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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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House Obamacare repeal bill meets Senate rules for simple majority vote.



The American Health Care Act, which the House narrowly passed last month, meets the rules that allow the Senate to pass it with only 51 votes, according to the Senate parliamentarian.


The Senate Budget Committee said Tuesday that the legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare complies with the rules for reconciliation set by the Senate parliamentarian.


Republicans have sought to use the pathway, which lets a bill be approved in the Senate by only 51 votes instead of the 60 needed to break a filibuster.





Or they could just deploy the “Reid Option” and go nuclear.






Hey WNY !



Buffalo News
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House Obamacare repeal bill meets Senate rules for simple majority vote.



The American Health Care Act, which the House narrowly passed last month, meets the rules that allow the Senate to pass it with only 51 votes, according to the Senate parliamentarian.


The Senate Budget Committee said Tuesday that the legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare complies with the rules for reconciliation set by the Senate parliamentarian.


Republicans have sought to use the pathway, which lets a bill be approved in the Senate by only 51 votes instead of the 60 needed to break a filibuster.





Or they could just deploy the “Reid Option” and go nuclear.






Hey WNY !



Buffalo News



I hope they pass the House HC bill in its entirety....I hope they pass the Trump Budget word for word...put your effing money where you mouth is.....for once....its your time GOP.....

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There are now 45 counties in the U.S. with no Obamacare insurer


But..........you know............the democrats got 'healthcare' to millions............


Damn those Russians. Does their hacking know no bounds?!? Or is it Comey's fault this week? Misogynists? The DNC?


Crap, I don't know who I'm supposed to blame anymore!!!

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MBn3vu2S_bigger.jpgNARALVerified account @NARAL 4h4 hours ago


Remember this when the GOP turns around to tell us #ACA is failing. It’s NOT—Trump is sabotaging it. http://wapo.st/2sl3NyD


Uhhhh, no.


The ACA was failing before Trump became president.


Democrat repeated overpromises about what ACA would do............... led to Trump & GOP majority.

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SO CRAZY, IT MIGHT JUST WORK! The FDA Commissioner’s Novel Plan for Cutting Drug Prices: Competition.



While Obama was promising to save your family $2,500 a year on health care coverage, he was actually delivering the goods to Big Pharma.


When Obama and the Dems cry "I just wanna help youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."


Replace help with screwwwwwwwwwwwwww


Damn those Russians. Does their hacking know no bounds?!? Or is it Comey's fault this week? Misogynists? The DNC?


Crap, I don't know who I'm supposed to blame anymore!!!


SHE has blamed 175 different parties and demons except herself at the latest count.


edit: It's risen to 178 now since I put in the first count...

Edited by row_33
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Cmon Pasta, Cmon Baskin..............keep defending it, keep pretending.......



CMS: Obamacare enrollment drops to 10.3 million


The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services says Obamacareenrollment has dropped to 10.3 million, down significantly from the 12.2 million announced in March. The drop represents the number of people who signed up for an insurance plan during the open enrollment period but never paid the premium necessary to make it effective.

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Cmon Pasta, Cmon Baskin..............keep defending it, keep pretending.......



CMS: Obamacare enrollment drops to 10.3 million


The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services says Obamacareenrollment has dropped to 10.3 million, down significantly from the 12.2 million announced in March. The drop represents the number of people who signed up for an insurance plan during the open enrollment period but never paid the premium necessary to make it effective.


People are so much healthier they don't even NEED health care anymore! That's how well the ACA works!

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Trump apparently told a group of Senators that the GOP proposed AHCA plan sent to the Senate was "mean." He just wanted to have a beer in the Rose Garden. Calls for improvement. It looks like Obamacare lite is what will ultimately be passed.



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For the argument that (somehow) was in the Trump/Russia thread.




Senate Republicans are under constant media bombardment for having the gall to keep mum about the details of the latest version of Obamacare repeal.


Take this article from NBC:

The Senate is closing in on a health care bill that could affect coverage for tens of millions of Americans and overhaul an industry that makes up one-sixth of the economy


Only one problem: Almost no one knows what’s in it.


In a striking break from how Congress normally crafts legislation, including Obamacare, the Senate is conducting its negotiations behind closed doors. The process began five weeks ago, after the House passed its version of health care reform, with a small working group of 13 senators that included no women.


The opaque process makes it impossible to evaluate whether there are any significant changes coming to health care. There are no hearings with health experts, industry leaders, and patient advocacy groups to weigh in where the public can watch their testimony or where Democrats can offer amendments.


