grinreaper Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 DEAR ABBY: I have a longtime friend I see almost every day. She's an awesome friend. Her children are adults. One of them is gay; the other is a transgender male. I respect her for supporting her children, learning everything there is to know about the LGBT community and seeking social change on their behalf. The conflict lies in the fact that my religious beliefs and personal feelings are at odds with the notion of gender fluidity. I think the concept is nuts. I have compassion, however, for people who suffer with their identity in any form. I also believe in equal rights. I do support my friend, who supports her kids, but I feel like a fraud when she and her friends talk about gender neutrality and vent their indignation that someone called someone else by the wrong pronoun. I act equally offended, but the truth is, I don't believe in these ideas or this cause. I don't want to lose an important friend. I want her to feel supported -- but I'm lying. Please help. My conscience is bothering me. -- FEELING LIKE A PHONY The answer is blowing in the wind. I suggest you go outside more often.
row_33 Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 The answer is blowing in the wind. I suggest you go outside more often. Just call everyone Dude or Cis-Dude.
Doc Brown Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 This is a dodge actually. The Republicans don't want to fix this, they just want to cut medicaid because that's where the money is for the tax cuts for the wealthy. So you have heard from an ACA defender. Nice propaganda though. Just what you are paid for. Why do we allow a paid poster on this board? Of course they don't. They've been screaming about the horror of it for seven years now and it's helped them win election after election (never mind it's a centrist idea previously proposed by Nixon and Romney). Mitt Romney's Massachusetts individual mandate made Dems more comfortable in trying to push it nationally before the '08 election. The biggest problem with health care is that big pharma companies set their own prices and make obscene profits off it and insurance companies have little leverage causing premiums to increase. The biggest mistake the ACA was not regulating the pricing of big pharma companies. They didn't do this because many Dem politicians were on big pharma's payroll. My guess is big pharma are either helping Republicans write this bill or writing the bill themselves.
B-Man Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Remember when Democrats assured us Obamacare was going to be TOTES rad and save us a bunch of money? Like the next best thing to sliced bread? And didn’t Obama even promise we’d each save $2500 every year with it? Huh. Well, these tweets did NOT age well: Click on to enlarge... As we all know, premiums rose through the FREAKIN’ ROOF … that tweet from OFA TruthTeam is especially shameless.
Nanker Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Trump should get in the faces of the EMEA, PMDA, Health Canada and other price fixing bodies around the world and demand that their citizens pay their fair share of drug development costs. Americans are footing the bill for new drug discovery and the rest of the world reaps the benefits at deep discounts.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Of course they don't. They've been screaming about the horror of it for seven years now and it's helped them win election after election (never mind it's a centrist idea previously proposed by Nixon and Romney). Mitt Romney's Massachusetts individual mandate made Dems more comfortable in trying to push it nationally before the '08 election. The biggest problem with health care is that big pharma companies set their own prices and make obscene profits off it and insurance companies have little leverage causing premiums to increase. The biggest mistake the ACA was not regulating the pricing of big pharma companies. They didn't do this because many Dem politicians were on big pharma's payroll. My guess is big pharma are either helping Republicans write this bill or writing the bill themselves. but it's the expansion of Medicaid that sticks in the governing Republicans craw. That's where the tax cuts for the wealthy have to come from because it's the part that is the most expensive. GOPers screaming about rate hikes are just trying to score political points that they really don't actually care about.
Nanker Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Dems never really cared enough about getting medical services to the masses or they would have figured out how much it would cost. They just did a seductive political striptease promising wide availability and low costs for millions of people. It was a total sham that did nothing that was promised repeatedly by its proponents. The only time they care about the poor is whenever they're running for office and have to figure out a way to buy their votes with other people's money.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Dems never really cared enough about getting medical services to the masses or they would have figured out how much it would cost. They just did a seductive political striptease promising wide availability and low costs for millions of people. It was a total sham that did nothing that was promised repeatedly by its proponents. The only time they care about the poor is whenever they're running for office and have to figure out a way to buy their votes with other people's money. Ya, only tens of millions got health insurance, that's all
ALF Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 When 10's of millions can't afford health insurance that they need , something is very wrong. jmo
Nanker Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Hey, millions of them won't give up their cable tv and cell phones and cigarettes. Where are they supposed to get the money for insurance?
