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The NRA is not a social welfare group!


Are the fire dudes and welfare groups lobbying the government?


So you didn't read the article. Color me surprised.

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  • 5 months later...

It looks like it's time to dust off this old thread - anyone seen the IRS's latest tactic for stalling on handing over Lerner's emails?



"Attorneys from the Department of Justice representing the IRS say the emails won’t be shared because the service is making sure that none of them are duplicates."




It looks like it's time to dust off this old thread - anyone seen the IRS's latest tactic for stalling on handing over Lerner's emails?



"Attorneys from the Department of Justice representing the IRS say the emails won’t be shared because the service is making sure that none which are incriminating are released of them are duplicates."



Fox is incorrect but I fixed it.


Perish the thought that The Department of Redundancy Department would provide a single duplicate record. Man, that would bollox up the entire investigation, and they simply couldn't have THAT.

Posted (edited)






Remember these names: Geoffrey J. Klimas and Stephanie Sasarak. They are lawyers working for the Department of Justice who are representing the IRS, and they have just insulted the intelligence of the Washington, D.C. District Court and the American people by telling the Court that , as Patrick Howley writes in the Daily Caller:

the IRS received new Lerner emails from the Treasury Department’s inspector general (TIGTA) but can’t fork over the emails to Judicial Watch, a nonprofit group suing to get the emails. Why? Because the IRS is busy making sure that none of the emails are duplicates – you know, so as not to waste anyone’s time.

However, the inspector general already made sure that none of the emails were duplicates, so the IRS’ latest excuse falls flat.



Klimas and Sasarak admit in their court filing:

Prior to providing the Service with the approximately 6,400 forensically-recovered emails, TIGTA identified and removed emails which appear to be duplicates of those which the Service has already produced to the Congressional Committees or were duplicates of other recovered emails.




So there is absolutely no reason to delay disclosure of the e-mails. But the lawyers make up an insulting excuse – that they have to check for duplication with Lerner e-mails they don’t yet have:

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/06/irs_using_absurd_excuse_to_avoid_turning_over_newly_discovered_lois_lerner_emails.html#ixzz3dARBjCQL


Maybe we could just ask the Chinese to send them over. They seem to have everything else.


Edited by B-Man



Maybe we could just ask the Chinese to send them over. They seem to have everything else.



If not the Chinese, then I imagine the NSA could dig through their metadata.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Surprise, Surprise: Lois Lerner Had Friends in Wisconsin
It turns out that the vast left-wing conspiracy isn’t all that vast. From the Wall Street Journal:
Wisconsin’s campaign to investigate conservative tax-exempt groups has always seemed like an echo of the IRS’s scrutiny of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status. It turns out that may be more than a coincidence.
Former IRS tax-exempt director Lois Lerner ran the agency’s policy on conservative groups. Kevin Kennedy runs the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB) that helped prosecutors with their secret John Doe investigation of conservative groups after the 2011 and 2012 recall elections of Governor Scott Walker and state senators.
Emails we’ve seen show that between 2011 and 2013 the two were in contact on multiple occasions, sharing articles on topics including greater donor disclosure and Wisconsin’s recall elections. The emails indicate the two were also personal friends who met for dinner and kept in professional touch. “Are you available for the 25th?” Ms. Lerner wrote in January 2012. “If so, perhaps we could work two nights in a row.”
This timing is significant because those were the years when the IRS increased its harassment of conservative groups and Wisconsin prosecutors gathered information that would lead to the John Doe probe that officially opened in September 2012. Ms. Lerner’s lawyer declined comment. Mr. Kennedy said via email that “Ms. Lerner is a professional friend who I have known for more than 20 years” but declined further comment.
The Journal has been doing an outstanding job peeling the corrupt onion of Wisconsin’s astonishingly abusive “John Doe” investigations, and — given the similar objectives of the John Doe investigations and the IRS Tea Party targeting — these latest revelations are hardly shocking.
Both the IRS and the Wisconsin investigators were dead-set on reading confidential donor lists and determining exactly how conservative organizations communicate. The IRS sought its information through lawless and discriminatory document demands, while Wisconsin officials used the blunt instrument of predawn raids and electronic snooping that would make the NSA blush.


  • 2 weeks later...


Because Congress passed a "crummy law." Not like he never changed a law at the podium before.


And it's "not his fault." Okay...maybe, but IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, BECAUSE YOU'RE THE !@#$ING PRESIDENT! :wallbash:


Yes, but he's only president because we elected him president. It's not HIS fault people elected him president.


Perhaps birdog can explain it better to the president if he diagrams the logic. I hear that's what all the smart people are doing these days.



Yes, but he's only president because we elected him president. It's not HIS fault people elected him president.


Perhaps birdog can explain it better to the president if he diagrams the logic. I hear that's what all the smart people are doing these days.

He thinks degrees are some kind of measurement of intelligence.


So the Democrat Congress passed a "crummy law" because they knew Republicans were about to take over, and the IRS didn't have the money or personnel to do their jobs, before they were de-funded, which forced them to persecute conservative non-profit groups...


We can't call the Prez a liar because he said it on comedy central...

And how big a tool has Jon Stewart become?

  • 5 months later...
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