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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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The only thing bipartisan about Obamacare is now people on both sides of the aisle agree what an embarrassing failure the law has been at every single level.


Dems own it. If only the GOP had a candidate who could capitalize on it right now.

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Good Lord.............






Now Is Time To Be Bold & Expand Obamacare.


The cure for a failed big government program is always a bigger government program





RATS, SHIP ABANDONING: Colbert Mercilessly Mocks Obamacare.




Harvard poll: Majority says ObamaCare faring poorly — even before WH acknowledged steep premium hikes.




Little Common Ground on Obamacare
by Ramesh Ponneru
A number of liberal commentators have taken a recent column of mine to be blaming Obama for failing to work with Republicans to fix or at least improve Obamacare. They retort that Republicans aren’t interested in compromising with Obama on health care. Republicans haven’t proposed any improvements to Obamacare. Brian Beutler lays out this case.
They’re reading me wrong. My actual argument has two parts. First, liberals and conservatives have different views of what health insurance should do that are hard to reconcile. Second, Obama pretends that these differences do not exist in order to portray Republican opposition to his policies are unreasonable. So, for example, he suggests that conservatives should be pleased that Obamacare allows states to opt out of the law in favor of their own policies. But those state waivers apply only to policies that reflect liberal assumptions about health insurance.
My argument, in other words, isn’t that Obama has failed to find common ground. I’m not sure there’s much common ground to be found.
If you want our health-insurance system to rely much less heavily on federal regulation, very few of the “fixes” for Obamacare that liberals are suggesting are going to have any appeal—leaving aside any partisan desires to stick the Democrats with the flaws of Obamacare. So let’s stop pretending, as Obama does, that it’s only crazed partisanship that is stopping Republicans from working with him on those fixes.
My column closes with Obama’s analogy of Obamacare to a “starter home.” He says that people buy them expecting to make improvements. I note that sometimes people decide these homes aren’t working out for them and try to move somewhere else.
In case anyone still doesn’t get the point of that analogy, I’m not suggesting that Republicans improve Obamacare. I’m suggesting that they replace it.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner
The original article
Edited by B-Man
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The only thing bipartisan about Obamacare is now people on both sides of the aisle agree what an embarrassing failure the law has been at every single level.


Dems own it. If only the GOP had a candidate who could capitalize on it right now.


How is he supposed to capitalize on it? For the right, who didn't want Obamacare to begin with, this issue is currently a huge paper bag of **** in the middle of the room that's been set on fire. You can't ignore it, because the media will say 'hey, there's a big burning bag of **** over there, what are you going to do?'. You can't capitalize on it because if you say you're going to get a shovel and throw that burning bag of **** away the media will trot out a ton of hard luck cases who will say 'we know it was a bag of **** when it was enacted, but it was better than what we had before, so how are you going to fix it and make it better'? And anyone with an ounce of sense knows it can't be fixed without more money and/or more government control over the healthcare industry, which will be hard to sell to anyone on the right.


Obamacare was never supposed to work. It was designed to be the first step towards socialized medicine. There is no way for a 'GOP candidate' to capitalize on this without stirring up a **** storm.

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How is he supposed to capitalize on it? For the right, who didn't want Obamacare to begin with, this issue is currently a huge paper bag of **** in the middle of the room that's been set on fire. You can't ignore it, because the media will say 'hey, there's a big burning bag of **** over there, what are you going to do?'. You can't capitalize on it because if you say you're going to get a shovel and throw that burning bag of **** away the media will trot out a ton of hard luck cases who will say 'we know it was a bag of **** when it was enacted, but it was better than what we had before, so how are you going to fix it and make it better'? And anyone with an ounce of sense knows it can't be fixed without more money and/or more government control over the healthcare industry, which will be hard to sell to anyone on the right.


Obamacare was never supposed to work. It was designed to be the first step towards socialized medicine. There is no way for a 'GOP candidate' to capitalize on this without stirring up a **** storm.


So Trump doesn't want to jump on this because it will stir up a **** storm?


Trump GOT the nomination because all he did was stir up **** storms (with the media's help, yes). Now he has to avoid them?


