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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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It's gonna blow up





The number of Americans without health insurance shrunk by about 500,000 in the first three months of 2017 from the same period in 2016, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


The CDC found 28.1 million people or 8.8 percent of the population was uninsured in the first quarter of 2017. The dip from 2016 isn't statistically significant, when 28.6 million people or 9 percent of the population was uninsured, the CDC noted.


Just posting #'s

have at it

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It's gonna blow up





The number of Americans without health insurance shrunk by about 500,000 in the first three months of 2017 from the same period in 2016, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


The CDC found 28.1 million people or 8.8 percent of the population was uninsured in the first quarter of 2017. The dip from 2016 isn't statistically significant, when 28.6 million people or 9 percent of the population was uninsured, the CDC noted.


Just posting #'s

have at it


So what happened to the 30 million uninsured that Obamacare was supposed to take care of, as we got to keep our doctors, current insurance plans AND a premium reduction?

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Hard to recall the details, were the R's asked to work on the Bill, or did they just want to see Obama's policies fail?


Go ahead and blame Obama for the Republicans who refused to get involved and the Red States that refused to comply form the get go.


Now, many of those Red States are crying that they don't want to lose their Health Care.


What is in placed can be fixed if both parties work on it together. When your only choice is Repeal and Replace ,,,, you won't get much cooperation.


Letting it explode or whatever DJT says is dumber even still.

Also ... How many times do you go to your doctor and get to see the same practitioner every time? 1 out of 5 trips?

Edited by ShadyBillsFan
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Hard to recall the details, were the R's asked to work on the Bill, or did they just want to see Obama's policies fail?


Go ahead and blame Obama for the Republicans who refused to get involved and the Red States that refused to comply form the get go.


Now, many of those Red States are crying that they don't want to lose their Health Care.


What is in placed can be fixed if both parties work on it together. When your only choice is Repeal and Replace ,,,, you won't get much cooperation.



It really can't. It's based on unrealistic economics. It will fail.



Also ... How many times do you go to your doctor and get to see the same practitioner every time? 1 out of 5 trips?


Really? Every single time. I also pay them directly, and pay less than most people for the same service.


The biggest problem with health care in the US is the structural problem of patients having arms'-length relationships with practitioners; with accountants, lawyers, and billing specialists inserting themselves in between. And no, socialized medicine (i.e. that "single payer" bull ****) won't fix that, it'll just move that bureaucratic layer from the private to public sphere.

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I mean when I make an appointment to see my doctor, you know I actually see my doctor imagine that



Me too.



It is imploding............you can try and deny , but it is.........................................................it was designed to.

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My doctor's practice has six doctors under one roof. I deal with three of the six, so I have flexibility.


But I could see the same doctor over and over if I wanted to.

thanks for the honesty.

sure if you only want to see the 1 doc you can, but at his schedule and not necessarily at yours.

that being said.... I guess no one has lost their doctor.....

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Utah Will Fork Over $10 Million to Cover Obamacare Insurer’s Debt


Obamacare keeps adding more bad news. Utah’s Insurance Department has announced that it will pay $10 million to health providers to cover debts from Arches Health Plan, a company formed to provide health insurance under Obamacare.


Desert News reported that Arches Health Plan shut down in October 2015 due to a “severe shortfall in expected federal funding.” It was Utah’s only co-op health plan in Utah and left 45,000 people without coverage.


It opened in 2013 and began coverage in January 2014. But the nonprofit organization decided to close its doors after it did not receive money “from the federal ‘risk corridor’ program, which was built into the Affordable Care Act and intended to protect insurance companies from their losses.”

More at the link.........

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I haven't heard if the GOP has a fall back plan? So far we've had repeal and replace and the skinny repeal.

the GOP had a plan. It was don't !@#$ with what is working for now until you actually have e a solution.


God damn, son. You're dense

Edited by Boyst62
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Obamacare insurer pulls out of rural Virginia leaving coverage gaps


Virginia-based health insurer Optima announced Wednesday it was pulling out many rural counties in the state, potentially creating a gap in coverage for 70,000 people. From the Hill:


Optima also said it would be raising premiums by 81 percent for any customer who doesn’t qualify for subsidies from the federal government. However, this would only affect about 30 percent of its customers.


A statement published by Optima attributed 23% of the 81% premium hike to uncertainty over cost-sharing payments. Most of the remaining increase was attributed to the withdrawal of other major insurers from the state.

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The Inconvenient Truth About Obamacare’s Premium Spiral.


The biggest reason for Obamacare’s rate hikes? Two of its most popular provisions, guaranteed issue and community rating. These are the technical terms for Obamacare’s ban on insurance companies denying coverage or charging people who are sick more.


The McKinsey report
found that in Georgia, these mandates added between 44 and 52 percent to premiums. In Ohio, they were responsible for 41 to 50 percent of the hikes — and in Pennsylvania, as much as 62 percent. In Tennessee, guaranteed issue and community rating accounted for between 73 and 76 percent of premium increases.


This shouldn’t come as a surprise. A study by Milliman, a consultancy, in 2013 predicted that Obamacare’s guaranteed issue and community rating rules would sharply increase premiums.





If you’re going to charge younger, healthier people more like older, sicker people, and force insurers to sell “insurance” to people who are already sick, then premiums are going to go WAY up — which many of us warned back in 2009, 2010.







Edited by B-Man
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