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Obama promised to expand health insurance and did.


Trump promised the same, said it would be cheaper and great. His bill threw 24 million off health care/insurance, raised rates for many and did nothing at all he said it would.



Yes, I see how you would confuse Obama's and Trump's statements :wacko:


Actually they do let your bargain if you don't have insurance, they usually have rates that they charge the companies but if you are paying out of pocket will charge you different, and especially if they know they cant afford things (and since they are obligated to treat) they will work out something that is manageable for all parties (and no she didn't have a pre existing condition)


And you keep throwing out this expanded health insurance like it means something, yes more people are on insurance, but the insurance doesn't cover anything and they cant afford to use it, then what good is it? That's why Obamacare is a failure



Actually they do let your bargain if you don't have insurance, they usually have rates that they charge the companies but if you are paying out of pocket will charge you different, and especially if they know they cant afford things (and since they are obligated to treat) they will work out something that is manageable for all parties (and no she didn't have a pre existing condition)


And you keep throwing out this expanded health insurance like it means something, yes more people are on insurance, but the insurance doesn't cover anything and they cant afford to use it, then what good is it? That's why Obamacare is a failure

This is true. That's why every healthcare provider asks you if you're presenting at their office with something that is either Worker's Comp or Accident related. Those cases get the bust-out-retail pricing. Insurance carriers bargain with the actual providers of healthcare to accept a lower rate and fee scale. You end up paying a smaller amount to the provider directly. Some providers will offer you a lower rate if you're uninsured. Of course, the truly uninsured can go to any emergency room and get their healthcare FOR FREE. ES LA LEY!


I thought they'd make another push for Healthcare because of the stupid 100 day milestone that you know Trump (due to the media) is obsessing over. The GOP has their work cut out for them in selling this bill because it's going to get tremendous backlash. I'm guessing we're going to see a bunch of pictures and stories of sick people saying this bill will "kill" them sprinkled throughout the news media. The GOP is in a lose-lose position with Healthcare no matter what they do.


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Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.10.


I thought they'd make another push for Healthcare because of the stupid 100 day milestone that you know Trump (due to the media) is obsessing over. The GOP has their work cut out for them in selling this bill because it's going to get tremendous backlash. I'm guessing we're going to see a bunch of pictures and stories of sick people saying this bill will "kill" them sprinkled throughout the news media. The GOP is in a lose-lose position with Healthcare no matter what they do.

Don't just blame the media, don't forget the Congressional Budget Office said it would throw 24 million people off of their health insurance. The AMA, hospitals, nurses are also part of the scam to stop this tax cut, mean health reform. So the conspiracy is much broader than the media that has stolen the truth from the Republicans that are truth.


I think it would be fun if they did. Then we can hear all the predictions of people dieing in the streets. Watch videos of people not being able to get in to see Old Faithful etc.


I doubt that there would be much negative coverage of the dems if they do manage to shut it down. It will probably be spun as a bold act of patriotism.


Obama provided health insurance to millions and millions, that ain't no lie. And you comparing this scum bag to our last president shows how bankrupt you are


I Just checked The United States Constitution, providing insurance to millions is not in the POTUS job discription.


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You're an idiot.


Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.10.


[For those of you with gatorman on ignore, ridiculous verbiage removed courtesy of DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.10. You're welcome.]

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You're an idiot.


Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.10.


Powerful testimony about lives that have been saved by Obamacare. I know this isn't far right media, but don't be afraid to leave your bubble for the truth



President Donald Trump has vowed to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — a move that could leave some 30 million Americans without health insurance. ACA literally sustains millions of lives . Without the health insurance it provides, many people wouldn't have access to medicine and procedures that they need to survive. When we asked people on Twitter and through healthcare advocacy organizations to share their stories of how ACA keeps them alive, we were overwhelmed with responses. We heard from people waiting for organ transplants, from cancer survivors, from people with debilitating mental illness, and more. They told us about the toll that disease has taken on their lives: Before the ACA, some were forced to skip treatments because of the price; others couldn't get insurance at all because they were already sick. Here are a few of their stories.



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