Frankly, I just figured he could squeeze it in somewhere between his pissing on with Paul Ryan and whining about Megyn Kelly. SAD!

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So Trump doesn't want to jump on this because it will stir up a **** storm?


Trump GOT the nomination because all he did was stir up **** storms (with the media's help, yes). Now he has to avoid them?


Frankly, I just figured he could squeeze it in somewhere between his pissing on with Paul Ryan and whining about Megyn Kelly. SAD!


You're moving the goalpost. You stated a 'GOP candidate' could capitalize on this failing Obamacare issue. I'm curious as to how exactly someone from the right (the GOP side for lack of a better term) could capitalize on it.


Trump IS actually out there giving speeches and talking about other things he wants to do. Course no one really hears about it because the media doesn't want to risk any positive press, they just want the public to continue to hear this soap opera bull ****. You usually have more sense than parroting media spin about Paul Ryan and Megyn Kelly. Now that's SAD!

Edited by Gavin in Va Beach
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You're moving the goalpost. You stated a 'GOP candidate' could capitalize on this failing Obamacare issue. I'm curious as to how exactly someone from the right (the GOP side for lack of a better term) could capitalize on it.


Trump IS actually out there giving speeches and talking about other things he wants to do. Course no one really hears about it because the media doesn't want to risk any positive press, they just want the public to continue to hear this soap opera bull ****. You usually have more sense than parroting media spin about Paul Ryan and Megyn Kelly. Now that's SAD!


By 'candidate,' I meant Trump, and by 'capitalize' I mean doing anything other than what Trump does.


And I say that because he has become poison. He changes his mind on too many things to be taken seriously from a policy standpoint. This means we have to look at his body of work, and we really don't want to do that because in addition to having spent the last 40 years supporting Democrats, his business and personal dealings have left an embarrassing trail of unhappy people who turn into coast-to-coast versions of Cindy Sheehan.


So the GOP has a person who is completely UNABLE to capitalize on this because he has too much baggage to do anything but respond to ALL the baggage that has been predictably brought up since Day One.


Do you think a Scott Walker would be having this kind of trouble? Of course not. No such baggage. He could talk about Obamacare from an experienced standpoint, not some dumbass quote he gave on a Howard Stern recording.


But we got Trump because everyone was played or chased the cash, and now none of the people who got played want to admit it.


Like I said; abandon any chance of the presidency and focus down ballot. It's the only chance for sanity.

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By 'candidate,' I meant Trump, and by 'capitalize' I mean doing anything other than what Trump does.


And I say that because he has become poison. He changes his mind on too many things to be taken seriously from a policy standpoint. This means we have to look at his body of work, and we really don't want to do that because in addition to having spent the last 40 years supporting Democrats, his business and personal dealings have left an embarrassing trail of unhappy people who turn into coast-to-coast versions of Cindy Sheehan.


So the GOP has a person who is completely UNABLE to capitalize on this because he has too much baggage to do anything but respond to ALL the baggage that has been predictably brought up since Day One.


Do you think a Scott Walker would be having this kind of trouble? Of course not. No such baggage. He could talk about Obamacare from an experienced standpoint, not some dumbass quote he gave on a Howard Stern recording.


But we got Trump because everyone was played or chased the cash, and now none of the people who got played want to admit it.


Like I said; abandon any chance of the presidency and focus down ballot. It's the only chance for sanity.


Again, how could anyone on the right capitalize on Obamacare, I'll hang up and listen.

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Because "Obamacare" is a fraud that was perpetrated on the American public by the Democrat party.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. period."

"If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan."

"On average premiums will go down around $2,500 per year per family."

"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”

"It will insure the 30 million Americans who don't now have health care insurance."


Lies, lies, and more lies. The Democrats own all of them. People are losing their coverage, it's not insured anywhere near 30 million additional people.

Insurance rates are skyrocketing and the Democrats don't have a clue as to 1. how badly they fu cked up the system, and 2. how to go about "fixing" it.

EVERY lawmaker that voted for it should be kicked out of office and kicked off the Government's own "Cadillac" healthcare plan that covers their asses so nicely.

