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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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This should probably go in a thread more related to racism, but whatever...


Ignore, for a moment, that this CNN article essentially argues that white America hates the black President it twice elected because, y'know, he's black.


Look, instead, at the first example they give. Joe Wilson yelling "You lie!" when Obama was lying about illegal immigrants getting Obamacare.


That was racist, you see. RAAAAACIST. Because everyone knows that Obama was telling the truth, so why would he yell "You lie!" if he just didn't hate the blacks?


Maybe because everyone knew Obama was lying, as California is a rat's asshair away from letting illegals on the Obamacare plans.


He lied. But pointing it out is racist. Got it.


The entire article is absolutely cringe-worthy. I'm astounded CNN would even let it run. Read it at your own risk because you're not going to believe how much white America suddenly hates black people.



Lefties have cried Raysis© so much the last eight years that whenever I hear someone cry Raysis© it's like hearing a pouting child calling you a Booger McFarty pants because they didn't get their way

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Lefties have cried Raysis© so much the last eight years that whenever I hear someone cry Raysis© it's like hearing a pouting child calling you a Booger McFarty pants because they didn't get their way


Reminds me of that old children's story "The liberal who cried racism."

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Court Strikes Down Obama Health Care Rule on Insurance Standards.


“A federal appeals court has ruled that consumers must be allowed to buy certain types of health insurance that do not meet the stringent standards of the Affordable Care Act,

deciding that the administration had gone beyond the terms of federal law.”


Huh.............I thought "federal law" was just advisory these days

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Huh.............I thought "federal law" was just advisory these days

No, the Constitution is just and advisory document


Federal Law is a phone and a pen. As are enforcement (Bob McDonnell) and non-enforcement (Hiliary Clinton)

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Obamacare’s 14th Co-Op Is Closing Its Doors, and at Least 2 More Could Close Soon


Another Obamacare co-op, Connecticut’s HealthyCT, is closing its doors, and at least two most could follow suit as the nonprofit insurers decide whether they will be able to remain on firm financial footing.


The nine remaining co-ops of the original 23 co-ops must make payments totaling at least $130 million through Obamacare’s risk adjustment program, which could damage their viability.



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It's the ultimate vote buying platform. Tax and make the rich pay for most of it, give it away "free" and bury any politician or party that dares to suggest that we need to return to an open market paid by each individual. Hillary is waiting in the wings.


Oh and you have to love the phrase "government sponsored" that the writer uses in the article.

Edited by keepthefaith
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It's the ultimate vote buying platform. Tax and make the rich pay for most of it, give it away "free" and bury any politician or party that dares to suggest that we need to return to an open market paid by each individual. Hillary is waiting in the wings.


Oh and you have to love the phrase "government sponsored" that the writer uses in the article.


"Single payer," "government sponsored..."


Just call it socialized medicine, like it actually is.

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We’ve Uncovered More Unconstitutional Obamacare Spending


“There is currently no appropriation to Treasury or to anyone else, for purposes of the cost-sharing payments to be made.”


Allow me translate: Congress never authorized the administration to spend taxpayer money to fund this part of Obamacare.

That quote comes from a 2012 Treasury Department memo regarding Obamacare’s cost-sharing reduction program. The memo explains in clear terms that the administration knew that this part of the law was never funded by Congress. And since the Constitution requires all spending to originate in Congress, these payments are unconstitutional.

Of course, once the Treasury officials realized this, they immediately shut down the program until Congress appropriated the necessary funds.

Just kidding.

No, they instead proceeded to pay out billions of dollars to health insurance without authority. And Treasury officials were not alone in their concerns. Senior leadership at the IRS also questioned whether the program was properly funded. This was no mistake chalked up to bureaucratic ineptitude. It was a deliberate, calculated effort to circumvent the Constitution in order to prop up Obamacare.

This bombshell was revealed last week in a groundbreaking reportauthored by the Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce committees. This is extremely concerning. As we speak, the House is in the process of suing the administration for a separate part of Obamacare funded without our approval. In May, a federal judgeruled that the administration broke the law by bypassing Congress. This was an historic win for the Constitution.


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Missed in the activity of last week was DOJ suing to block the two huge health mergers on grounds that it will stifle competition.


Without any hint of irony.

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