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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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Didn't you take some shots at my daughter before? That's really classy, but I've got thicker skin than you I guess. It is the Internet and all. As for how the "world" views me for what I write here? Seriously? That's kind of a silly point.


No, I believe that I am the only one here that mentioned your daughter and I was in no way taking shots at her. You implied that you were teaching her that all presidents lie and that it was ok. I was mocking you for doing so.

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How do they know how many people haven't paid their premiums if Ms. Sebelious doesn't even know? How can you post an article from such a right leaning CNBC?

The writer obviously didn't get the memo to no reveal the truth.

C'mon B.


You were there in 2009 and 10


Americans were told that ObamaCare/ A.C.A was going to increase services and access


Anyone who tried to talk about "limits" was shouted down, accused of hating the poor, and branded a fool..........(see "death panels")


If you are promised that you can "KEEP YOUR CURRENT HEALTH PLAN" if you so choose, and then you find out that


you are going to pay more........for less..........................you get upset.

I guess it's okay if the government denies you services. Because it only has your best interest at heart and isn't trying to save money like those evil insurance companies.


And Kathy basically killed the Dems for the 2014 mid-terms when she admitted that premiums will rise for 2015, even though they were trying to delay the official announcement until after the elections.

Edited by Doc
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Its so difficult to have honest, meaningful conversations about health in this country when Americans don't understand the mere basics of their insurance policy, how much they are, and how they are paid for. Its so frustrating....


All this tells me is you've either forgotten what it's like to like to live paycheck-to-paycheck on a low to mid salary, or you never have. (Kind of a joke to make the point.) I lived poor for years. For young with little money, it's like trying to sell them on the fact that if they raise their monthly car insurance payment, they'll lower the deductible. Think they care about the freaking deductible for something that hasn't happened yet? No. Same thing here.


You wanna sell ACA...set people up for no money down, low monthly interest payments, and include a knife set. The good one. With the knife block. And the sharpener. (At this point, it's the only way they haven't tried to sell it it.)


In the end, the biggest problem with this law is they're trying to take money from the people who have the least to spend (the young) to buy insurance in case they get sick...which is now something they can do AFTER they find out they're sick.

Edited by LABillzFan
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That presumes on a sane schema and something resembling quality data.


I would not be surprised if, after an hour, we threw up our hands and said "What is this ****? I can't make sense of this. What the !@#$ did you guys think you were doing?" I would expect, for example, that they're doing things as stupid as accepting alphabetic characters in currency fields (they didn't have time to write the code to check in the web page that numbers are numbers, so rather than throw an error they changed the database field from a numeric to a character type, so it wouldn't "break" when invalid data was entered. I've seen that done.)


This is a quintessential "We have to do it fast, we don't have time to do it right" project. Which is the opposite of what I tell my developers: be lazy and do it right the first time. If you don't have time to do it correctly now, you won't have time to fix it later. And hey...my project right now is not only on schedule, but two years ahead of EVERY other project in this program, because I insisted everything be done right the first time and fixed problems early.


Which is also why my project was just cancelled..."Other projects are so far behind schedule, we need you and your developers on those instead." Yes, I've had a project killed for going too well. Welcome to government contracting.

All sounds right to me. We actually lost a bid with the VA because we were accused of being: "too efficient", and they "weren't ready for that level of capability"...while we came in cheaper by $2 million? Horseshit: what they weren't ready for? The accountability that comes with being able to easily track everything they did. They were afraid of what we might discover. They simply didn't understand: we don't do "gotcha" here. But in government work: apparently "gotcha" is the culture.


"Our software is like a road whore: it will do anything you want, for cheap."TM:lol: (You'd be surprised how well that line goes over with plumbers and HVAC guys, or maybe you woudn't. But, in all cases, I know my customer. More on this later.)


Before this, I was an IT paratrooper: dropped into the schit and had to fix it almost every project. So, no, I don't agree that the data model will be so out of whack that I couldn't do anything with it. Remember: I've worked in health care :lol: and utilities. Also, a certain large mortgage company who thought running their entire business on a single instance of MS Access was a good idea :blink: comes to mind. I've already seen the worst, and lack of validations scripts, or terrabytes of nomalized, duplicated data that serves no purpose, does not scare me.

You are, quite frankly, low; and you've defined yourself as such with your own chosen words.

It's as I've said: ever since the Bill Clinton thing, Democrats have been conditioned to reject all human decency in favor of political expediency/getting results. His lie was OK, therefore, every D lie is OK. They have lost their self-respect. Things won't be right for them, until they get it back.

