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Mugshot of the Year Awards - Argue Your Case


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Perhaps this can be a repository for the absolute best mugshots. Maybe we can take a Vote at the end of the year. Please provide an explanation why your submission should win "Mugshot of the Year".



My Submission: Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you "Derrick Maynard". My client is not an animal. He is not a monster. Derrick Maynard is simply misunderstood.

When he threw the Wii controller at his wife's face, he was sharing the gameset with her because she was bellyaching about how she never gets a chance to play Wii Mario Cart. Should he be punished for this act of generosity. He did not intend to point the pellet gun at his wife...he was aiming at the 14" rat that was nibbling on a pork chop bone inside their kitchen...his wife was in the way. Look at my client....is this the type of man that should suffer through a prolonged jail sentence?? I submit that his marriage, and furthermore HIS FACE, is more punishment than any jail, prison or judge could ever impose. Have mercy.


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