-so-lambs. (Remember how they obsessed on the Christie/GW Bridge contretemps as if it were the beginning of nuclear war?)


The conventional explanation for this willful blindness cited by the above mentioned gentlemen is that the media is in the tank for the Democratic Party and, by extension, for Obama. Well, sure. But it is far more than that. Political parties and politicians come and go. The media doesn’t. They may be in the tank for Obama, but much more than that they are in the tank for themselves — a whole lifestyle and world view that has been going on for decades, moral narcissism distilled to its purest essence.


It is that world view and lifestyle that is under threat in the debacle that is the Obama

administration. This world view, promulgating supposedly altruistic values, but actually stemming from a profound need to be thought of as good for their beliefs irrespective of results of those beliefs, is in a precarious position as never before. The disintegration of a politician or a political party is bad enough. Far worse is the disintegration of a personality, the disintegration of the self. That is intolerable.


The real reason these media folks cannot face reality is that to do so would mean to see their very persons, everything they have ever stood for, or thought they stood for, or pretended to themselves they stood for, dissolving in a puddle like the Wicked Witch of the West.


Obama is beside the point. They don’t even like Obama anymore. Nothing could be more obvious. Almost nobody does. But they won’t say so in public because that would mean that they would be revealed as fools who believed the most banal tripe imaginable. It would also mean admitting Barack Obama never really existed, that they invented him. He was their projection. Barack Obama is the creation of the New York Times, et al. Without them he would never have happened and they know it.


So the media are left in an untenable position. If you say Barack Obama is a mistake, then you yourself are a mistake. Who wants that?


No wonder they won’t investigate the scandals. No wonder they won’t report any of this. They are too ashamed of themselves to speak.


The heroes of Watergate are no more, if they ever were. (That was always basically a chimera.) The myth of the crusading investigative reporter is not only dead, it’s decomposed. In the disintegration of the Obama administration, the end of the mainstream media is not collateral damage, it is the core damage.


That is already evident in the response to the IRS scandal. It is metastasizing rapidly despite the near blackout by the MSM. In one recent poll 63 percent of Democratsthink the IRS intentionally destroyed the emails. Democrats. How’d they find that out? Not from the New York Times.


Get ready for endless tantrums of many sorts. When moral narcissism of the level we have been experiencing breaks down, anything can happen. The media will do almost anything to preserve their fragile selves. Evasion, distraction and outright lies will be continuous and may reach unprecedented levels.


The mainstream media has been in trouble for years, but their silence about the ills of the Obama administration has finished them off as never before. They will stumble on, but from here on in they will be, as was said of the U.S. during the Vietnam era, a “pitiful, helpless giant.”


Why doesn't Congress just ask the NSA for the emails?


Check a few pages above - I believe a congresscritter did subpoena NSA for that.


Ok I'm a technodolt but if the IRS truely deletes their emails doesn't she still have them on her hard drive?


they claim that her hard drive crashed and was subsequently recycled.


they claim that her hard drive crashed and was subsequently recycled.


Koskinen testified the other day that experts tried to recover data from her drive but they had found bad sectors on the drive and were unable to recover any data. This is utter BS as you can recover data from a drive with bad sectors easily using some rather ordinary utilities. You won't get it all but probably a large majority of it can be recovered in a few hours.


Now who out there if they had a work hard drive fail doesn't ask the IT people to restore their email, contacts, etc onto the new hard drive when the computer is fixed? Most people these days would go batshit if their hard drive failed and then found out that IT couldn't or wouldn't restore all of the files.


Koskinen testified the other day that experts tried to recover data from her drive but they had found bad sectors on the drive and were unable to recover any data. This is utter BS as you can recover data from a drive with bad sectors easily using some rather ordinary utilities. You won't get it all but probably a large majority of it can be recovered in a few hours.


Seriously? :lol:


I do that for people. It's so simple, my price is usually "buy me lunch."




Ok, I remember that now. How convenient.


indeed. I believe that's the same explanation they're giving for the other six employees whose email records have vanished.


indeed. I believe that's the same explanation they're giving for the other six employees whose email records have vanished.


I want to find the exact text of the explanation they sent to Congress, so I can send that in in lieu of a 1040 next April.

Posted (edited)

indeed. I believe that's the same explanation they're giving for the other six employees whose email records have vanished.


What a bunch of BS. I imagine many of her emails had multiple cc's on them.


When it was discovered there were 18 minutes of missing recordings from the Watergate tapes the media went nuts. This? <chirp,chirp>

Edited by Chef Jim

What a bunch of BS. I imagine many of her emails had multiple cc's on them.


When it was discovered there were 18 minutes of missing recordings from the Watergate tapes the media when nuts. This? <chirp,chirp>


Lerner's emails disappeared. But they only asked for Lerner's. The cc's weren't subpoenaed. Odds are if Congress does get around to broadening their subpoenas and asking for more, the IRS is just going to bury them with archives and let them sort it out. That's how the game is played.


And it doesn't even come from the White House. The SES and appointees don't need to run this sort of thing up the chain. No presidential involvement needed.

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