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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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seems to work fine, B


No B...........not the direct page.


The White house put up a "bracketology" page today with the intent to get people to sign up from there




The link from there however is broken and you get the empty podium with the appropriate "can't be found"





Edit: I went back to doublecheck.......the link at the top of the page is working now.


The links listed under the gifs you vote for do not.........................either way it looks bad.






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No B...........not the direct page.


The White house put up a "bracketology" page today with the intent to get people to sign up from there




The link from there however is broken and you get the empty podium with the appropriate "can't be found"





Edit: I went back to doublecheck.......the link at the top of the page is working now.


The links listed under the gifs you vote for do not.........................either way it looks bad.







Worked for me. I just traded my VA health benefits for a plan with a $10,000 deductible and a $1500 a month premium so I could have free rubbers and an abortion upon demand.

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Worked for me. I just traded my VA health benefits for a plan with a $10,000 deductible and a $1500 a month premium so I could have free rubbers and an abortion upon demand.


I call bull ****. No way you got free condoms. This gender-neutral law only requires that WOMEN get free birth control.

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I call bull ****. No way you got free condoms. This gender-neutral law only requires that WOMEN get free birth control.


What was I thinking? I gotta do a lotta screwin' to make this make sense. I'll just call it my "gator" moment.

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I call bull ****. No way you got free condoms. This gender-neutral law only requires that WOMEN get free birth control.


He may be a man, but he identifies as a woman, and in California, that makes him a woman. Now, the part of him that identifies himself as a man has a hard time with that little birth control dial pad, so he gets condoms to use as necessary.

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I call bull ****. No way you got free condoms. This gender-neutral law only requires that WOMEN get free birth control.

actually, he could get free condoms by submitting any document stating either residence, or engaging in commerce within the state of California, since people there can now legally identify themselves as whatever gender they believe themselves to be, regardless of physical characteristics. so, if he claims to be a female in a male body who only wants to do the responsible thing by way of contraception (and thereby avoiding a costly and potentially taxpayer-funded termination of accidental pregnancy) then he can indeed be awarded a big ol' heap of rubbers, for to deny him would be to discriminate against his perceived gender.


it's all there in the ACA. I believe it was somewhere around page 13,000.

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How is Kaiser not the perfect comparison? People make a choice

Before the now 13 delays to Obamacare, and the most recent "hardship waiver" what people had what choice? Individual Mandate means...what exactly? I didn't choose Kaiser when I could have in 1999. Could they have fined me? :whacko:


There ends your comparison. One is a product that I could choose to buy, knowing the consequences/benefits. The other is something I have no choice but to buy, and I don't get to shop, as in many states, there is 1 provider, and even where there are more than 1? The product is: the exact same. I have to pay to be covered for pregnancy, no matter which Obamacare plan I buy, and I have no choice but to buy that coverage.


So, to what choice are you referring? :blink:

to sign on for insurance that limits their network of providers? All of the sudden, plans on the exchanges that are managed care are and major afront to choice and freedom. Please, the comparison is perfect.

The comparison is awful. If my doctor refuses to participate in Obamacare, then what is my rememdy? What choice can I make to get him, and not somebody else? At least before, you could buy a different plan, one that your doctor would participate in. Now? There is no plan you can buy. Now, no matter what you have to work it out with your doctor on your own.


Which...unless you guys wise up immediately, is going to be the way things run going forward.


I know something quite significant about "going forward", but I can't say. All I can say is, again, you better wise up.

As far as cost, every adminstator knows the true cost of an MRI- its pretty simple quick and dirty break even anaysis will give you that number.

No they don't, and I prove it every single day, even when I am sleeping.


Your dirty break down analysis is called "financial allocation", and it sucks horrifically. Nobody drinks 3.2 cartons of milk, per day, but, that's also what your "quick and dirty" tells you. And, more importantly, that's what the government you say you want as the insurer will tell all of us. :wallbash:


It's crap, because we have no idea what the TRUE cost of doing business is, but more importantly: when we use your fudge factored crap? We have no real way of seeing what causes 3.2...to go to 3.5. Your fudge obscures it, because you've fudged your way to get to 3.2 in the first place.


Is the second floor drinking 3.2 cartons of milk? How about the psyche ward? Post Op? What has changed in these different areas? Are we just throwing milk that's been out too long away? Are the patients drinking more? What is giving us 3.5 today, when according to you: everyone drinks 3.2, and therefore, that is the cost?


