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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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They should.


This to me is a no brainer. Make them all get a plan from the marketplace

It will score points with Trump's base, but stripping away that subsidy would mean members of Congress would be treated differently than most people in this nation working for a large employer. Members of Congress would simply sue Trump saying the rule change was illegal. Also, even if he does you don't think there's billionaire liberals that will offer to pay for McCain's, Murkowski's, and Collins's medical costs. All Trump does is make enemies with Congress which is never good when it comes to budget time and he wants funding for his wall and they're pry more willing to push back as he's as unpopular as ever with approval ratings of 4 different polls today showing him under 40% (Quinnipiac -33%, Gallup - 36%, Rasmussen - 38%, Economist/Yougov -39%). As you see in the poll below, gutting Obamacare is a dumb idea by Trump.



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It will score points with Trump's base, but stripping away that subsidy would mean members of Congress would be treated differently than most people in this nation working for a large employer. Members of Congress would simply sue Trump saying the rule change was illegal. Also, even if he does you don't think there's billionaire liberals that will offer to pay for McCain's, Murkowski's, and Collins's medical costs. All Trump does is make enemies with Congress which is never good when it comes to budget time and he wants funding for his wall and they're pry more willing to push back as he's as unpopular as ever with approval ratings of 4 different polls today showing him under 40% (Quinnipiac -33%, Gallup - 36%, Rasmussen - 38%, Economist/Yougov -39%). As you see in the poll below, gutting Obamacare is a dumb idea by Trump.




gutting obamacare =/= cutting off subsidies to millionaire congressmen

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What a great poll................. :lol:



Choices: Congress should..............


Do what they can to make the law work ?




Do what they can to make the law fail and then replace it later ?



I'm for repeal and even I would have picked the first one.




How about a poll that says repeal or not...............

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It will score points with Trump's base, but stripping away that subsidy would mean members of Congress would be treated differently than most people in this nation working for a large employer. Members of Congress would simply sue Trump saying the rule change was illegal. Also, even if he does you don't think there's billionaire liberals that will offer to pay for McCain's, Murkowski's, and Collins's medical costs. All Trump does is make enemies with Congress which is never good when it comes to budget time and he wants funding for his wall and they're pry more willing to push back as he's as unpopular as ever with approval ratings of 4 different polls today showing him under 40% (Quinnipiac -33%, Gallup - 36%, Rasmussen - 38%, Economist/Yougov -39%). As you see in the poll below, gutting Obamacare is a dumb idea by Trump.




The poll that you mentioned has very little if anything to do with stripping lawmakers of their subsidies.


I'm not part of Trumps base and I very much would love to see this happen.


The way I see it is if they want to craft a law for the public they should have to live with the law they've written for those that don't have the luxury of getting employer sponsored plans.

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The poll that you mentioned has very little if anything to do with stripping lawmakers of their subsidies.


I'm not part of Trumps base and I very much would love to see this happen.


The way I see it is if they want to craft a law for the public they should have to live with the law they've written for those that don't have the luxury of getting employer sponsored plans.

The poll was to point out the stupidity in letting the ACA die which Trump said he might do like cutting CRS bailouts for insurance companies. Here's another poll showing why it would be dumb as Republicans will get the blame.



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The poll was to point out the stupidity in letting the ACA die which Trump said he might do like cutting CRS bailouts for insurance companies. Here's another poll showing why it would be dumb as Republicans will get the blame.




Another salient question: where is Kaiser prevalent?


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How about a poll that says repeal or not...............

Fine. Here's the most recent. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/07/25/poll-obamacare-repeal-no-replace-240937


36 percent of voters support repealing Obamacare without a replacement, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll


Another salient question: where is Kaiser prevalent?


They claim to be a non profit, non partisan organization based out of Menlo Park, California. Make what you will out of that.

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Fine. Here's the most recent. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/07/25/poll-obamacare-repeal-no-replace-240937


36 percent of voters support repealing Obamacare without a replacement, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll

They claim to be a non profit, non partisan organization based out of Menlo Park, California. Make what you will out of that.


California is the answer.


You're feeding red-meat questions to californians about Obamacare.

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The poll was to point out the stupidity in letting the ACA die which Trump said he might do like cutting CRS bailouts for insurance companies. Here's another poll showing why it would be dumb as Republicans will get the blame.





What does this have to do with my post?


Have you been paying attention to what I've been saying or are you just quoting my posts and then randomly posting your thoughts on the law?

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What does this have to do with my post?


Have you been paying attention to what I've been saying or are you just quoting my posts and then randomly posting your thoughts on the law?

You said, "The poll that you mentioned has very little if anything to do with stripping lawmakers of their subsidies."


I made two points in that post. The first was that it would pry be a bad idea to cut the subsidies to congress. Obviously there isn't a poll on that since Trump just floated that idea on Saturday. My second was it's a bad idea for Trump to just let Obamacare die and then I posted a poll why. I'm sorry for the confusion.

