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Gosh, you'd think we were there now, at the point the media would drop an avalanche on him. They've got a lot of material to work with right now on not only the IRS thing but so many other issues. As much bad policy and practice as I can ever recall in my lifetime yet the majority of the media remains silent. I think Obama would have to be involved in a sex scandal before the media would bring him down. Not because that's any worse than what's going on now but because it would sell.


You don't need a sex scandal. You just need the mid-terms to pass.


Case in point, here's our president, focused like a laser on the things that matter to Americans.

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You don't need a sex scandal. You just need the mid-terms to pass.


Case in point, here's our president, focused like a laser on the things that matter to Americans.


I wonder what the unintended consequences are of forcing companies to give paid maternity leave? Seems like just more of Obama's war on women thingy.


From Obama, to Carney, to Miller, to Lerner, to Koskinen...they all have that smirk as if they to say "Are you kidding? You can't touch me. We have the police and the media bought off so go run along now before you hurt yourself kid."


When you have a situation in which IRS employees are in a federal union and would therefore obviously be beholden and loyal soldiers to keeping democrats in power to protect their interests, and then you add in 6 years of a chicago-style, anything goes, corrupt administration... this is what you get. I read somewhere that the BOLO came out the day after the head of the IRS union visited the White House. Oh geez, would you look at that, another one of those silly coincidences.


I just hope that one day one of these smug people gets the smirk wiped off their face. Ironically, it will probably come from the testimony of one of the little guys who have no stake in the battle of left vs right.


Little guys don't have money. What's the IRS taking up the practice of getting blood out of turnip.


Don't worry people, you got nothing to worry about... Move along to the next scandal.


I don't get it.


I don't get it.


Exiled is like your batschit crazy Uncle Joe Biden, sleeping snoringly on the old mustard-colored Barco lounger, only to occasionally pop his head up, yell something incoherent like "Mommy eats the peas on Monday!" before passing out again.




I don't get it.


Try the triple crown thread. You may find the EiI decoder ring in that beauty.


Posted (edited)

From Obama, to Carney, to Miller, to Lerner, to Koskinen...they all have that smirk as if they to say "Are you kidding? You can't touch me. We have the police and the media bought off so go run along now before you hurt yourself kid."


When you have a situation in which IRS employees are in a federal union and would therefore obviously be beholden and loyal soldiers to keeping democrats in power to protect their interests, and then you add in 6 years of a chicago-style, anything goes, corrupt administration... this is what you get. I read somewhere that the BOLO came out the day after the head of the IRS union visited the White House. Oh geez, would you look at that, another one of those silly coincidences.


I just hope that one day one of these smug people gets the smirk wiped off their face. Ironically, it will probably come from the testimony of one of the little guys who have no stake in the battle of left vs right.

Um...you may want to scroll up about 3 posts from yours above, and watch the "Man Vs. Child" video. I'd say the IRS chief got the smirk slapped off his face. And, more than a few people would classify Gowdy as literally: "One of the little guys who has no stake in the battle of left vs. right".


Trey Gowdy is building credibility as fast as Hillary is losing it this week. :lol:


Also, I didn't see this posted IRS Archivist: IRS didn't follow law with lost emails.


Relevant quotes:

"Any agency is required to notify us when they realize they have a problem," David Ferriero, archivist of the U.S. during a House Oversight and Government Reform committee hearing.


"Federal agencies are responsible for preventing the unauthorized disposition of federal records, including their unlawful or accidental destruction, deletion, alteration, or removal from federal custody," he said. "When an agency becomes aware of an incident of unauthorized destruction, they must report the incident to us."


The National Archives and Records Administration did not learn about the lost records until earlier this month, Ferriero said.


Last time I checked: "not following the law" is cause for the IRS to take whatever shovel it wants to a taxpayer.


Thus, it's not even close to being inflammatory to ask: which shovel shall we take the IRS?


I would argue that it's time to haul out the Fair Tax concept. The best punishment for the IRS is making them irrelevant with the Fair Tax. This is the umteenth time the IRS has proven that it has too much power and abuses it routinely, and the excuse is always the complicated tax code.


Thus, the answer is simple: Remove the complicated tax code.

Edited by OCinBuffalo



I would argue that it's time to haul out the Fair Tax concept. The best punishment for the IRS is making them irrelevant with the Fair Tax. This is the umteenth time the IRS has proven that it has too much power and abuses it routinely, and the excuse is always the complicated tax code.




I've often said we should have a flatter tax code and actually charge people for the government they have (collect what you spend and that includes SS and Medicare) and then we'll have taxpayers take a greater interest in gov't spending and agencies such as the IRS.


