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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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Just contemplating something: Millions of citizens (with many million more to come) have lost their health insurance plans and are being forced on to ObamaCare at a higher premium cost and/or deductable. This supposedly makes it possible for the poor to get subsidized health insurance. Why are the people who are being forced off their plans end up having plans that are more expensive and may not fit their needs? What I don't get is that the poor's healthcare was already being subsidized, so why the jump in premiums for the people that have had to switch?

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Just contemplating something: Millions of citizens (with many million more to come) have lost their health insurance plans and are being forced on to ObamaCare at a higher premium cost and/or deductable. This supposedly makes it possible for the poor to get subsidized health insurance. Why are the people who are being forced off their plans end up having plans that are more expensive and may not fit their needs? What I don't get is that the poor's healthcare was already being subsidized, so why the jump in premiums for the people that have had to switch?


Because...Republican lies! Shut up!

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Just contemplating something: Millions of citizens (with many million more to come) have lost their health insurance plans and are being forced on to ObamaCare at a higher premium cost and/or deductable. This supposedly makes it possible for the poor to get subsidized health insurance. Why are the people who are being forced off their plans end up having plans that are more expensive and may not fit their needs? What I don't get is that the poor's healthcare was already being subsidized, so why the jump in premiums for the people that have had to switch?


Many old plans did not meet the HHS definition of minimum levels of coverage, so old plans are replaced with similar plans that meet that standard. Things like maternity care and preventative care and other mandated coverages result in increased premiums. There are some new taxes and fees buried into the thing so those are other increases.

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Many old plans did not meet the HHS definition of minimum levels of coverage, so old plans are replaced with similar plans that meet that standard. Things like maternity care and preventative care and other mandated coverages result in increased premiums. There are some new taxes and fees buried into the thing so those are other increases.


No, the preventive care provisions and lack of need for emergency services were going to reduce the average person's premiums by $2500 annually.

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No, the preventive care provisions and lack of need for emergency services were going to reduce the average person's premiums by $2500 annually.

Why are you asking questions when you already know their answers?




The fact is: they honestly, and using all their vast intellectual ability, thought this model was going to work.


However, they forgot this simple equation: knowledge + experience = wisdom. They have plenty of knowledge, but, no experience. None.


Thereore, their results are: unwise. The fixes they've deployed, are political in nature, not based on experience, therefore, they are aslo: unwise.

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@AFPhq: More people have retweeted Ellen Degeneres' #OscarSelfie than have signed up for #ObamaCare...


Can't wait until all these come out in March:


More people ate at McDonald's today...

More people watched (insert dopey TV show here) today...


Are the obvious ones. The cool ones are like the one you posted.

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Anybody know what a cargo cult is? http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Cargo_cult


The more I read/hear/think about this, the more "Obamacare: Cargo Cult Health Insurance" hardens as the very best way to describe WTF is happening here...from a anthropological context, but really? From any context.


Think about it:

The Melanisian cult members don't know a damn thing about how to build/fly/land a plane, or how to make cargo. But, they've seen planes, and they want that cargo.

The leftist cult members don't know a damn thing about how to create/market/sell health insurance. But, they've seen health insurance, and they want that cargo(votes).


So, what does each group do? They create their imitation of what they've seen. However, it's infused with their own previously held beliefs, and, due to the lack of understanding of how the thing they are imitating actually works, any "hole" in their design, is conveniently filled in by those beliefs.


And, hold on, this gets creepy. :lol: From the wiki:


Um....yep. But hold on, it's get's creepier.




:o :o Hair starting to rise up on the back of our neck a little?


Since the process of insurance is unknown to them(the idiots who created Obamacare), it therefore must be created by "evil" means. Thus, the righteous must create insurance by "good" means, as insurance is intended for all people. The stockholders of insurance companies have unfairly gained control of insurance through malice or mistake. :wallbash:


Spiritual Agents(otherwise know as the Main Stream Media), at some future time, will give the valuable cargo(approval of Obamacare) to the leftists(the dirty little pigmies in our story). Yes, sometime in the "future", "people", will "love Obamacare".


