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The tax cut bill is so bad that most Republicans won't even discuss it and a reporter was attacked by a politician for asking about it. That's how bad this bill is.

The body slam technique is definitely an innovative tactic. First time I've seen it used. I like how he apologized right after the polls closed last night.


Post an intelligent criticism and I'll discuss.

minus the whole 1/4 people get a 4 year degree, there aren't any facts in your post just supposition and assumption, likely garnered by your obvious left bias and probably based around your belief that anyone who disagrees with you must be uneducated. Since the MSM tends to lean left and you agree, and by your own belief you are educated and intelligent, you believe them echoing your thoughts means you are the same and reinforces the aforementioned belief that those who disagree are uneducated. Hence the arrogance possibility I added, but it seems to be compounded by stupidity which is evidenced by the majority of your posts.


Now, wait for it, I have a 4 year degree and think the MSM is full of crap and is there to push agendas and report with a slant instead of giving people facts and letting them decide. (goes on both sides of the aisle). So that in and of itself disproves your hypothesis


Media is excited over the fact that Obamacare sucks, and double jizzing because the Republicans can't fix it. Headline mongering sutpidity dominating.


What I see is a Republican party with a huge opportunity but can't build a better alternative. Health care is a hard problem. Be nice if the parties would work together to try to solve it.


The ACA and ACHA is a hairsplitting contest somewhere between and true free market cash system and a tax payer funded single payer system. The game consists of who can mangle a health care system with the intent of pleasing all the stakeholders... that why it's so ridiculous to watch, the Bills produced tend to suck.


minus the whole 1/4 people get a 4 year degree, there aren't any facts in your post just supposition and assumption, likely garnered by your obvious left bias and probably based around your belief that anyone who disagrees with you must be uneducated. Since the MSM tends to lean left and you agree, and by your own belief you are educated and intelligent, you believe them echoing your thoughts means you are the same and reinforces the aforementioned belief that those who disagree are uneducated. Hence the arrogance possibility I added, but it seems to be compounded by stupidity which is evidenced by the majority of your posts.


Now, wait for it, I have a 4 year degree and think the MSM is full of crap and is there to push agendas and report with a slant instead of giving people facts and letting them decide. (goes on both sides of the aisle). So that in and of itself disproves your hypothesis


When did I say anyone that disagrees with me must be uneducated? I think some people reach totally misguided conclusions because they don't understand certain issues which might only be slightly complicated and therefore confusing. But an uneducated person might actually have a better understanding of many issues than an educated person. The world is so diversified.


If it's true you have a four year degree and hate the "MSM" that proves nothing. That you think it does say a lot. Ever hear of an exception to a rule? Or maybe something about the concepts of "most" or "many" compared to "absolute." My point is still valid, the New York Times does not print article trying to get people that don't like to read to understand the issues they are discussing. Call me arrogant, but I'm just being realistic.


When did I say anyone that disagrees with me must be uneducated? I think some people reach totally misguided conclusions because they don't understand certain issues which might only be slightly complicated and therefore confusing. But an uneducated person might actually have a better understanding of many issues than an educated person. The world is so diversified.


If it's true you have a four year degree and hate the "MSM" that proves nothing. That you think it does say a lot. Ever hear of an exception to a rule? Or maybe something about the concepts of "most" or "many" compared to "absolute." My point is still valid, the New York Times does not print article trying to get people that don't like to read to understand the issues they are discussing. Call me arrogant, but I'm just being realistic.

Trust me, you have no reason to be arrogant, thus I'm hanging my hat on stupid.


[For those of you with gatorman on ignore, ridiculous verbiage removed courtesy of DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.10. You're welcome.]


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Nobody gives a ****...


Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.10.

  • 2 weeks later...

The "smartest" President ever........................ :lol:




New York Times

WASHINGTON — Obama administration officials knew they were on shaky ground in spending billions of dollars on health insurance subsidies without clear authority. But they did not think a long-shot court challenge by House Republicans was cause for deep concern.

