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The US military fortunately takes on the defense of the world, which is a government decision. The military also provides an education and career option for a large segment. Health care is not a priority for the lower classes.


Now imagine if your country also provided military defense for the entire western world.


That's the thing that bugs me about all these countries that claim the top spots in standard of living, etc. What would it be like if the US wasn't footing the bill for defense?



Plus we beat you in 1812... health care will not be seen as a way to take home hand over fist millions of $$$ in the future if you want a decent universal health plan.


The cost of non generic prescription drugs and epi pen yearly, Katy bar the door, good old doughnut hole, not

The cost of our drugs is so high relative to the rest of the world because we subsidize the costs of those drugs for the rest of the world.


Your plan will make supplying life saving drugs to 3rd world countries unaffordable.


Before you talk about this stuff, you really should attempt to educate yourself about the actual markets you're opining about.


The cost of our drugs is so high relative to the rest of the world because we subsidize the costs of those drugs for the rest of the world.


Your plan will make supplying life saving drugs to 3rd world countries unaffordable.


Before you talk about this stuff, you really should attempt to educate yourself about the actual markets you're opining about.


Very true.


But US should hold a firm line on MFN pricing relative to the developed world. No more free rides, especially when they throw their "free" healthcare back in our faces.


I've been really busy the last few days and don't have it in me to read through a bunch of garbage in order to maybe finally get to the truth. So, can somebody tell me what is being talked about on social media - about rape being a precondition?


The cost of our drugs is so high relative to the rest of the world because we subsidize the costs of those drugs for the rest of the world.


Your plan will make supplying life saving drugs to 3rd world countries unaffordable.


Before you talk about this stuff, you really should attempt to educate yourself about the actual markets you're opining about.


You have no idea how pharm salesmen literally cater Drs offices ?



You have no idea how pharm salesmen literally cater Drs offices ?


That sort of thing is hardly the reason for high pharmaceutical prices.



That sort of thing is hardly the reason for high pharmaceutical prices.


It's not to push generics, just saying. I'm not against lower drug prices for the 3rd world countries by any means.



You have no idea how pharm salesmen literally cater Drs offices ?


He did address it. Pharma makes their profits in the US markets, and the rest of the world benefits. That's why they're not pushing generics to the docs.


For all the anti-trade talk that Trump has been peddling, the one thing he should stand firm on is an end to US subsidizing the wealthy countries' medicines. If they love their nationalized health care so much, they should pay the same prices that US pays.



You have no idea how pharm salesmen literally cater Drs offices ?

What percentage of the cost of pharmaceuticals is impacted by sales and marketing vs. our global subsidization of the entire industry?


I am flabbergasted that you attempted to make that point.

Posted (edited)



No, the AHCA Doesn’t Make Rape a Preexisting Condition.


by Elizabeth Nolan Brown


The latest less-than-truthful meme about Republicans' Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA), passed by the U.S. House on Thursday, is that it makes rape a "preexisting condition" for health-insurance purposes.


According to a host of women's publications and an army of outraged tweeters, sexual assault and domestic abuse survivors could soon be forced to disclose their attacks to insurance companies, which could subsequently deny them health-insurance coverage because of it.


None of this is true. Like, not even a little bit.


And the fact it's not just being shared by shady social-media activists and their unwitting dupes but by ostensibly-legitimate media outlets is another sad indictment of press standards these days.


Nothing in the new Republican health care bill specifically addresses sexual assault or domestic violence whatsoever.


What it does say is that states can apply for waivers that will allow insurance companies, under certain limited circumstances, to charge higher premiums to people based on their personal medical histories—that's it.


(States that are granted the waivers must also set up special high-risk insurance pools to try and help defray costs for these people.) Under Obamacare, no such price variances based on preexisting conditions are permitted.




If Democrats and progressives would just stick to actual details of the AHCA, they would still have plenty of material to make Republicans look bad.


But once again, that's not enough for them. In their zeal to portray Donald Trump and the current GOP as worse than Nazis, the actual details of the bill don't matter—and if that terrifies a ton of sexual-assault survivors and terrorizes American women in the process, so be it.




More at the link:




Edited by B-Man

What percentage of the cost of pharmaceuticals is impacted by sales and marketing vs. our global subsidization of the entire industry?


I am flabbergasted that you attempted to make that point.


I call it bribery ( I have first hand knowledge)

Maryland insurer requests 59% premium hike, says Obamacare in first stages of death spiral


The deadline for Obamacare insurers to submit rate increases for next year has already arrived in some states, which means we’re beginning to get a look at how rate increases may be shaping up for 2018. In Maryland, CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield, one of the largest insurers in the region, has requested a 58.8% increase in premiums for next year. The company has also requested a 35% increase in neighboring Virginia. Why the big jump? According to the company’s CEO, Obamacare appears to be in the early stages of a death spiral.


From the Washington Post:


Sorry to jump in the middle of a good discussion. But I'm surprised no one has ever advocated for a single payer system just for Americans under the age of 18, at least not that I've seen. Can any legislator in good conscience oppose that? I think it's a dystopian horror that parents have to create Go Fund Me's for their sick kids. I can understand personal responsibility at a certain age but it blows my mind kids that need chemo need to do all these fundraisers. Surely we could at least afford health care for every child in America.


Is this naive? I honestly don't know. The defense budget is pretty huge, I'll bet we could give every child free health care just from that pool. That sounds like one of those too simple to be true solutions and I'm admittedly not too educated on the finances involved.


Dependent children under Obamacare are covered till 26 on their parents insurance.


Medicaid should cover low income of any age.

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