Hence the ritualistic dances, and howling at the moon....otherwise know as posting here, and elsewhere...will someday make Obamacare work.


Still worse:


Or, Healthcare.gov. A mock enterprise application platform. That was constructed by dopey, Joe's Accouting firm and Flow Shop developers...who clearly fetishized and attempted construction of an enterprise system with the software engineering skill set of: a Drupal "developer".


But, keep in mind: developers aren't where the "ideas" or what the system has to do, when, where, why, and which. That comes from the client = Obama Administration. Garbage in...


Oh, and here I believe we have the behavior of sending Silicon Valley .com/consumer people...trying to act like enterprise consultants, largely because "they believe in Obamacare". No unaffected IT person would ever talk in terms of "belief". Not ever. "We believes in nothing, Lebowski, nothing" :lol:


4 words: Show me the code. Hmmm....seems were far past Jan. 1, and the back end I told you all wasn't even close to being designed, STILL isn't built. Good luck living this down fellas...and now? Accenture?


March is coming.


Now it's just getting weird.


:lol: Yes, that's the theme isn't it? Mimickrey.


Mimickrey of what a qualified:

1. Developer

2. Architect/Security Specialist

3. Business Analyst

4. Project Manager

5. Project Sponsor

6. CIO

7. CEO

would do, but with no real skill set at 1-7 to actually do the job, and a complete lack of understanding of what each job entails.


Thus, welcome to my new singature:


Obamacare: Cargo Cult Health Insurance


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Why, no. I don't think anyone here ever made that connection.

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It's a day of the week ending in the letter 'y,' so you know what that means!


Time for another Obamacare delay...this time in hopes to keep the Senate. Only the knob-gobblingest of fools defends this abortion of a law.


The Obama administration is set to announce another major delay in implementing the Affordable Care Act, easing election pressure on Democrats.


As early as this week, according to two sources, the White House will announce a new directive allowing insurers to continue offering health plans that do not meet ObamaCare’s minimum coverage requirements.


Prolonging the “keep your plan” fix will avoid another wave of health policy cancellations otherwise expected this fall.


The cancellations would have created a firestorm for Democratic candidates in the last, crucial weeks before Election Day.


The White House is intent on protecting its allies in the Senate, where Democrats face a battle to keep control of the chamber.

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Well, then again, did you actually expect me to remember something from 2010? :blink:


And besides, the point of this was how unintentionally weird the wiki was. Well, that's one point. There are others....but they are for later.

What, you think OC reads anyone's posts but his own?

And no matter what, you will read every word of every single one.


That is, when you aren't skimming, right? :lol:


I've had your # for years, and I still have it. I keep it in a little box, not a big one, just because: it bothers you.

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Report: Obama plans new Obamacare delay to help Dems in midterms

American Thinker, by Thomas Lifson


Although there is no official announcement yet, Elise Viebeck of The Hill is reporting that: As early as this week, according to two sources, the White House will announce a new directive allowing insurers to continue offering health plans that do not meet ObamaCare’s minimum coverage requirements. Prolonging the “keep your plan” fix will avoid another wave of health policy cancellations otherwise expected this fall. The cancellations would have created a firestorm for Democratic candidates in the last, crucial weeks before Election Day.



American Thinker

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How is Medi-Share functioning with the ACA? It doesn't support birth control, it won't support children out of wedlock, etc.etc.


"Medi-Share is a community of more than 70,000 Christians who follow the biblical model of sharing and paying each other's medical bills much like the early church did 2,000 years ago. Members of this not –for-profit ministry live healthy biblical lifestyles, which keep costs down—family options are about $300 per month. With seven levels of sharing, you’ll find flexible convenient choices to fit your family."



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