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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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well damn, if conservatives like you can't be scared off the Obamacare gravy train those doctor dance cards might be filled up- well did I mention that Obamacare is filled with Gay Commie Sharia law and deaf camels

who said I'm conservative? Clearly, I am a botanist.
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Non-payment of premiums make Obama's assertion of success a colossal fraud.



March Madness? Fake ObamaCare Enrollment Numbers.

by Jonathan S. Tobin


Commentary Magazine



But before the president and his team start popping the champagne corks to celebrate their achievement and their faux hipness, it’s time once again to point out that the administration’s Potemkin enrollment figures should be read with a truckload of salt. As the New York Times reported last month, as much as 20 percent of all those enrolled had not actually paid their premiums, meaning they were not covered by the program. While Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius told Congress she had no idea what the numbers of unpaid enrollees were, more states are reporting these figures and, as CNBC reported last week, the results are literally all over the map. While some states report high pay rates, others like Maryland say only 54 percent have paid.


All this calls in to question not only the effectiveness of the sales job done by the president and celebrity supporters such as Lebron James. It also means that the odds that this system can sustain itself without mandating vast increases in rates for those who do pay are getting slimmer every day.




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But wait...theres more...!!!


With roughly two weeks left in the open enrollment period for health insurance, some groups are trying to sell Obamacare to young people in terms they might actually understand: music, comedy, and cash.


Young Invincibles , a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C. that is focused on the economic issues affecting young adults, launched a sweepstakes last week where it is awarding a cash prize of $1,200 — enough to potentially cover a year’s worth of health insurance premiums for a young adult — to people who download their health care app or submit a card in the mail.


(snip...and note...this part is going to be very painful to read...)


Kyle Pfister, founder of Ninjas for Health, a startup based in Milwaukee that consults for public health agencies, got local musicians talking — and singing — about the law by giving them an artistic task: write a song about the benefits of getting health insurance. After more than 10 artists gathered to sing and record a video for the song, dubbed “Sing Forward,” he engaged other local musicians by challenging them with a competition to see who could develop the best remix of the song.


Some artists rapped the lyrics, while others submitted videos of them whistling the entire song. And some sped up the song and added techno beats. Hannah Conklin, one of the winners announced Wednesday afternoon, recorded herself on Valentine’s Day singing a folk version of the song on a street corner in Asheville, N.C., where she lives now, as two people dressed in heart costumes danced alongside her.“We will sing forward, our health to yours ,” the 28-year-old belted while strumming her red guitar.

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I'm waiting form the pres to play the patriotic card. It's patriotic for you working people or rich business owners to subsidize health care insurance for those less fortunate (not fortunate enough to work or prefer to follow their dreams of being a poet). He doesn't have many other cards to play.

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I'm waiting form the pres to play the patriotic card. It's patriotic for you working people or rich business owners to subsidize health care insurance for those less fortunate (not fortunate enough to work or prefer to follow their dreams of being a poet). He doesn't have many other cards to play.


Have you ever watched a sales team pushed to hit a quota they know they could never meet, by a deadline that felt only moments away? If not, behold the WH over the next two weeks. Playing the patriotic card will be considered one of their better ideas. By the end of this month you're going to see what will seem like Sebelius flashing breasts for every enrollment, Barack filling out enrollment forms for dead people, and Jay Carney giving handjobs to every homeless person in DC who will sign a piece of paper.


Prepare to be deeply embarrassed by your government.

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The HIll: Obamacare Premiums to Skyrocket


Taking the "affordable" out of the Affordable Care Act.



You aint seen nothing yet...........................



To understand the depth of dishonesty put on display by the proponents of the Affordable Care Act, you need only to watch a short video.




The video highlights three deceptive statements, made by the President in order to get his signature legislation passed.


#1: “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”


#2: “If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan.”


#3: “We will lower your premiums by $2,500 per family, per year.”





These falsehoods — the first one in particular — were instrumental in getting the law passed.


The only way the administration was going to overcome the uphill climb of American reticence to national health reform was to assure the tax paying American that, for them, they would hardly notice a change at all.


