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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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But how could any of this be foreseen? We couldn't even know what was in the bill without passing it first.


The evil big corporations had to know because they wrote the text of the bill, remember?

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In part, yes IMHO. You don't think so?


The insurance companies played the useful idiot role in ACA. They hated the legislation, but accepted the Faustian bargain thinking that they would be compensated for the added risk they were about to take. And how did that work out for them?

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I knew once they let the insurance companies in to help with the rules it was doomed.

Sooooo insurance companies who do this every day and actually provide a service needed and the whole reason for this are the reason it failed? And that they doomed it? Not government, who could screw up a tire rotation?


Beyond that, what the hell do you want government doing in a health care?


Your response is irresponsible

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I knew once they let the insurance companies in to help with the rules it was doomed.


Trying to find someone else to blame for Obamacare beyond the President, Dem House and Senate that wrote, passed and signed the law is like birdog trying to blame Trey Gowdy for messing Hillary's hair over Benghazi.


Thinking people clearly see the truth in both issues.


Be a thinking person. Not another birdog.

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Sooooo insurance companies who do this every day and actually provide a service needed and the whole reason for this are the reason it failed? And that they doomed it? Not government, who could screw up a tire rotation?


Beyond that, what the hell do you want government doing in a health care?


Your response is irresponsible


I have a status meeting on my project today. Medicare project, seven figure budget. There are 54 managers on this conference call. I have another one tomorrow. There's 130+ managers on that call. That call is larger than every company I've ever worked for but one.


Anyone who wants to know 1) the definition of "big government", and 2) the reason the government can't do anything need look no further than this.

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I have a status meeting on my project today. Medicare project, seven figure budget. There are 54 managers on this conference call. I have another one tomorrow. There's 130+ managers on that call. That call is larger than every company I've ever worked for but one.


Anyone who wants to know 1) the definition of "big government", and 2) the reason the government can't do anything need look no further than this.

yes but redbirddog said it was big insurance that messed it up. Big government can do it all. Big brother cares. Big brother can get water to New Orleans. Big brother can take guns from mean and not nice people. Big government... big government. Big government.
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In part, yes IMHO. You don't think so?


Which parts of the law don't you like?



Is it?


A) High premiums?


B) Mandate for coverage?


C) Taxes on the medical device makers?


D) Minimum essential benefits portion of the law?

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Keeping Patient Alive Can be “Non-Beneficial Treatment”
by Wesley J Smith
The medical bureaucrats and technocrats are changing the meaning of definitions and terms to permit health care rationing and coerced withdrawal of care.
This is the “futile care” controversy, sometimes called “inappropriate care,” or in my parlance, “futile care theory.”
The idea is that when a doctor or bioethics committee believes the patient’s life not worth sustaining based on their values about quality of life or cost, wanted treatment–even that requested in an advance directive–can be unilaterally refused.
Futile care is akin to a restaurant posting a sign stating, “We reserve the right to refuse service.”
Now, a medical journal is upping the stakes by calling such interventions “non-beneficial treatment (NBT):” From the International Journal for Quality in Healthcare article: http://intqhc.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2016/06/16/intqhc.mzw060
The term NBT therefore reflects an objective inverse correlation between intensity of treatment and the expected degree of improvement in a patient’s health status, ability for survival to hospital discharge or improvement in quality of life



Note that keeping the patient alive because the patient wants to stay alive isn’t mentioned. In other words, the medical technocrats and bioethicists are redefining the core purpose of medicine–maintaining life when that is wanted–and claiming that keeping a patient alive can be non-beneficial.
To whom? It is certainly beneficial to the patient under those circumstances!
Anyone who isn’t frightened by the prospect of technocrats, bureaucrats, hospitalists and other doctors, and bioethicists–strangers to the patient–deciding that continuing to live is non-beneficial hasn’t thought the question through.

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A Big Step Toward Repealing and Replacing Obamacare

by Jeffery H. Anderson


Original Article



If only the GOP had a presidential candidate who could talk about this with authority.


But alas...no such luck.


They do have a candidate who will make the upcoming debates look like an episode of Battlebots, so they have that going for them.


Which is nice.

Edited by LABillzFan
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If only the GOP had a presidential candidate who could talk about this with authority.


But alas...no such luck.


They do have a candidate who will make the upcoming debates look like an episode of Battlebots, so they have that going for them.


Which is nice.


That's completely unfair to Battlebots.

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This should probably go in a thread more related to racism, but whatever...


Ignore, for a moment, that this CNN article essentially argues that white America hates the black President it twice elected because, y'know, he's black.


Look, instead, at the first example they give. Joe Wilson yelling "You lie!" when Obama was lying about illegal immigrants getting Obamacare.


That was racist, you see. RAAAAACIST. Because everyone knows that Obama was telling the truth, so why would he yell "You lie!" if he just didn't hate the blacks?


Maybe because everyone knew Obama was lying, as California is a rat's asshair away from letting illegals on the Obamacare plans.


He lied. But pointing it out is racist. Got it.


The entire article is absolutely cringe-worthy. I'm astounded CNN would even let it run. Read it at your own risk because you're not going to believe how much white America suddenly hates black people.


Tucked away in all the tributes to Muhammad Ali was an unusual story about the late boxer's connection to Emmett Till. Till was a black teenager who was tortured and murdered in Mississippi in 1955 for allegedly flirting with a white woman. Till's mother decided to hold an open-casket funeral for her son to force America to confront its racism. Funeral photos of Till's ghastly, disfigured face were branded in the memory of many in that era, including Ali.
"I felt a deep kinship to him when I learned he was born the same year and day I was," Ali said in a PBS documentary. "My father talked about it at night and dramatized the crime. I couldn't get Emmett out of my mind."
Imagine Till's death in the age of social media, images of his battered body being shared and tweeted constantly. Now combine that with racist imagery from the Jim Crow era Till lived in -- Sambo dolls with jet black skin and bulbous red lips, blacks eating watermelon -- being spread through popular culture every day.
That's the equivalent of what some blacks say they've been seeing for the past eight years.


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