“We’ll let you see the bill when we finally release it,”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told reporters on Tuesday. He added that
“nobody is hiding the ball here” and that people were “free to ask anybody anything.”



That this is even a point of contention proves one thing — ignorance of the legislative process. Legislation is not passed in secret, away from the public eye, neither are bills signed into law without substantial public oversight.



Everyone will get a chance to gripe, complain, throw tomatoes, and trot out a child who will most certainly die if Republicans don’t act!™ once the bill is finished and finally introduced.



But the media uproar isn’t about everyone, it’s about the media. They’ve been shunned the opportunity to intentionally mischaracterize components of a bill before its introduction. The dynamics are so out of kilter, the political press corps believes itself entitled to not merely observe, but to participate in the legislative process.



And that’s exactly why they haven’t been invited to the party.


Despite what major outlets are reporting, nothing nefarious is happening. No one is being blocked out of any normal process. There is no “stonewalling” (since that’s the latest fashionable Beltway complaint lodged at those not bending to media will). The media only have themselves to blame.




by Kemberlee Kaye: http://legalinsurrection.com/2017/06/can-you-blame-republicans-for-keeping-their-health-care-bill-secret/#more-216879

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Trump apparently told a group of Senators that the GOP proposed AHCA plan sent to the Senate was "mean." He just wanted to have a beer in the Rose Garden. Calls for improvement. It looks like Obamacare lite is what will ultimately be passed.




anything other than 100% universal coverage is unbecoming the greatest nation to ever grace the planet.... selling insurance plans that cover little when you actually need them is a disgrace... its refreshing to see Trump has a soul.

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anything other than 100% universal coverage is unbecoming the greatest nation to ever grace the planet.... selling insurance plans that cover little when you actually need them is a disgrace... its refreshing to see Trump has a soul.


Easier said than done. Hospitals and doctors were negatively impacted by the ACA (imagine how they'd feel about single payer) while big pharmaceutical companies remained mostly unscathed. We couldn't even get a public option through. Those groups will continue to buy politicians to oppose any kind of government run health care. Also, if single payer was someday passed the roll out would be much uglier than the ACA's as the United States is unique to other countries in that we're republic and not a direct democracy. I thought the ACA was a good first step in incremental changes that eventually would lead to single payer system throughout the US (which also has its own set of problems but the positives outweigh the negatives imo). The ACA is still fixable despite right wing scare tactics which is the only reason I voted for Hillary, but it looks like any progress will be halted for the foreseeable future.

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Easier said than done. Hospitals and doctors were negatively impacted by the ACA (imagine how they'd feel about single payer) while big pharmaceutical companies remained mostly unscathed. We couldn't even get a public option through. Those groups will continue to buy politicians to oppose any kind of government run health care. Also, if single payer was someday passed the roll out would be much uglier than the ACA's as the United States is unique to other countries in that we're republic and not a direct democracy. I thought the ACA was a good first step in incremental changes that eventually would lead to single payer system throughout the US (which also has its own set of problems but the positives outweigh the negatives imo). The ACA is still fixable despite right wing scare tactics which is the only reason I voted for Hillary, but it looks like any progress will be halted for the foreseeable future.

Let's just hope there is no regression in the foreseeable future.

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Why don't you put it in context for all of us to see?

Sure, the right wing nuts were running around saying the there were death panels, abortions, and job killers in the bill and the Senate had not even reached agreement on a bill yet. Hence, her statement

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THE DEEP STATE STRIKES BACK: Don’t Blame Trump When ObamaCare Rates Jump..


“California’s insurance commissioner discovers an ‘uncertainty’ that eluded him last year.”


At best, not one of the California Insurance Commission’s nearly 1,400 employees thought to ask whether a federal court ruling stopping an estimated $7 billion to $10 billion in annual payments to insurers throughout the country would affect the state’s health-insurance market. At worst, Mr. Jones—a Democrat running for attorney general next year—deliberately ignored the issue to avoid exacerbating already-high premium increases that could have damaged Hillary Clinton’s fall campaign and consumers further down the road.

The California Insurance Commission is not alone in its “recent discovery” of uncertainty as a driver of premium increases. In April the left-liberal Center for American Progress published a paper claiming to quantify the “Trump uncertainty rate hike.” The center noted that the “mere possibility” of and end to cost-sharing payments would require insurers to raise premiums by hundreds of dollars a year.

Following insurers’ June 21 deadline, expect a raging blame game over next year’s premium increases.



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