I would argue that it's time to haul out the Fair Tax concept. The best punishment for the IRS is making them irrelevant with the Fair Tax. This is the umteenth time the IRS has proven that it has too much power and abuses it routinely, and the excuse is always the complicated tax code.


now that the IRS has those 16,000 additional agents to handle Obamacare, the IRS will be even more difficult to do away with, though I imagine that a national sales tax would completely eliminate the need for collectors and auditors. the IRS isn't doing themselves any PR favors in the current hearings, and being the bully insitution that they are, public sentiment for doing away with the agency is likely at an all-time high.

Posted (edited)

I've often said we should have a flatter tax code and actually charge people for the government they have (collect what you spend and that includes SS and Medicare) and then we'll have taxpayers take a greater interest in gov't spending and agencies such as the IRS.

The worst is: you're in the majority. Tons of people have often said the same as you. If we put this to poll, without any media build up prior? You're probably looking at 60-65% of Americans who support the Fair Tax concept. Of course, that poll also shows the same 15% who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, and yeah once again, the same 20% of the country who labors under the delusion that they are entitled to tell the other 80% how to live.


The trouble is you run into resistance from both sides of the aisle in Congress, due to a logical progression that only an unmitigated moron can't understand:


1. Congress has a lot to sell, when it has a complicated tax code.

2. Since they have something to sell, that can value in the billions depending on who you are, corporations, unions, trade associations, and everybody else that can afford a lobbyist, will line up to buy.

3. A Fair Tax takes away most of what Congress has to sell.

4. Thus, Congress will resist a Fair Tax, because they like having things to sell. Great way to raise campaign $.

5. If one wants to reduce corporate influence on politics(or government union influence, or Wall Street influence, or trial lawyer influence....because unless they are an ignorant assclown who doesn't get it, or, a hypocrite, they want ALL of these influences thrown out), then they MUST support the Fair Tax. Or, accept the now self-proven fact that they are a fascist hack. They aren't looking for better government for all. Rather, they are looking for selective, better government for them. That's not social justice. That's by-the-book fascism.

6. Forcing the Fair Tax upon the government, is the will of the vast majority of Ameicans, because it takes so much of what Congress has to sell: away.

7. Thus, if we are serious about undue influence in government, if we want to be known as a serious person, who wants better government and is tired of Big Something rigging the game, the only rational course forward is some variation of the Fair Tax.


See? A 7th grader can follow this logic, and probably has already had most of these words as spelling words. :lol:


The trouble? Unmitigated morons of course! :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo

IRS Admits Wrongdoing, To Pay $50,000 in Leaking of Marriage Group's Tax Return


Two years after activists for same-sex marriage obtained the confidential tax return and donor list of a national group opposed to redefining marriage, the Internal Revenue Service has admitted wrongdoing and agreed to settle the resulting lawsuit. The Daily Signal has learned that, under a consent judgment today, the IRS agreed to pay $50,000 in damages to the National Organization for Marriage as a result of the unlawful release of the confidential information to a gay rights group, the Human Rights Campaign, that is NOM’s chief political rival.




Original Article


Orange jumpsuits all around.


IRS Admits Wrongdoing, To Pay $50,000 in Leaking of Marriage Group's Tax Return


Two years after activists for same-sex marriage obtained the confidential tax return and donor list of a national group opposed to redefining marriage, the Internal Revenue Service has admitted wrongdoing and agreed to settle the resulting lawsuit. The Daily Signal has learned that, under a consent judgment today, the IRS agreed to pay $50,000 in damages to the National Organization for Marriage as a result of the unlawful release of the confidential information to a gay rights group, the Human Rights Campaign, that is NOM’s chief political rival.




Original Article


Orange jumpsuits all around.


The Daily Signal is seeking comment on the settlement from the IRS and Justice Department.


Update: At 5:28 p.m, IRS spokesman Bruce I. Friedland emailed: “Privacy law, specifically Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code, prohibits us from commenting.”


Yeah, well, privacy law prohibited you from releasing confidential information to begin with. Why let it stop you now?

2375_84984116216_633511216_2728356_7132856_n_bigger.jpgDavid Burge@iowahawkblog


Apparently, the leading cause of hard drive failures is subpoenas.






2375_84984116216_633511216_2728356_7132856_n_bigger.jpgDavid Burge@iowahawkblog


"I have documents that prove I'm not an arsonist, but they were destroyed in tomorrow's night's fire." - my audition for a government job





Posted (edited)



Try the triple crown thread. You may find the EiI decoder ring in that beauty.


Ha! Good one... EiL Decoder Ring.... LoL


Unfortunately, one doesn't exist so you can't take the lazy way out. I am trying to get Wham-O to make one, but my Asian supply chain is not all there. You are a money man, think I can keep the price point below $19.95? God forbid the unwashed masses get priced out of the market, I'd have to communicate with them myself. LoL a pretty complicated device no doubt!



Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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