"Well, we do know that the entire facility is drinking 3.2 cartons of milk per day...so...." Horseshit. And even if it wasn't, that is completely useless to a manager.


We need to know what is really happening, but, we have no way of knowing what is really happening, because we aren't tracking what is really happening. Instead, we are making fudge, and then trying to pretend that fudge is useful for making decisions.


And, that fudge is combined with the fudge from every other hospital, aggregated, and used to dictate massive macroeconomic swings in Medicare/Medicaid funding, which directly affects Private Insurance payouts, while nobody has any idea what affect cutting or adding funding will have, because NONE of it is real.

Its the price you set for covering such things as indirect expenses that skews that number.

Ah, you've even stated it. So, you admit that indirect cost, not expenses, "skews" cost. But, who is responsible for the skewing? Does it skew all by itself? Does the night shift med pass LPN sneak in and skew it? No. It's "skewed" because it was never created properly.


It's fudge.


How about direct variable cost? Such as: it takes 3 times longer to get a double amputee diabetic to the MRI room, than it does a healthy 20 year old. Aren't we paying the person getting them down there? That time, is cost. How many MRIs does a hospital do in a year? Who is standing around, doing nothing, waiting for the patient, who took 3 times longer to do the MRI, to get to them, because, "we can't do this before we do this"(= business rules) + there's no reflexive workflow system in place to tell them to do something else?


What does that cost? Where can I find that cost on your spreadsheet?


You want to tell me(of all people)...that ALL MRIs cost "the same", and, there was never anything we could have learned(from analytics) or done(in real time, due to workflow/real time analytics) to save any of the cost that comes from unplanned work(which accounts for ~40% of the total labor cost of any hospital) in and around MRIs...or the other 400+ tasks a hospital does daily...


....because you worked something out in Excel? :lol:


No, you really don't. Because this is just the easy stuff, and I haven't even really begun....best for you to quit now.


I've heard this ridiculous before. Lots of times, but it always ends the same: tell me about your spreadsheet for an hour, 2 hours, the whole day. Whenever you get done talking? You still don't know your true cost of doing business. Period.

I have never said the payment system in healthcare is not !@#$ed up, I don't want private insurers and shell games, but that is what we have.

No, you want fudge, which is completely useless to everyone, to dictate what we do, and worse, you want aggregated fudge to be how the whole thing gets funded.

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No. Just !@#$ed.

What is sad, I do not have very many easier options. The stuff is cheap as dirt and I need coverage for an emergency. Even with BCBS I get the ACA kickback stuff...


It's quite, well, annoying.

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What is sad, I do not have very many easier options. The stuff is cheap as dirt and I need coverage for an emergency. Even with BCBS I get the ACA kickback stuff...


It's quite, well, annoying.

aren't you afraid of the death flannels
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aren't you afraid of the death flannels


Death flannels? Pajama boy with the hot chocolate doesn't scare me a bit.


i'm thinking you're attitude will be birth control enough. natural selection at work.


Do you ever wonder what that whooshing noise is that seems to be above your head?

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aren't you afraid of the death flannels

I look good in flannel, I am more worried of the death denim.


Shirley, I'll give an honest answer one day! How about now. I have hope that if I were to need the emergency medical type services that I would be insuring myself for, well, if I ended up planted in a Mack truck radiator and lived - well, I am fairly certain that a panel wouldn't have much time nor the option to give me an answer.


If I am a vegetable I want to grilled as soon as possible to be made to ashes. Let my family see me one last time before the plug is pulled.

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I look good in flannel, I am more worried of the death denim.


Shirley, I'll give an honest answer one day! How about now. I have hope that if I were to need the emergency medical type services that I would be insuring myself for, well, if I ended up planted in a Mack truck radiator and lived - well, I am fairly certain that a panel wouldn't have much time nor the option to give me an answer.


If I am a vegetable I want to grilled as soon as possible to be made to ashes. Let my family see me one last time before the plug is pulled.

you thought you were brave when it was death flannels but Obamacare actually has depth anals I bet you no so brave now.
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numb it first, I could always give it a try and we can go from there.

well damn, if conservatives like you can't be scared off the Obamacare gravy train those doctor dance cards might be filled up- well did I mention that Obamacare is filled with Gay Commie Sharia law and deaf camels
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well damn, if conservatives like you can't be scared off the Obamacare gravy train those doctor dance cards might be filled up- well did I mention that Obamacare is filled with Gay Commie Sharia law and deaf camels


You are a clown.

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