ALF Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Hey, millions of them won't give up their cable tv and cell phones and cigarettes. Where are they supposed to get the money for insurance? I looked at the marketplace for insurance in NY and the monthly premium was the least at $340 a month with $7500 deductible before insurance kicked in. That is not good on min wage , jmo . Enhanced Medicaid under Obabamacare kicks in for that case for now.
Doc Brown Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 I looked at the marketplace for insurance in NY and the monthly premium was the least at $340 a month with $7500 deductible before insurance kicked in. That is not good on min wage , jmo . Enhanced Medicaid under Obabamacare kicks in for that case for now. The old system was putrid. The ACA failed and whatever the Republicans come up with will probably fail. I think in 30 years we all know what health care system this country is going to have.
boyst Posted June 21, 2017 Posted June 21, 2017 I looked at the marketplace for insurance in NY and the monthly premium was the least at $340 a month with $7500 deductible before insurance kicked in. That is not good on min wage , jmo . Enhanced Medicaid under Obabamacare kicks in for that case for now. and when you're on the system you ...Sell your food stamps cheap. Vvvvvvery popular choice. You still don't go to doctors appointments or go to preventive care and checkups Still choose to buy flat screen TVs, cell phones, a new leased car repossessed every year. Yep, poor folk sure love their insurance
B-Large Posted June 22, 2017 Posted June 22, 2017 Trump should get in the faces of the EMEA, PMDA, Health Canada and other price fixing bodies around the world and demand that their citizens pay their fair share of drug development costs. Americans are footing the bill for new drug discovery and the rest of the world reaps the benefits at deep discounts. Or change the law here and let CMS negotiate drug purchases for Medicare. You want drug prices to drop, tell drug companies their single largest customer is done subsidizing the rest of the world. All the sudden we get volume discounts, and other countries start to share the burden. But that won't happen because companies control the government. I can't wait to see this Senate bill that screws a lot citizens, protects monied interests like the ACA, and will still have us paying double what other counties pay per citizen. It will a proud moment.
grinreaper Posted June 22, 2017 Posted June 22, 2017 I looked at the marketplace for insurance in NY and the monthly premium was the least at $340 a month with $7500 deductible before insurance kicked in. That is not good on min wage , jmo . Enhanced Medicaid under Obabamacare kicks in for that case for now. I would hope that after the age of 26 (the age you can stay on your parent's policy) one would be earning much more than minimum wage. It's time we stop subsidizing healthcare for the world.
Joe Miner Posted June 22, 2017 Posted June 22, 2017 I could have sworn we just passed a flawed system because doing something, even if it had obvious flaws, was better than doing nothing. Why's this time so different?
ALF Posted June 22, 2017 Posted June 22, 2017 The ACA failed because so many millions of workers without prior healthcare had serious and expensive health problems. It's no surprise health insurance companies are dropping out because of big losses. In the past factory jobs had health insurance, those jobs are gone to low wage countries.
TakeYouToTasker Posted June 22, 2017 Posted June 22, 2017 The ACA failed because so many millions of workers without prior healthcare had serious and expensive health problems. It's no surprise health insurance companies are dropping out because of big losses. In the past factory jobs had health insurance, those jobs are gone to low wage countries. No. The ACA failed because it depended on the young and healthy purchasing expensive plans they didn't need, in order to subsidize the old and unhealthy, while incentivizing them not purchase those plans. The penalty for not purchasing was less than the cost of purchasing, there were no barriers to waiting to purchase until you actually needed care, and the length of time you could remain on your parents insurance was extended. Couple that with the fact that it redefined "insurance" as "the prepayment for 100% of all medical costs ever", and mandating coverage for pre-existing conditions, and it was doomed from the jump. It was the rough equivalent of forcing home insurers to cover houses that had already burned down.
ALF Posted June 22, 2017 Posted June 22, 2017 The problem still remains how to care for millions with serious health problems. People who earn too much to qualify for medicaid but can't afford too expensive insurance.
TakeYouToTasker Posted June 22, 2017 Posted June 22, 2017 The problem still remains how to care for millions with serious health problems. People who earn too much to qualify for medicaid but can't afford too expensive insurance. Personal responsibility, and making insurance more portable. Individuals should be encouraged to purchase insurance when they are young and healthy to lock in rates just as they do with life insurance. That insurance should be portable, so they can carry it with them, paying those same rates. Those who have been irresponsible, and have not purchased when young and healthy, should not be bailed out by the tax payer as this only incentivizes the irresponsibility. They should be reliant on churches and private charity.
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