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OT - Where is the latest SEX thread


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If this is the 46 year old I might wonder if his clock is ticking...
Big Ben works like clockwork. So I don't think that's it. However, he's a widower, and his wife has only been gone for 15 months. He says he misses being married. Thanks Lime Green Couch.
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A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four young

> > mothers and their small children.

> >

> > "You all have obsessions," he observed.

> >

> > To the first mother, Mary, he said, "You are obsessed with eating.

> > You've even named your daughter Candy."

> >

> > He turned to the second Mom, Ann, "Your obsession is with money. Again

> > it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny."

> >

> > He turns to the third Mom, Joyce, "Your obsession is alcohol. This, too

> > manifests itself in your child's name, Brandy."

> >

> > At this point, the fourth mother, Kathy, gets up, takes her little boy

> > by the hand and whispers, "Come on Dick, we're leaving."

> >

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A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four young

> >  mothers and their small children.

> >

> >  "You all have obsessions," he observed.

> >

> >  To the first mother, Mary, he said, "You are obsessed with eating.

> >  You've even named your daughter Candy."

> >

> >  He turned to the second Mom, Ann, "Your obsession is with money. Again

> >  it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny."

> >

> >  He turns to the third Mom, Joyce, "Your obsession is alcohol. This, too

> >  manifests itself in your child's name, Brandy."

> >

> >  At this point, the fourth mother, Kathy, gets up, takes her little boy

> >  by the hand and whispers, "Come on Dick, we're leaving."

> >





kitty Galore from the James Bond movie must have had a lesbian for a mom...



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this thread still going...if so, i got another story from last night as to why i onyl got like 3 hrs of sleep and got to work over 2 hrs late...again...


Careful...you keep this up and that girl is going to get a wedding ring out of you. :devil:








The good thing is.....






























after the wedding you'll finally get some sleep and will start getting to work on time.


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this thread still going...if so, i got another story from last night as to why i onyl got like 3 hrs of sleep and got to work over 2 hrs late...again...


Do tell cap'n do tell!


Don't buy what aussie is selling either. I once knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy who still had frequent sex after marriage. There is hope!

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well, she went out partyin with some friends, so since i had to work today and she had no class, she was out late and i was asleep by 1230...i get a call at 3am from her telling me to unlock my front door...and its her...(keep in mind my house is 1/2 hr away from campus)...she decided that after a night of partying, she needed to come down and see me, still in all her club wear...needless to say, it was 630 before we got to sleep...which makes it 3 nights in a row now i have gotten less than 5 hrs of sleep...and shes been over all 3 nights...coincidence?...i tihnk not... :devil:

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Scientist have just concluded a 10 year study and have been able to pinpoint the one thing that reduces a woman’s sex drive by 90%  ---- wedding cake



That's funny but sometime a little cake goes a long way

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