Edited by Doc Brown
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You said, "The poll that you mentioned has very little if anything to do with stripping lawmakers of their subsidies."


I made two points in that post. The first was that it would pry be a bad idea to cut the subsidies to congress. Obviously there isn't a poll on that since Trump just floated that idea on Saturday. My second was it's a bad idea for Trump to just let Obamacare die and then I posted a poll why. I'm sorry for the confusion.


I would imagine that the idea of having congress live with the same crappy ACA largely HMO network plans would be very popular.


I've said all along that the idea of letting "Obamacare die" not only is a pipe dream, unless of course he actively went to sabotage the law and that despite what the conservatives of this board would like to think, that right or wrong (mainly wrong), the Trump administration would shoulder the same if not more of the blame. As unfair as that sounds they were elected to improve the system, not play games by using citizens as pawns as their political games. Specially when it comes to people's health.

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I would imagine that the idea of having congress live with the same crappy ACA largely HMO network plans would be very popular.


I've said all along that the idea of letting "Obamacare die" not only is a pipe dream, unless of course he actively went to sabotage the law and that despite what the conservatives of this board would like to think, that right or wrong (mainly wrong), the Trump administration would shoulder the same if not more of the blame. As unfair as that sounds they were elected to improve the system, not play games by using citizens as pawns as their political games. Specially when it comes to people's health.

I agree. However, if it's Trump's goal to use it as leverage for suddenly repealing or repeal/replace the ACA it's fanciful thinking and a mistake as tensions between the White House and some of the Republican Senators are already shaky. Democrats won't budge because it would be political suicide. I consider Collins a democrat so she won't budge. I just don't see Murkowski or McCain being intimidated by that tactic either. It would just make things worse imo.

Edited by Doc Brown
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You might be right but Congress is about ready to move back towards the middle a bit, especially on healthcare. And with Dems saying they won't pass any tax overhaul plan that doesn't reduce the deficit, maybe on that issue too.


Congress has been in shambles of party dysfunction for a while and paying the price with low approval (but no turnover!). Can't keep it going.


I'll grant that there seems to be a slight easing of vitriol in congress lately, but the republicans' inability to come to an agreement among themselves, coupled with the democrats' still-hysterical reaction to anything Trump gives me plenty to be skeptical about.



And anyone who thinks that going on a party line basis can produce a working sustainable healthcare plan is also deluding themselves.


I don't think that at all. In fact I don't believe that congress is capable of ever putting together a working sustainable healthcare plan. Legislators and regulators are the ones that screwed it up in the first place. I know we'll never go back to treating things like doctors, medicine, or insurance as businesses, industries, or commodities, let alone reintroducing the free market back into the system.

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It will score points with Trump's base, but stripping away that subsidy would mean members of Congress would be treated differently than most people in this nation working for a large employer. Members of Congress would simply sue Trump saying the rule change was illegal. Also, even if he does you don't think there's billionaire liberals that will offer to pay for McCain's, Murkowski's, and Collins's medical costs. All Trump does is make enemies with Congress which is never good when it comes to budget time and he wants funding for his wall and they're pry more willing to push back as he's as unpopular as ever with approval ratings of 4 different polls today showing him under 40% (Quinnipiac -33%, Gallup - 36%, Rasmussen - 38%, Economist/Yougov -39%). As you see in the poll below, gutting Obamacare is a dumb idea by Trump.



Perhaps the majority of Americans polled are dumb. Just because a poll shows the " majority of Americans" think something doesn't make it right, or smart. Heck, the " majority of Americans" voted for Hillary Clinton!

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I agree. However, if it's Trump's goal to use it as leverage for suddenly repealing or repeal/replace the ACA it's fanciful thinking and a mistake as tensions between the White House and some of the Republican Senators are already shaky. Democrats won't budge because it would be political suicide. I consider Collins a democrat so she won't budge. I just don't see Murkowski or McCain being intimidated by that tactic either. It would just make things worse imo.


I'm not even attempt to pretend to know what Trump would do, but I think if lawmakers want to craft a law for the American people that affected their healthcare then they should be willing to live with the same sort of coverage those who don't have access to employer plans do. It may not initially get lawmakers to vote how he'd like but after one short year of having these extremely tiny networks, with lower quality medical providers who have long waiting lists just to schedule a regular doctors appointment, let's see how happy they'll be having to paying astronomical health premiums with crappy coverage. I guarantee you at some point they'd act.


He should do it, even if does get challenged in the courts.

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Perhaps the majority of Americans polled are dumb. Just because a poll shows the " majority of Americans" think something doesn't make it right, or smart. Heck, the " majority of Americans" voted for Hillary Clinton!


To hell with democracy!

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