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This was done in March before the GOP failed miserably in repealing Obamacare. This was an incredibly dumb move by Trump and it makes the Republicans look horrible to anybody who isn't a Republican (at least 70% of population). You suck it up, make the payments to help stabilize the market (I really could care less if it was an Obama EO - it's the right thing to do), and then continue to work on repealing and replacing the law next year.

So middle class folks who have to pay more due to Obamacare are all Republicans?


So middle class folks who have to pay more due to Obamacare are all Republicans?

This is typical misinformation/retardedness of the lefties. For whatever reason, they believe that "subsidies" don't get passed on to the American taxpayer. It's basically magic. That's one of the reasons we're $20,000,000,000,000.00+ in debt and the cost of health care continues to rise at levels that significantly outpace inflation.

This is typical misinformation/retardedness of the lefties. For whatever reason, they believe that "subsidies" don't get passed on to the American taxpayer. It's basically magic. That's one of the reasons we're $20,000,000,000,000.00+ in debt and the cost of health care continues to rise at levels that significantly outpace inflation.


Ok....the GOP had 7 years to come up with a plan to lower health cares cost and they have nothing.


Lower the cost of health care would solve all these problems. Instead they choked on their own rhetoric and now DT just totally embarrassedc them even more by doubling down on their nothingness. Yes...the Federal govt will now spend less...but this solves no problems...just reduces scope...not cost...


Meanwhile the GOP congress gets to show their bankruptcy as the choke on DACA, the Iran deal, Tax cuts, the budget....my bet is they actually pass nothing on any of these.....


7 years to prepare for this moment and they are getting B word slapped by DT...

Posted (edited)

So middle class folks who have to pay more due to Obamacare are all Republicans?

No. I was just pointing out with that poll that most Americans are probably heavily against Trump's decisions and pry the only people who would approve of this would be fiscal conservatives. This move just baffles me as it helps nobody (unless Congress passes legislation that will fund these CSR's long term then I'll give Trump full credit for the move). I'm not holding my breath though.


This is typical misinformation/retardedness of the lefties. For whatever reason, they believe that "subsidies" don't get passed on to the American taxpayer. It's basically magic. That's one of the reasons we're $20,000,000,000,000.00+ in debt and the cost of health care continues to rise at levels that significantly outpace inflation.

Then Republicans should've repealed and replaced. Don't punish people who have to pay full price for their ACA plans with a decision that will amount to even higher premiums.

Edited by Doc Brown

Ok....the GOP had 7 years to come up with a plan to lower health cares cost and they have nothing.


Lower the cost of health care would solve all these problems. Instead they choked on their own rhetoric and now DT just totally embarrassedc them even more by doubling down on their nothingness. Yes...the Federal govt will now spend less...but this solves no problems...just reduces scope...not cost...


Meanwhile the GOP congress gets to show their bankruptcy as the choke on DACA, the Iran deal, Tax cuts, the budget....my bet is they actually pass nothing on any of these.....


7 years to prepare for this moment and they are getting B word slapped by DT...

Congratulations on being able to analyze one of the two terrible parties that have ruined health care (and just about everything else they've touched) over the last 50 years. You want a cookie?

Can anyone here upset with President Trump over this please articulate why it would have been OK for his Administration to take unConstitutional action here?


What other unConstitutional actions, expressly ruled on by SCOTUS, would it be OK for the Trump Administration to take?


Further, what negative consequences could occur in an environment where President Trump, or any other President, were made free to act unConstitutionally?

Posted (edited)

Ok....the GOP had 7 years to come up with a plan to lower health cares cost and they have nothing.




Yet the Democrats had a filibuster-proof supermajority to come up with a health care policy that wasn't a total cluster!@#$ that needed blatantly unconstitutional actions to salvage..

Edited by Koko78

Can anyone here upset with President Trump over this please articulate why it would have been OK for his Administration to take unConstitutional action here?


What other unConstitutional actions, expressly ruled on by SCOTUS, would it be OK for the Trump Administration to take?


Further, what negative consequences could occur in an environment where President Trump, or any other President, were made free to act unConstitutionally?



It's not that I'm upset, it's that it is stupid and makes a bad situation even worse.


