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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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These aren't the same thing.


That's a great argument! When you have nothing else just argue samantics and pettifog the issue.

Wasted effort.


The words "taken away"


and "tens of millions"


are repeated endlessly in various sentences


some complete, most not


and certainly never in any type of cogent way



Yes Propaganda man, it's the CBO that's lying. Everyone is lying but Trump

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G0YN-SpU_bigger.jpgCNN PoliticsVerified account @CNNPolitics

Sanders says he agrees with Graham: Insurance companies are the biggest winners in current system #HealthCareDebate

Thanks Obamacare

Let's not forget that 20 million Americans have health insurance under the Affordable Care Act who previously did not. #HealthCareDebate


Hey Bernie, they are mandated by law to have it



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It has to be bipartisan to pass and succeed long term.


The ACA could collapse from lack of Republican support. It needs a lot of work to fix.

I'd be really pissed off right now if I was a Republican voter. You're now thinking of working in a "bipartisan" way to work on fixing a purely partisan democratic bill after promising you'd repeal and replace the ACA since its passage? What party controls all three branches of government again?

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I'd be really pissed off right now if I was a Republican voter. You're now thinking of working in a "bipartisan" way to work on fixing a purely partisan democratic bill after promising you'd repeal and replace the ACA since its passage? What party controls all three branches of government again?


The republican party is !@#$ed from a command and control perspective. There's absolutely no one at the wheel.

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"Steven Tyler canceled the four remaining shows of his Aerosmith tour in South America to return to the United States for medical care."


at least someone believes it's better to get treatment in the US, doesn't Steven read the American news media???

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"Steven Tyler canceled the four remaining shows of his Aerosmith tour in South America to return to the United States for medical care."


at least someone believes it's better to get treatment in the US, doesn't Steven read the American news media???

Better than where? He says it's not life threatening. Id be loathe to get medical treatment if I were anywhere in South America. Germany? I'd probably be fine with it.

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Now that a combination of GOP purists and "moderates" have put a Kabash on repealing and replacing the law it appears that there may be a bipartisan temporary fix.


It's a good responsible move, it certainly won't fix it's major flaws but it will keep the funding going and allow states to loosen up some of the regs.


Hopefully next year they will come to real fix.


If you don't like it, then you can blame Rand, McCain, Collins and whoever else was leaning no.


The saying of the "perfect is the enemy of the good." comes to mind.

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Because their independent thinkers think independently, unlike the Democrats who NEVER deviate from the party line?


Pretty much. But the net effect of that is that this party can't govern. At all.


Great opposition party, but completely cluster!@#$ed.


Repealing ACA was THE party plank. They couldn't even make that happen.


It's a good responsible move,




So funding something that's bankrupting the middle class to assist the poor is "responsible?"

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Pretty much. But the net effect of that is that this party can't govern. At all.


Great opposition party, but completely cluster!@#$ed.


Repealing ACA was THE party plank. They couldn't even make that happen.





So funding something that's bankrupting the middle class to assist the poor is "responsible?"

It's easy to oppose and say no. That can be fun but to say yes and actually get something done... Not so easy aye when nobody wants to take a hit.


Bankrupting the "middle class"... LoL...

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So funding something that's bankrupting the middle class to assist the poor is "responsible?"


The funding for subsidies and the cost sharing is not bankrupting the middle class.


What's making premiums go higher has nothing to do with this.



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