Indeed, if anything, the administration needed to convince the American people that somehow they would be able to enjoy their current coverage at a lower cost as a result of their health reform plan.


As time has marched on, reality has shown that none of these promises turned out to be true. Moreover, each executive delay in the law has been nothing more than a delay on revealing the law’s logical conclusion for another election cycle.


David Jolly’s victory in FL-13 showed the value of continually connecting one’s opponent to Obamacare. Any Republican running in the upcoming midterms would do well to follow Jolly’s lead.


The President publicly and materially misled the American people at least 36 times about a key provision of a law that overhauled one-sixth of our national economy.


He wasn’t personally held accountable in 2012, but his party can be this November.




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The people running the PR for Obama Care must be certifiable. When you think they had the most idiotic and assinine ads, they come up with a topper.

I don't know: the Richard Simmons, guy on his hands and knees, shaking his ass like he was offering himself up for the biggest prison gangbang of all time, Obamacare jazz-jam-infomercial whateverthe!@#$? I believe I will never be able to unsee that, and that nothing will ever top it.


And so that I'm not alone in my suffering, you will now see this:








Haha! Madest thou look!


Try and spend the rest of the day not seeing that! If you want some real punishment, here's the video:


"These are all copyrighted movements!"


"I think that's really great!" :lol:


They have no idea, no clue, how much damaged they've done to Obamacare with this.

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Some of America's best cancer hospitals are off-limits to many of the people now signing up for coverage under the nation's new health care program.

Doctors and administrators say they're concerned. So are some state insurance regulators.

An Associated Press survey found examples coast to coast. Seattle Cancer Care Alliance is excluded by five out of eight insurers in Washington's insurance exchange. MD Anderson Cancer Center says it's in less than half of the plans in the Houston area. Memorial Sloan-Kettering is included by two of nine insurers in New York City and has out-of-network agreements with two more.

In all, only four of 19 nationally recognized comprehensive cancer centers that responded to AP's survey said patients have access through all the insurance companies in their states' exchanges.

Not too long ago insurance companies would have been vying to offer access to renowned cancer centers, said Dan Mendelson, CEO of the market research firm Avalere Health. Now the focus is on costs.

"This is a marked deterioration of access to the premier cancer centers for people who are signing up for these plans," Mendelson said.

Those patients may not be able get the most advanced treatment, including clinical trials of new medications.

And there's another problem: it's not easy for consumers shopping online in the new insurance markets to tell if top-level institutions are included in a plan. That takes additional digging by the people applying.

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Some of America's best cancer hospitals are off-limits to many of the people now signing up for coverage under the nation's new health care program.

Doctors and administrators say they're concerned. So are some state insurance regulators.

An Associated Press survey found examples coast to coast. Seattle Cancer Care Alliance is excluded by five out of eight insurers in Washington's insurance exchange. MD Anderson Cancer Center says it's in less than half of the plans in the Houston area. Memorial Sloan-Kettering is included by two of nine insurers in New York City and has out-of-network agreements with two more.

In all, only four of 19 nationally recognized comprehensive cancer centers that responded to AP's survey said patients have access through all the insurance companies in their states' exchanges.

Not too long ago insurance companies would have been vying to offer access to renowned cancer centers, said Dan Mendelson, CEO of the market research firm Avalere Health. Now the focus is on costs.

"This is a marked deterioration of access to the premier cancer centers for people who are signing up for these plans," Mendelson said.

Those patients may not be able get the most advanced treatment, including clinical trials of new medications.

And there's another problem: it's not easy for consumers shopping online in the new insurance markets to tell if top-level institutions are included in a plan. That takes additional digging by the people applying.


No ****. Old news. This hit the press six months ago.

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What if Nancy Pelosi held an Obamacare anniversary presser and nobody came?




6 Awful Moments From Nancy Pelosi’s News Conference “Celebrating” Obamacare


Here’s video of all the disastrous moments:

1. Told everyone that

in swing districts this fall


2. Said

though (must be news to the
and DCCC)


3. Cited

who defended ObamaCare…and we all know how that turned out



when asked directly why premiums are rising


5. Claimed she




for calling the law “ObamaCare”
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