Also, lets not pretend that he did this because it was "unconstitutional". If that had been his motive he would have signed this executive order in his first month rather than wait until 2 weeks before open enrollment. He used the potential unconstitutionality as a rationale to do so but the real reason why he did this is because they failed at repealing Obamacare and now he's moved on to plan B, which is to to attempt to undo it himself via executive order.


It's not that I'm upset, it's that it is stupid and makes a bad situation even worse.


Also, lets not pretend that he did this because it was "unconstitutional". If that had been his motive he would have signed this executive order in his first month rather than wait until 2 weeks before open enrollment. He used the potential unconstitutionality as a rationale to do so but the real reason why he did this is because they failed at repealing Obamacare and now he's moved on to plan B, which is to to attempt to undo it himself via executive order.

Should he not have given them the chance to repeal and replace first?




It's not that I'm upset, it's that it is stupid and makes a bad situation even worse.


Also, lets not pretend that he did this because it was "unconstitutional". If that had been his motive he would have signed this executive order in his first month rather than wait until 2 weeks before open enrollment. He used the potential unconstitutionality as a rationale to do so but the real reason why he did this is because they failed at repealing Obamacare and now he's moved on to plan B, which is to to attempt to undo it himself via executive order.

The fact remains that it was ruled unConstitutional.


Should Presidents be empowered to act unConstitutionally?


Should he not have given them the chance to repeal and replace first?


If his true motive was that it was unconstitutional then there is no rationale to wait until after. C'mon, we've all seen Trump do we really believe he is a man is driven by actions to uphold the constitution? I think we all know that answer.

The fact remains that it was ruled unConstitutional.


Should Presidents be empowered to act unConstitutionally?


I'm not referring to that, I'm referring to his motives. He was not driven by the potential of it's constitutionality.

Posted (edited)

I'm not referring to that, I'm referring to his motives. He was not driven by the potential of it's constitutionality.

Your feelings about whatever Trump's motives are, are colored by your biases, are subjective, and don't matter.


The fact that doing anything other than what he did would have been unConsitituional is 100% objective. This is the only thing that matters.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker

Should he not have given them the chance to repeal and replace first?


Doesn't matter. The left would have cried that he did not go through the legislative process first, before ruling by executive order.


Keep in mind that they just want to play at being some kind of resistance at this point, because their girl lost.


Your feelings about whatever Trump's motives are, are colored by your biases, are subjective, and don't matter.


The fact that doing anything other than what he did would have been unConsitituional is 100% objective. This is the only thing that matters.


You can speak to your interpretations to the constitutionality and I will speak to his motives and the consequences of those actions.


And what is undeniable is that because of his decisions middle class folks who purchase plans on the exchange had already been screwed because of the ACA now will be even screwed more so by the tune of about 20% higher than what they had been paying. That is a fact.


What is also undeniable is that not only will middle class folks pay more for their plans thanks to Trump, but the US taxpayer, including yourself will now be on the hook for hundreds of billions of more dollars over the next 15 years because of Trumps actions. That is a fact.


If Rand Paul or Ted Cruz would have been elected and right from the very beginning they had done this, I wouldn't have been surprised because that's who they are. They are literalists when it comes to the Constitution and I wouldn't have scoffed. Trump on the other hand is a know-nothing, could give two ***** about the constitution and his prime motivation behind this action was not because he cared about following the letter of the law but because he wanted to create as much chaos as he possibly could on the ACA market place hoping to force Democrats to the table.


His miscalculation is that Democrats don't give a **** about the people just like the Republicans. Both Democrats and Republicans only care about driving their voters to the polls and painting the other party as the reason why everything sucks. Democrats don't care about the potential affects, they are perfectly happy bludgeoning Trump for these decisions.



Democrats don't care about the potential affects

You know what many Democrats, Republicans, and Independents do care about?


Incorrect usage of affect vs effect


You know what many Democrats, Republicans, and Independents do care about?


Incorrect usage of affect vs effect


No, I don't think so. I think that is reserved primarily for nitpicky douches.


You know what many Democrats, Republicans, and Independents do care about?


Incorrect usage of affect vs effect


That is correct usage.


I'm curious how long the ACA is going to be called Obamacare, considering the changes. Does it at some point become Trumpcare or Republicare?

Unconstitutional Insurance is what comes to my mind.

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