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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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No, not yet. And she's met many here so that's a little bit too dark. Catch me in a good mood and I'll post another random of mine.


She is amazing but the mesh wasn't right right now. We still hang out and talk, but not like before or often. There is a small chance we get back together but I don't hold my breath for anyone.


Sorry Bud.

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The mutual lies of Obamacare


During last year’s budget negotiations, Senate and House Republicans warned that many Obamacare enrollees would provide false information about their income in order to obtain subsidies to which they are not entitled. In response, HHS Secretary Sebelius (remember her?) promised to put in place a system through which the government would thoroughly vet the salary information submitted by applicants for coverage. That promise was a predicate — or if you’re cynical like me, a fig leaf — for the bargain Congress reached.


Consider Sebelius’ promise another lie of Obamacare. According to the Washington Post, hundreds of thousands of Americans are likely receiving bigger Obamacare subsidies than they deserve because they submitted incorrect salary information which the government did not properly vet before awarding subsidies.


It was assumed, surely, that the vetting system promised by Sebelius would be fully computerized. But the administration had enough trouble getting its Obamacare computer system up and running at all. It still lacks the ability to use computers to resolve inconsistencies between the information submitted by applicants and IRS records.


Thus, when the government finally turns to this task, it will do so by hand. That work is not expected to begin until “sometime this summer,” according to the Post.


The number of “inconsistencies” in the information supplied by Obamacare applicants is believed to be massive. The Post reports that internal documents suggest that more than 3 million of the 5.5 million enrolled in the federal insurance exchange have at least one inconsistency. Between 1.1 and 1.5 million inconsistencies are believed to involve income discrepancies.



Edited by B-Man
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Yes if by short term you mean 500 years.


We are just about out of two idiotic wars and an economy once in shambles is relatively stable. Obamacare has not been nearly as bad as predicted mostly due to limited participation. The Mideast is as much a mess as ever. Debt and SS are ignored as ever.


Obama is bottom half but not nearly as bad as W, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Harding, Coolidge, Grant...all of them far ahead of Obama. W is probably the worst ever.

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We are just about out of two idiotic wars and an economy once in shambles is relatively stable. Obamacare has not been nearly as bad as predicted mostly due to limited participation. The Mideast is as much a mess as ever. Debt and SS are ignored as ever.


Obama is bottom half but not nearly as bad as W, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Harding, Coolidge, Grant...all of them far ahead of Obama. W is probably the worst ever.


You're an idiot and a !@#$ing moron. In case you don't get it, you are not an intelligent and erudite poster.

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We are just about out of two idiotic wars and an economy once in shambles is relatively stable. Obamacare has not been nearly as bad as predicted mostly due to limited participation. The Mideast is as much a mess as ever. Debt and SS are ignored as ever.


Obama is bottom half but not nearly as bad as W, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Harding, Coolidge, Grant...all of them far ahead of Obama. W is probably the worst ever.


If Obama was a white man, he'd be universally regarded as far and away the most embarrassing president this country has ever had, and considering he still has a few years left, that's quite an accomplishment.


On the other hand, if Obama was a white man, he wouldn't be president in the first place.


But make no mistake, in due time, his ego-manical thin-skinned foolishness will be exposed for all to see him as the embarrassing idiot that he has already become to those who don't judge people by the color of their skin.

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If Obama was a white man, he'd be universally regarded as far and away the most embarrassing president this country has ever had, and considering he still has a few years left, that's quite an accomplishment.


On the other hand, if Obama was a white man, he wouldn't be president in the first place.


But make no mistake, in due time, his ego-manical thin-skinned foolishness will be exposed for all to see him as the embarrassing idiot that he has already become to those who don't judge people by the color of their skin.


George W wasn't our best, but shouldn't be considered in the same paragraph with Obama.

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We are just about out of two idiotic wars and an economy once in shambles is relatively stable. Obamacare has not been nearly as bad as predicted mostly due to limited participation. The Mideast is as much a mess as ever. Debt and SS are ignored as ever.


Obama is bottom half but not nearly as bad as W, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Harding, Coolidge, Grant...all of them far ahead of Obama. W is probably the worst ever.


I have to question anyone who refers to the invasion of Afghanistan as "idiotic."