That article is an excellent description of the root cause, and why the root cause makes all massive Federal schematic solutions to this problem useless. Job #1 in marketing is "know your customer". The Democrats not only don't know the customer: they refuse to know the customer. They would rather make up and "believe" in a phony customer. Thus, they insist on selling a product that the real customer refuses to buy. It really is that simple.

If you want to keep your Doctor - change your Senator.

Heh. This is so indicative. The Ds got into power, using the same bumpersticker approach that is on display above. Keeping things simple was their great strength. Now? Because they have overreached even more than Bush, they are exploitable in the exact same way.


It begs the question: are any of them smart enough to recognize their exposure, in time to make a difference? And that, my friends, is the question that WILL divide the Demcratic party, and that division WILL be worse than any R civil war. I've said it for a year now.


They cannot ingore the above bumper sticker. They have to respond. Some will want to respond one way, others, another. Thus, there's no way in hell this simple bumper sticker does not divide the Ds. It's inevitable.

Its so difficult to have honest, meaningful conversations about health in this country when Americans don't understand the mere basics of their insurance policy, how much they are, and how they are paid for. Its so frustrating....

It's also so difficult to have honest, meaningful conversations about health when Democrats don't understand the mere basics of marketing, insurance, or economics, and how these things affect creating and selling insurance prodcuts, how these products are paid for, how ignoring supply and demand and their effect on price, in favor of magical thinking, means trouble. It's so frustrating....


You know what else is frustrating? Show me a single Democrat who can define health care cost properly, and is actually aware of how much empty cost government intervention creates. And, show me a single health care administrator(who isn't one of ours) who can actually define his costs(not with some made up financial allocation nonsense), but with real cost of doing busines....in terms of every patient, in real time, down to the second if necessary, by the service, by all those who render service.


Anyone who talks about health care costs, but can't actually define them down to the $.01/second? On at least some level, they are talking out their ass.


This is why we exist. This is my public service. We merely want to impartially give people the facts about health care costs, so that all discussions about what to do about them begin in an honest, and meaningful way.

I assume basic empathy for the human bring is the only reason. Is it compelling enough?

I can't think of having less empathy for the human bring :lol:, than pretending you know the facts about his health care cost, and then acting on that lie.

And another thing, why do people think the the ACA is the first time networks have been constricted and limited... where do people hear this ****?.. Kaiser, one of the most efficient and cost effective models for HC delivery is the very embodiment of captive, closed networks. I hear people who rave about Kaiser but in the same breathe B word that the ACA would limit where they can go for care... your with KAISER!!!!! are people really that ill informed on this stuff??

Yes, and acting like Kaiser = ACA? Nah, there's nothing wrong with that comparison. While we are at it, let's pretend LTC is the same as acute, after all, they both provide health care service! :rolleyes: You know better than this. I know better than this. So just stop.

It is the Internet and all. As for how the "world" views me for what I write here? Seriously? That's kind of a silly point.

Here's a single point that gator has made well. This is the internet, and the rest of you are being a bit pompous if you really think how you view gator, or DC_Tom, or TTYT, or EII, or GG, or me, or anyone: matters. I'll just tell you: your opinion is worthless.


It doesn't mean we shouldn't bash gator for his blatant stupidity. It does mean that: let's not delude ourselves into believing that because we, and not somebody else, are doing the bashing, that it has more meaning.

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Millbank gets this right and wrong in one fell swoop.


Millenials have abandoned Obama in droves, and their lack of participation in supporting Obama's policies will ultimately help set the tone for what is clearly destined to be the most embarrassing presidential legacy ever.


But they're not abandoning because they're fickle. They're abandoning him because they realize they made a mistake supporting someone whose every step has been to make life harder for them. They have no work prospects, they have no money, and Obama is finding out that pissing on the people who put you in office usually ends badly.


But hey...that "Between Two Ferns" thing was hysterical. Laughed my head off. That'll probably run on a loop as your enter the Obama Library one day.

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Millbank gets this right and wrong in one fell swoop.


Millenials have abandoned Obama in droves, and their lack of participation in supporting Obama's policies will ultimately help set the tone for what is clearly destined to be the most embarrassing presidential legacy ever.


But they're not abandoning because they're fickle. They're abandoning him because they realize they made a mistake supporting someone whose every step has been to make life harder for them. They have no work prospects, they have no money, and Obama is finding out that pissing on the people who put you in office usually ends badly.


