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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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My definition won't change anyones's mind. It's far more complicated than that. How did you know I wasn't thrilled honestly to see the exchange?


Ha! Weak.


I ask again, regardless of who's mind it will change: what is your definition of democracy? I'm personally curious.

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<a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="https://ballotpedia.org/Scott_Rasmussen"href="https://ballotpedia.org/Scott_Rasmussen" s_number_of_the_day"=""> :doh:


That's it? I never bothered to look at the numbers before this year, but I thought it would be much higher than that. Is that a good barometer for the CBO to work off of for any future repeal efforts?
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<a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="https://ballotpedia.org/Scott_Rasmussen"href="https://ballotpedia.org/Scott_Rasmussen" s_number_of_the_day"=""> :doh:


So what you're saying is that there will be an additional 6.5 million people without access to health insurance if Obamacare is repealed?!?


Well, according to CBO logic anyhow, who consistently failed to differentiate the people who don't want to buy insurance (but do anyhow because of the penalty tax) from those who might actually legitimately lose coverage they want to overpay for when scoring the GOP proposals.

Edited by Koko78
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Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion. #CBSNOA learns more, tonight at 10pm ET/PT http://cbsn.ws/2uGMd5G




Nearly 100% of women in Iceland whose unborn baby tests positive for Down syndrome are aborting them. From CBS News:

Since prenatal screening tests were introduced in Iceland in the early 2000s, the vast majority of women — close to 100 percent — who received a positive test for Down syndrome terminated their pregnancy.

While the tests are optional, the government states that all expectant mothers must be informed about availability of screening tests, which reveal the likelihood of a child being born with Down syndrome. Around 80 to 85 percent of pregnant women choose to take the prenatal screening test, according to Landspitali University Hospital in Reykjavik.


They act like it is the test that’s eliminating Down syndrome …



Iceland isn't actually eliminating Down Syndrome. They're just killing everybody that has it. Big difference. #Downsyndrome#abortion https://twitter.com/CBSNews/status/897254042178650113


Gosh, what’s the word for killing people with a certain trait or disability – it’s on the tip of our tongue



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So what you're saying is that there will be an additional 6.5 million people without access to health insurance if Obamacare is repealed?!?


Well, according to CBO logic anyhow, who consistently failed to differentiate the people who don't want to buy insurance (but do anyhow because of the penalty tax) from those who might actually legitimately lose coverage they want to overpay for when scoring the GOP proposals.


That's always been my confusion with the CBO score. Do they count that 6.5 million who pay the fine as people who will lose insurance?

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That's always been my confusion with the CBO score. Do they count that 6.5 million who pay the fine as people who will lose insurance?


What about those who do not want health insurance, or at least do not need it and do not want to be forced to have to buy it?


Like voluntary unemployment, they are out there in large droves.

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EXCELLENT article. I'll use that to bludgeon the heads of liberal idiots on facebook.

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Nancy Pelosi claims that she doesn’t favor socialized medicine, and has rejected calls to make “single payer,” the Democrats’ favorite euphemism, part of her party’s 2018 campaign. But last Wednesday Keith Ellison, Deputy Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, revealed to a group of party faithful in Minneapolis that it’s all a sham. Pelosi “actually likes the concept.”


Daily Caller
obtained the video; here it is. I especially like the part where Ellison asks,
“Is anybody taping me right now?”





When Mitt Romney’s 47 percent comment was surreptitiously videotaped in 2012, that clip was played in a loop during every news segment for days afterwards.

But will any member of the DNC-MSM ask Ellison or Pelosi about this?

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Nearly 100% of women in Iceland whose unborn baby tests positive for Down syndrome are aborting them. From CBS News:

They act like it is the test that’s eliminating Down syndrome …





I wonder what the accuracy rate of the test is?

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Nearly 100% of women in Iceland whose unborn baby tests positive for Down syndrome are aborting them. From CBS News:

They act like it is the test that’s eliminating Down syndrome …




Gosh, what’s the word for killing people with a certain trait or disability – it’s on the tip of our tongue




Imagine if someone finds a "gay" gene at sometime in the future. Wonder if that would change some people's views on abortion for traits...

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