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I have to question anyone who refers to the invasion of Afghanistan as "idiotic."


That avoids the issue of Obama being the worst president ever but staying on topic is not what this board has ever been about.


Does the success justify the expense?


Will there be long term positive results because we unseated the Taliban and disrupted the C&C of AQ?


Is Pakistan now a mollified "good guy"?


Accomplishing a goal doesn't make it worthwhile.


George W wasn't our best, but shouldn't be considered in the same paragraph with Obama.


"Wasn't our best." Yeah, no he wasn't. Easily top 5 worst though. Even if you think Afghanistan was a good idea, Iraq surely wasn't and it created a PR debacle.


If Obama was a white man, he'd be universally regarded as far and away the most embarrassing president this country has ever had, and considering he still has a few years left, that's quite an accomplishment.


On the other hand, if Obama was a white man, he wouldn't be president in the first place.


But make no mistake, in due time, his ego-manical thin-skinned foolishness will be exposed for all to see him as the embarrassing idiot that he has already become to those who don't judge people by the color of their skin.


This isn't a black and white issue. Obama is a bad president. That's inarguable. But he's more in the range of embarrassingly ineffective and a terrible leader than actively damaging. If Benghazi is one of his top 5 failures, it's bad but not catastrophic. The ACA is the pinnacle of his evil and as time passes, it's really not that big of a deal despite B-Man's daily Chicken Little posts.


Bush was actively bad at everything: he spent like a drunken sailor, got us into two wars--only one justifiable, held no one accountable for financial crisis that occurred on his watch, was an international relations buffoon. I loved his father as president but I can't remember a redeeming quality about him as president.

Edited by John Adams
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This isn't a black and white issue. Obama is a bad president. That's inarguable. But he's more in the range of embarrassingly ineffective and a terrible leader than actively damaging. If Benghazi is one of his top 5 failures, it's bad but not catastrophic. The ACA is the pinnacle of his evil and as time passes, it's really not that big of a deal despite B-Man's daily Chicken Little posts.


Bush was actively bad at everything: he spent like a drunken sailor, got us into two wars--only one justifiable, held no one accountable for financial crisis that occurred on his watch, was an international relations buffoon.


It wouldn't be a leap at all to accuse Obama of spending like a drunken sailor (more like 2 drunken sailors), holding nobody in his administration accountable for anything and for being an international relations buffoon. We can add to that his dishonest portrayal of nearly everything he speaks about.

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If Obama was a white man, he'd be universally regarded as far and away the most embarrassing president this country has ever had, and considering he still has a few years left, that's quite an accomplishment.


On the other hand, if Obama was a white man, he wouldn't be president in the first place.


But make no mistake, in due time, his ego-manical thin-skinned foolishness will be exposed for all to see him as the embarrassing idiot that he has already become to those who don't judge people by the color of their skin.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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You're an idiot and a !@#$ing moron. In case you don't get it, you are not an intelligent and erudite poster.

You are the wrong person to be judging a persons intelligence. Seriously, did you even graduate from high school?




If Obama was a white man, he'd be universally regarded as far and away the most embarrassing president this country has ever had, and considering he still has a few years left, that's quite an accomplishment.


On the other hand, if Obama was a white man, he wouldn't be president in the first place.


But make no mistake, in due time, his ego-manical thin-skinned foolishness will be exposed for all to see him as the embarrassing idiot that he has already become to those who don't judge people by the color of their skin.

Really? Why is that? Because the global economy didn't recover fast enough to pick up the United States economy?
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You are the wrong person to be judging a persons intelligence. Seriously, did you even graduate from high school?


Really? Why is that? Because the global economy didn't recover fast enough to pick up the United States economy?


Yes, and i was editor of the school's newspaper, president of the school's co-op, captain of the baseball team and king of the prom. I also was a NYS regent scholarship winner. I was also voted most likely to succeed. Obviously they had me all wrong--I'm arguing on a message board with the likes of you.

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Yes, and i was editor of the school's newspaper, president of the school's co-op, captain of the baseball team and king of the prom. I also was a NYS regent scholarship winner. I was also voted most likely to succeed. Obviously they had me all wrong--I'm arguing on a message board with the likes of you.




i was a George Washington

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