But hey...that "Between Two Ferns" thing was hysterical. Laughed my head off. That'll probably run on a loop as your enter the Obama Library one day.


Supporting is one thing but dishing out is another.

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"Obamacare leaves the average 27 year old facing a gender-averaged 47.5 percent premium increase..."



"Even after subsidies, that’s an expense that many Millennials can’t afford. Perversely, such high costs make it even harder for us to purchase health insurance in the future, when we can afford it. By not signing up for expensive plans now, insurance rates will increase as soon as next year — for everyone. That leaves us with two choices: Buy an unaffordable plan now, or wait and buy an unaffordable plan later."





From a piece in the Las Vegas Review-Journal titled "We’re young, but we aren’t stupid."

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All sounds right to me. We actually lost a bid with the VA because we were accused of being: "too efficient", and they "weren't ready for that level of capability"...while we came in cheaper by $2 million? Horseshit: what they weren't ready for? The accountability that comes with being able to easily track everything they did. They were afraid of what we might discover. They simply didn't understand: we don't do "gotcha" here. But in government work: apparently "gotcha" is the culture.


"Our software is like a road whore: it will do anything you want, for cheap."TM:lol: (You'd be surprised how well that line goes over with plumbers and HVAC guys, or maybe you woudn't. But, in all cases, I know my customer. More on this later.)


Before this, I was an IT paratrooper: dropped into the schit and had to fix it almost every project. So, no, I don't agree that the data model will be so out of whack that I couldn't do anything with it. Remember: I've worked in health care :lol: and utilities. Also, a certain large mortgage company who thought running their entire business on a single instance of MS Access was a good idea :blink: comes to mind. I've already seen the worst, and lack of validations scripts, or terrabytes of nomalized, duplicated data that serves no purpose, does not scare me.


It's as I've said: ever since the Bill Clinton thing, Democrats have been conditioned to reject all human decency in favor of political expediency/getting results. His lie was OK, therefore, every D lie is OK. They have lost their self-respect. Things won't be right for them, until they get it back.


That article is an excellent description of the root cause, and why the root cause makes all massive Federal schematic solutions to this problem useless. Job #1 in marketing is "know your customer". The Democrats not only don't know the customer: they refuse to know the customer. They would rather make up and "believe" in a phony customer. Thus, they insist on selling a product that the real customer refuses to buy. It really is that simple.


Heh. This is so indicative. The Ds got into power, using the same bumpersticker approach that is on display above. Keeping things simple was their great strength. Now? Because they have overreached even more than Bush, they are exploitable in the exact same way.


It begs the question: are any of them smart enough to recognize their exposure, in time to make a difference? And that, my friends, is the question that WILL divide the Demcratic party, and that division WILL be worse than any R civil war. I've said it for a year now.


They cannot ingore the above bumper sticker. They have to respond. Some will want to respond one way, others, another. Thus, there's no way in hell this simple bumper sticker does not divide the Ds. It's inevitable.


It's also so difficult to have honest, meaningful conversations about health when Democrats don't understand the mere basics of marketing, insurance, or economics, and how these things affect creating and selling insurance prodcuts, how these products are paid for, how ignoring supply and demand and their effect on price, in favor of magical thinking, means trouble. It's so frustrating....


You know what else is frustrating? Show me a single Democrat who can define health care cost properly, and is actually aware of how much empty cost government intervention creates. And, show me a single health care administrator(who isn't one of ours) who can actually define his costs(not with some made up financial allocation nonsense), but with real cost of doing busines....in terms of every patient, in real time, down to the second if necessary, by the service, by all those who render service.


Anyone who talks about health care costs, but can't actually define them down to the $.01/second? On at least some level, they are talking out their ass.


This is why we exist. This is my public service. We merely want to impartially give people the facts about health care costs, so that all discussions about what to do about them begin in an honest, and meaningful way.


I can't think of having less empathy for the human bring :lol:, than pretending you know the facts about his health care cost, and then acting on that lie.


Yes, and acting like Kaiser = ACA? Nah, there's nothing wrong with that comparison. While we are at it, let's pretend LTC is the same as acute, after all, they both provide health care service! :rolleyes: You know better than this. I know better than this. So just stop.


Here's a single point that gator has made well. This is the internet, and the rest of you are being a bit pompous if you really think how you view gator, or DC_Tom, or TTYT, or EII, or GG, or me, or anyone: matters. I'll just tell you: your opinion is worthless.


