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The game was called by Paul McGuire, who said with confidence: "That was an illegal forward pass" "This one is coming back"


Paul McGuire was a legend…never pulled punches…..also was a 1/2 closet Bills fan


I used to say forward lateral but I really think that MFer was on a perfectly straight line. We would have had a real shot that year too.


Agreed, if we're being objective (and not biased Bills fans), the ball does not go forward. Maybe 15 years from that date we can finally say we're back in the playoffs!


I have the pleasure of January 8th being my birthday and this happening the day I turned 28 in what was supposed to be a great birthday


I honestly could care less if it was a forward pass or not...someone still should have been there to tackle him



Seriously, why post this horror on here. Can't believe this is the last time we were in the playoffs :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


I remember that day...


I had to work, so couldn't watch the game live. It was before DVR...so I had the old VCR rolling, couldn't wait to get off work to watch it...I was the boss, so everybody was under orders to keep their mouths shut about the game...I had big plans... a case of good beer, making chicken wings...I was so pumped.


Then, just as I am leaving, this, uh developmentally challanged guy who was working for us, comes in for his evening shift and says "Hey man, congrats on your Bills" and high-fives me. I couldn't get mad at him (visibly), but inside I was seething... I couldn't believe I had gotten through the whole day avoiding the score, just to have it blown on my way out the door... it really took the wind out of my sailes...but "hell" I thought "at least we won...it would be much worse if we lost, to know ahead of time".


So, I get home, was pretty tired from a long day...I figured, what the hell, I already know the Bills won, I'll just take a nap for a couple hours, get up, and enjoy the victory... I get up after taking a slightly longer nap than I had intended...no work the next day..cool...still gonna drink some brews, cook up some wings, and watch the Bills kick some ass...


By the time I sit down to watch the game, it is about 10:30pm....I see my answering machine is blinking away, with 6 messages...I am going to ignore them til the game is over...I know the Bills won, but I have no idea the score, or how they won...so there is still some intrigue... I am watching, getting buzzed, feeling good, cuz no matter how things may look, I know, "nobody circles the wagons..."


Rob Johnson leads them down the field for the winning field goal, or so I thought...then, that abomination of a play happens...the forward lateral...I remember seeing Wade Phillips with that skeptical smile...he seemed sure it was an illeagal play, I know the Bills won, so I am not sweating it,.but the game was a little too close for comfort..I had convinced myself that the Bills defense was taking them to Super Bowl #5 (this time we're serious!), no whoop! Let them review it, take their time...we won! So as they are reviewing, I figure, safe to check my messages...first message, my brother with a "WTF!!! Wade Phillips needs to get his ass canned...it should have never come down to this...if Flutie was in there it would have been much different". That is my brother for ya...can't be happy even when they win...next message, my buddy Mitch "wow...what a way to lose...sorry about your Bills"


Just then, I start hearing the the Tennessee fans going ape-****...the Bills lost...how the !@#$ did that happen? I swore, and I swore loud....my girlfriend yells from the bedroom "what's wrong? You knew they lost, didn't you?"


Needless to say, watching the whole game, "knowing" that the Bills won the game, only to find out I had beem mis-informed, made it one of the cruelist Bills losses in my 42 year history (at that time 28 years) with the Bills....


It was one of my most gr


that's harsh, that employee deserves a beat down.


14 years ago today, I was fired for calling in sick to watch this game.


WTH, working for dolphins fans?


How sad is it that any film of a Bills playoff appearance looks antique. Wade benched the guy that got him there, the Bills have been cursed from that day forward. The Flutie Curse Continues, Doug were sorry we've been punished enough already.


Sorry guys...we're Bills fans, we are togher than that... we know it was a forward pass...


What really strikes me about this clip, even more that the result:


- Fourteen years to the day since our last playoff game, but I remember it like it was this past weekend...everyone of us over, say, 20 years old remembers where they were...


- Joe Theisman and Paul Maguire were ABC's "A-Team" not that long ago! :lol:


Actually, I don't think they were. I think the MNF crew was the A team and they were the espn Sunday night crew - ABC's B team.


I agreed with Maguire that it was coming back, but had to admit on replay that thing unbelievably was totally straight to the side.


The common denominator among the forward lateral, no goal, and wide right is: the Buffalo team screwed up. Sorry, all were bad calls, but all would not have been issues if the Buffalo players had done their jobs.


No goal. Hull was in a dangerous position just in front of Hasek. A Sabre, whose name I can't remember, could have knocked Hull over and eliminated the scoring opportunity, but instead tried to poke check the puck away. He dislodged the puck, causing Hull to lose control (and since his foot was in the crease should have invalidated the goal that followed) but he did NOT end the play.


Wide right. Of course Norwood missed the kick, but it was a tough kick on grass so he's only partly to blame. The Bills' defense played terribly throughout the game, probably hung over despite Marv Levy denying it. The Giants had two incredibly long drives made possible by inability to make basic tackles. The offense was great but was on the field for only about 20 minutes.


The Music City Miracle. If the Bills had stayed in their lanes and covered the kickoff properly, the pass back across the field wouldn't have worked. Yes, I agree it was an illegal forward pass, but if the Bills had done their job it wouldn't have mattered.

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