For one thing, they would be out of office by the time a final ruling in the case, filed in 2014, was handed down. They also believed that a preliminary finding against the administration would ultimately be tossed out. Finally, they figured that President Hillary Clinton could take care of the problem, if necessary.

Well, they are out of office, Mrs. Clinton is not president and the uncertain status of the cost-sharing payments now looms as the biggest threat to the stability of the insurance exchanges created under the Affordable Care Act. A dubious decision made by the previous White House has handed the current administration a powerful weapon to wield against the health care legislation that it despises.

“The administration should not have found an appropriation where none existed,” said Nicholas Bagley, a University of Michigan law professor who has studied and written about the issue. “The Obama administration argument that the Affordable Care Act included an appropriation for the cost-sharing payments never held water.”

More at the link:



The "smartest" President ever........................ :lol:




New York Times

WASHINGTON — Obama administration officials knew they were on shaky ground in spending billions of dollars on health insurance subsidies without clear authority. But they did not think a long-shot court challenge by House Republicans was cause for deep concern.


For one thing, they would be out of office by the time a final ruling in the case, filed in 2014, was handed down. They also believed that a preliminary finding against the administration would ultimately be tossed out. Finally, they figured that President Hillary Clinton could take care of the problem, if necessary.


Well, they are out of office, Mrs. Clinton is not president and the uncertain status of the cost-sharing payments now looms as the biggest threat to the stability of the insurance exchanges created under the Affordable Care Act. A dubious decision made by the previous White House has handed the current administration a powerful weapon to wield against the health care legislation that it despises.


“The administration should not have found an appropriation where none existed,” said Nicholas Bagley, a University of Michigan law professor who has studied and written about the issue. “The Obama administration argument that the Affordable Care Act included an appropriation for the cost-sharing payments never held water.”


More at the link:



Let me say it again, progressives: process matters. Paris Accords, immigration, Title IX, the ACA...the best intentions in the world don't mean **** if you ignore legislative process and make it legally unbinding.



Let me say it again, progressives: process matters. Paris Accords, immigration, Title IX, the ACA...the best intentions in the world don't mean **** if you ignore legislative process and make it legally unbinding.

You mean politicians, right? Not just progressives


You mean politicians, right? Not just progressives


No, I mean progressives, because you're the asshats screaming "Trump can't undo what President Jesus did! That's illegal!"



As far as the ACA, Republicans will get the blame if they cut off the subsidies. The media will be sure of that as the ACA is the most popular its ever been. As far as the Paris Accords, he knew the Senate would rule against it so he issued his executive orders and knew with the media spin if a Republican president did withdrawal they would also be the bad guy. Also, do you really think he'd get immigration reform passed in the GOP dominated House and Senate? There's what should be done and the reality of the moment.


Your post is a clear admission of the progressive belief that it's not about governance, it's about rubbing others' faces in the mud.


You just see stupid where there isn't any stupid.


Oh no I see stupid **** all the time where there is stupid **** and this is a particularly grandiose bit of stupid ****.



Let me say it again, progressives: process matters. Paris Accords, immigration, Title IX, the ACA...the best intentions in the world don't mean **** if you ignore legislative process and make it legally unbinding.


As far as the ACA, Republicans will get the blame if they cut off the subsidies. The media will be sure of that as the ACA is the most popular its ever been. As far as the Paris Accords, Obama knew the Senate would rule against it so he issued his executive orders and knew with the media spin if a Republican president did withdrawal they would also be the bad guy. An ABC poll just came out that 59% oppose him withdrawing from the Paris Accords with only 28% supporting it so he calculated correctly regardless of your opinion of Obama. This will give the Democratic candidate leverage in the 2020 election and may impact the midterms.


Also, do you really think he'd get immigration reform passed in the GOP dominated House and Senate? Obama definitely abused his executive powers more than anybody since Harry Truman, but like Truman it was because of a "do nothing Congress."



As far as the ACA, Republicans will get the blame if they cut off the subsidies. The media will be sure of that as the ACA is the most popular its ever been.


Is this what you think the media's job is? :blink:

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