It doesn't mean we shouldn't bash gator for his blatant stupidity. It does mean that: let's not delude ourselves into believing that because we, and not somebody else, are doing the bashing, that it has more meaning.


How is Kaiser not the perfect comparison? People make a choice to sign on for insurance that limits their network of providers? All of the sudden, plans on the exchanges that are managed care are and major afront to choice and freedom. Please, the comparison is perfect.


As far as cost, every adminstator knows the true cost of an MRI- its pretty simple quick and dirty break even anaysis will give you that number. Its the price you set for covering such things as indirect expenses that skews that number. I have never said the payment system in healthcare is not !@#$ed up, I don't want private insurers and shell games, but that is what we have.

Edited by B-Large
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How is Kaiser not the perfect comparison? People make a choice to sign on for insurance that limits their network of providers? All of the sudden, plans on the exchanges that are managed care are and major afront to choice and freedom. Please, the comparison is perfect.


If Kaiser is the perfect comparison, that does not give me a warm, fuzzy feeling. Because Kaiser sucks.

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If you don't like your unaffordable healthcare insurance plan, you're gonna keep your unaffordable healthcare insurance plan. Period. That's a promise from B. O. That you can take to the bank - which is where you'll need to go to get the money to pay for it.

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How is Kaiser not the perfect comparison? People make a choice to sign on for insurance that limits their network of providers? All of the sudden, plans on the exchanges that are managed care are and major afront to choice and freedom. Please, the comparison is perfect.


As far as cost, every adminstator knows the true cost of an MRI- its pretty simple quick and dirty break even anaysis will give you that number. Its the price you set for covering such things as indirect expenses that skews that number. I have never said the payment system in healthcare is not !@#$ed up, I don't want private insurers and shell games, but that is what we have.


What is about being forced off your plan and forced to choose amongst several other plans, that may not meet your needs, not an affront to choice and freedom?

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If Kaiser is the perfect comparison, that does not give me a warm, fuzzy feeling. Because Kaiser sucks.


Some people swear by, in fact gush about Kaiser. Seemless EMR, centralized copays and labs, on time appointments, probably the least expensive overall cost of policy ownership... I wouldn't buy Kaiser, but the deliver care much less, much less than we do- but when push comes to shove, I want to be at the academic medical center, or at least have that option. The point is people bithcing about choice are often the ones impressed by the likes of Kaiser- the network limited, self contained Health Maintenance organization.


What is about being forced off your plan and forced to choose amongst several other plans, that may not meet your needs, not an affront to choice and freedom?


I didn't say they were, and the President has made concession to let people stay on those plans temporarily. The point is plans change all the time, I am not sure why people can't find a new plan that meets their needs.. insurance companies drop clients both in medical and vehicle all the time, they more on and find new coverage... Its sucks people have to lose their "perfect" plan, but when there is an attempt to reform industries there are some broken eggs so to speak- choice is whine about it incessently, or buck up and move forward. Not saying its fair.

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Some people swear by, in fact gush about Kaiser. Seemless EMR, centralized copays and labs, on time appointments, probably the least expensive overall cost of policy ownership... I wouldn't buy Kaiser, but the deliver care much less, much less than we do- but when push comes to shove, I want to be at the academic medical center, or at least have that option. The point is people bithcing about choice are often the ones impressed by the likes of Kaiser- the network limited, self contained Health Maintenance organization.



What if you were tossed from your plan and plans that were available to you technically or financially were all forms of Kaiser?

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You can’t make this up’! Obamacare site link on ACA bracket page doesn’t work


The Obama White House is always looking for new ways to make an ass of itself. Today is no exception. How do you make embarrassing, GIF-filled “health care bracketology” site look even worse? Let Team Obama show you:






Amazing. And yet, totally appropriate:

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What if you were tossed from your plan and plans that were available to you technically or financially were all forms of Kaiser?


they're not- there are 8 compaines in Colorado and varying plans in details of coverage among them. I see where you are going to make the point, but the premise really isn't realistic. Its sucks for those affected, but I do believe with any reform there is collaterall damage.


You can’t make this up’! Obamacare site link on ACA bracket page doesn’t work


The Obama White House is always looking for new ways to make an ass of itself. Today is no exception. How do you make embarrassing, GIF-filled “health care bracketology” site look even worse? Let Team Obama show you:






Amazing. And yet, totally appropriate:




seems to work fine, B

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