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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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While that may all be true, it literally linked to nothing.


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yes.............I know........................I read the article a few days ago............here............... m.washingtonpost.com ...



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fixed now but thanks. sure it's just the washington post. keep telling yourself that while you watch the ads roll out with exactly the wording they report.


Not surprisingly, you have confused the right's desire to repeal Obamacare with the right's desire to make repeal of Obamacare a mid-term strategy.


The right should have one mid-term strategy: sit down, shut up and let the WH continue to embarrass its party to new levels.

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Not surprisingly, you have confused the right's desire to repeal Obamacare with the right's desire to make repeal of Obamacare a mid-term strategy.


The right should have one mid-term strategy: sit down, shut up and let the WH continue to embarrass its party to new levels.

shut up would mean not airing ads that explicitly state that the goal is to fix the aca wouldn't it?
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"Republican candidates have begun to retreat in recent weeks from their all-out assault on the Affordable Care Act in favor of a more piecemeal approach, suggesting they would preserve some aspects of the law while jettisoning others.


The changing tactics signal that the health-care law — while still unpopular with voters overall — may no longer be the lone rallying cry for Republicans seeking to defeat Democrats in this year’s midterm elections."




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It's actually very smart of the Repubs to say they'd keep the stuff people like in Obamacaid and dump the rest. To say otherwise is silly.


Exactly right.


but the WaPo, and others, would rather that we interpret this as some sort of retreat ......... a split in the GOP

while the dems continue to run away from their titular 'leader' and fall further from the mainstream



November is coming.........................








Edited by B-Man
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It's actually very smart of the Repubs to say they'd keep the stuff people like in Obamacaid and dump the rest. To say otherwise is silly.

seems to take them a very long time to learn that lesson http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/01/house-republicans-obamacare-repeal-votes-102911.html#.U4u0axYsthA. what was the excuse last election cycle?
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If you said "white" he would say "black" and if you said "cold", he would say "hot". It's his contrarian nature.

The headline.


The story says otherwise. But is anyone surprised he didn't read the story?

Even if the story actually said they were backing off from repeal, why would/should anyone believe it?

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People only saw the good stuff in when election time rolled around in 2012. Now they've seen the rollout, the premiums, and the access issues.


I don't know if we've seen the premiums completely yet. At our renewal time last July we were offered a renewal through the end of 2014 instead of just 1 year and we took that option at a modest increase (about 20% increase, modest my ass). We won't see rates for a plan that meets the new HHS requirements until very late this year. Possibly after the election, so there must be something in the law or one of Obama;s executive orders that allowed for this to happen. If others did something similar then there will be a big point of pain at the end of this year.

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I don't know if we've seen the premiums completely yet. At our renewal time last July we were offered a renewal through the end of 2014 instead of just 1 year and we took that option at a modest increase (about 20% increase, modest my ass). We won't see rates for a plan that meets the new HHS requirements until very late this year. Possibly after the election, so there must be something in the law or one of Obama;s executive orders that allowed for this to happen. If others did something similar then there will be a big point of pain at the end of this year.


Obama has made a lot of moves that hides things until after the election. If he expected the news to be good, do you think he'd do that?

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It's actually very smart of the Repubs to say they'd keep the stuff people like in Obamacaid and dump the rest. To say otherwise is silly.

uhh, wait...."who said anything about backing off repeal". you clowns are so biased you can't even admit when you've contradicted yourselves in the same thread.
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uhh, wait...."who said anything about backing off repeal". you clowns are so biased you can't even admit when you've contradicted yourselves in the same thread.


since I haven't weighed-in on this in particular, I'll do so now: my belief is that the 'establishment' republicans are fine with keeping the ACA so that they can change/tweak it to suit both their philosophy and their own ends. they're not anti-big government....they're pro-big government as long as they're the ones calling the shots. the TEA party republicans are different - they're completely against the ACA for it's governmental intrusion, cost, and its perceived/predicted disruption of the medical and insurance industries.


I think you'll find that to be consistent with any of my previous comments on the subject.

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uhh, wait...."who said anything about backing off repeal". you clowns are so biased you can't even admit when you've contradicted yourselves in the same thread.

The Repubs have admitted there are some good things in Obamacaid which they'd (like to) keep, or at least implement in a new plan, so "full repeal" was never a goal. But my point was that even if they said "we are backing off on full repeal," you can't trust them as far as you can thrown them. They'll say whatever they think people want to hear.

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The Repubs have admitted there are some good things in Obamacaid which they'd (like to) keep, or at least implement in a new plan, so "full repeal" was never a goal. But my point was that even if they said "we are backing off on full repeal," you can't trust them as far as you can thrown them. They'll say whatever they think people want to hear.

full repeal was a goal. 48 times it was a goal. see my politico link. i don't trust any of them but it's gonna be difficult to run on "fix" and then vote to repeal.


since I haven't weighed-in on this in particular, I'll do so now: my belief is that the 'establishment' republicans are fine with keeping the ACA so that they can change/tweak it to suit both their philosophy and their own ends. they're not anti-big government....they're pro-big government as long as they're the ones calling the shots. the TEA party republicans are different - they're completely against the ACA for it's governmental intrusion, cost, and its perceived/predicted disruption of the medical and insurance industries.


I think you'll find that to be consistent with any of my previous comments on the subject.

absolutely. and the tea party is being left on the dock right now. we'll see what develops but it appears the ship has sailed.
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