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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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Something's wrong with ObamaCare?.................. Seems newsworthy.



I thought it was supposed to be amazing? After all, it was passed with ZERO Republican votes. Dems own it 100%



But B-Man, but,but.........you forgot it's a GOP idea...it's Romneycare. !



I don'' care if Mitt WROTE the damn thing, rather than Harry and Nancy.


When it came down to the Midnight deadline....NO Republican voted for it , Not Collins, Not McCain, not Merkowski.



IT IS A DEMOCRAT PROGRAM, designed to fail, to get us to a single payer which the dems were too scared to admit.



Edited by B-Man
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Some how some way everyone needs healthcare coverage unless you are rich and can pay for treatment when needed.




You need catastrophic coverage.


A plan that would provide this kind of safety net would be nice, but you don't need health insurance if you are healthy.

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There is a bipartisan focus group coming up with a plan. It's a start and it would repeal the employer mandate, the device taxes and would provide some certainty to the individual markets. They should start with that, get that passed right away and from there go to Tax Reform, while regrouping with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle and see what else they could do to improve the law. It seems likely to me that the GOP won't be able to get anything done on their own.

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There is a bipartisan focus group coming up with a plan. It's a start and it would repeal the employer mandate, the device taxes and would provide some certainty to the individual markets. They should start with that, get that passed right away and from there go to Tax Reform, while regrouping with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle and see what else they could do to improve the law. It seems likely to me that the GOP won't be able to get anything done on their own.


Hooray bipartisanship.


So we'll take a unipartisan plan, and invite the party responsible for the abortion into the discussion on how to fix it. And this is somehow a good thing?

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Hooray bipartisanship.


So we'll take a unipartisan plan, and invite the party responsible for the abortion into the discussion on how to fix it. And this is somehow a good thing?


You are right, the Republican plan is the way to go. It's working really well

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Repost: Here is the problem


When you hear the “input from both parties” happy talk,



ask what conservative Health Care reform ideas that the Democrats will accept.


I think you know the answer.




Dems ACA “fix” ideas are more mandate enforcement, more subsidies for patients or insurance cos, or public option.


This is why it's impossible to work with Dems on a "fix." They want to double down/expand ACA. Not roll it back.

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Hooray bipartisanship.


So we'll take a unipartisan plan, and invite the party responsible for the abortion into the discussion on how to fix it. And this is somehow a good thing?

What's the alternative? The Republicans don't have enough votes to get a straight repeal of the ACA. They can't even get a "skinny" repeal. The plan the GOP came up with (the BCRA) was polling at 25% according to a Fox News poll so that obviously didn't pass.


Letting the ACA die is also a bad strategy. A nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation health tracking poll https://www.axios.com/a-warning-from-the-polls-about-letting-obamacare-explode-2347777457.html found in early April that respondents would blame any future problems with Obamacare on the Republicans (61%) compared to the Democrats (31%). I'm going to guess that number hasn't changed much since then.

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What's the alternative? The Republicans don't have enough votes to get a straight repeal of the ACA. They can't even get a "skinny" repeal. The plan the GOP came up with (the BCRA) was polling at 25% according to a Fox News poll so that obviously didn't pass.


Letting the ACA die is also a bad strategy. A nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation health tracking poll https://www.axios.com/a-warning-from-the-polls-about-letting-obamacare-explode-2347777457.html found in early April that respondents would blame any future problems with Obamacare on the Republicans (61%) compared to the Democrats (31%). I'm going to guess that number hasn't changed much since then.



Political cowardice never solved any problem.


Like BMan says, the Dems aren't going to ACTUALLY work toward fixing Obamacare. they have no need to, nor any desire to.

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Like BMan says, the Dems aren't going to ACTUALLY work toward fixing Obamacare. they have no need to, nor any desire to.


It's failing, and the Republicans are in power. The Democrats get more mileage out of letting it fail and blaming the Republicans than they do actually doing anything to fix it.


Manicheaistic politics.

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It's failing, and the Republicans are in power. The Democrats get more mileage out of letting it fail and blaming the Republicans than they do actually doing anything to fix it.


Manicheaistic politics.

Also red state marketplaces are doing much worse. than marketplaces in blue states. There is no political win for Republicans if they let Obamacare die.

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Hasn't had a chance to work. Why? Because of a few spineless moderates breaking ranks. Looking at YOU, John McCain.


Doesn't matter what you blame it on, bottom line is they can't get it done.


Democrats went with an straight line party vote and they made a mediocre at best law.


Republicans attempted to do it on their own and they failed spectacularly.


The way to do is in a bipartisan matter, not just so that it passes but so that you have a higher majority of the country that will initially buy into it.

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Political cowardice never solved any problem.


Like BMan says, the Dems aren't going to ACTUALLY work toward fixing Obamacare. they have no need to, nor any desire to.

I don't agree with BMan that the Democrats want the ACA to fail so they can move to single payer because they'd lose funding from insurance and big pharm lobbyists/donors. In fact, over 100 house Republicans have come out against it and you can tell Dems on the Senate are really dragging their feet in committing to single payer as the progressive wing is pushing them to something they don't want to do. Insurance companies would eventually be eliminated if single payer ever happens in this country. Big pharm would lose money because when all people are under one system the payer gets all the leverage which is why drug prices are lower in other countries with some form of single payer.


I think the Democrats would be more than happy to try and "fix" the ACA.

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Political cowardice never solved any problem.


Like BMan says, the Dems aren't going to ACTUALLY work toward fixing Obamacare. they have no need to, nor any desire to.


Political cowardice is taking the easy road of saying "Obamacare sucks and I won't work with the people who created it." Or "We're going to ram Obamacare down the throats of you Republicans." That's simple brainless thinking.


What it leads to is one party passes, the next party undoes what the first party did, and the next party undoes what the last party did, and on and on in the endless political circle of you vs. gator vs. you vs. gator.


What might actually work, as Magox noted and some here have hope for, is that the parties work together on a compromise, because, you know, the country is made up of more than one sect of voters. Then maybe the marketplaces get fixed, the penalty goes away, pharma gives a little, the free benefits get slashed some, etc...everyone's bull gets gored and we get a better system.


Or do the "skinny repeal" BS things the Reps keep proposing and we end up at Medicare-for-all, which is what some Dems want for sure, and the Reps will have only themselves to blame for not getting a plan done that might work.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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What might actually work, as Magox noted and some here have hope for, is that the parties work together on a compromise, because, you know, the country is made up of more than one sect of voters. Then maybe the marketplaces get fixed, the penalty goes away, pharma gives a little, the free benefits get slashed some, etc...everyone's bull gets gored and we get a better system.


Or do the "skinny repeal" BS things the Reps keep proposing and we end up at Medicare-for-all, which is what some Dems want for sure, and the Reps will have only themselves to blame for not getting a plan done that might work.


Anyone that thinks that the parties will come to some kind of compromise on healthcare is deluding themselves.

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2018 election will be really big if it doesn't get fixed.


Senator announces bipartisan health care hearing on Obamacare
(CNN)Several Republican and Democrat lawmakers agree that Congress needs to prevent a collapse of the health insurance market, which could hurt millions of consumers -- and that concern has opened up some bipartisan dialogue.
Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tennessee, said the Senate health committee will hold bipartisan health care hearings on how to repair the individual market. In the House, a group of 40 lawmakers from both parties endorsed an outline of ideas aimed at making urgent fixes to Obamacare.
The step toward bipartisanship on health care comes as some Republicans consider an approach that diverges from the president's stance.
Edited by ALF
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