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Again, how could anyone on the right capitalize on Obamacare, I'll hang up and listen.


By running ads that bring out people who have suffered as a result of the law, lost their coverage, lost their doctor, had their rates skyrocket, etc. They're everywhere...except in Trump's message. Why? Because he's on record as liking the mandatory enrollment, but mostly because Trump isn't interested in winning. He's interested in Trump, and he's making a killing at it right now.


He needs ad after ad after ad of Obama "if you like your plan" crap followed by people who lost their plan, and lost their doctor, etc.


He needs to get his surrogates out speaking for him, and by surrogates I don't mean the nutbag Katrina Pearson, who is stupid enough to discuss armrests on airplanes, or Newt Gingrich, who is stupid enough to battle with Kelly in the first place.


But no. I see these stupid "Hillary is a liar " ads, that are quickly followed by Clinton's "Trump is a liar" ads.


Then what do I read? That he's spending no money on campaign offices and get out the vote efforts.. Did you know that until recently, Trump had exactly ONE campaign office in Florida. ONE? Really?


Kinda hard to capitalize on anything if you can't even identify a swing state.

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Trump has been talking non-stop about Obamacaid since the premium hikes were announced.


He can talk all he wants. The media isn't going to report on it. Not even the local news.


He needs to run ads. Over and over. With real people who have real struggles because of Obamacare.

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By running ads that bring out people who have suffered as a result of the law, lost their coverage, lost their doctor, had their rates skyrocket, etc. They're everywhere...except in Trump's message. Why? Because he's on record as liking the mandatory enrollment, but mostly because Trump isn't interested in winning. He's interested in Trump, and he's making a killing at it right now.


He needs ad after ad after ad of Obama "if you like your plan" crap followed by people who lost their plan, and lost their doctor, etc.


He needs to get his surrogates out speaking for him, and by surrogates I don't mean the nutbag Katrina Pearson, who is stupid enough to discuss armrests on airplanes, or Newt Gingrich, who is stupid enough to battle with Kelly in the first place.


But no. I see these stupid "Hillary is a liar " ads, that are quickly followed by Clinton's "Trump is a liar" ads.


Then what do I read? That he's spending no money on campaign offices and get out the vote efforts.. Did you know that until recently, Trump had exactly ONE campaign office in Florida. ONE? Really?


Kinda hard to capitalize on anything if you can't even identify a swing state.


Hey hey hey.


We're down to the wire on this enormous cluster !@#$ of an American idol contest.


Don't try to make the election about real issues now.

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Again, how could anyone on the right capitalize on Obamacare, I'll hang up and listen.


Further to my point about Trump being poison: visit CNN, ABC and NBC right now and what headlines do you see? "Trump: Cancel the Election and Give It To Me."


Now, What Trump actually said, jokingly, was that Hillary's policies are so bad, they should just cancel the election and let him be president. It was a joke.


But because he is unable to speak intelligently without being boisterous for the sound bite, all the media makes him look like an ass. And because he makes it so easy to look like an ass, there is never a moment to have the media get out any message meant to capitalize on something horrible like Obamacare.


Yes, I know. The media does it to every GOP, but Trump asks for it. He begs for it. He loves, loves, loves to look like an ass because looking like an ass ensures he is in the news, and THAT is all he cares about.

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Down ballot. It's our only hope.

Yes and in an election where more conservative voters should be very highly motivated top to bottom, Trump is dulling the enthusiasm for many. He's running against both parties to a great extent. We should be looking at record voter turnout from Republicans and independents a week from Tuesday. Instead that's unlikely.

Edited by keepthefaith
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New theory: this election is just one big effort to crash an all-controlling supercomputer, Captain Kirk style.


"Illogical, illogical. All units relate. All units. Norman, coordinate."




I can certainly see Tom as the Harry Mudd of our forum........







DOUBLE DOWN ON FAILURE: Hillary Clinton Hints at a Health Care Takeover to Keep Obamacare Alive.




YOU DON’T SAY: Clinton Took More Conciliatory Tone With Health Care Industry in Paid Speeches.


Public position,,,,,,,,,,,Private position

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