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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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On 9/9/2018 at 2:14 PM, Koko78 said:


Mythbusters proved that you can, in fact, shine turds.


Ah, but consider the entire continuum of solid human excretions from liquid to solid; then determine a mid-point and ask yourself, "Did myth busters use the liquid or the solid end of the continuum for their little TV extravaganza?"  Liquid, I think not!

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19 minutes ago, Keukasmallies said:


Ah, but consider the entire continuum of solid human excretions from liquid to solid; then determine a mid-point and ask yourself, "Did myth busters use the liquid or the solid end of the continuum for their little TV extravaganza?"  Liquid, I think not!

So, you can't tellshit from Shinola?

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35 minutes ago, Keukasmallies said:


Ah, but consider the entire continuum of solid human excretions from liquid to solid; then determine a mid-point and ask yourself, "Did myth busters use the liquid or the solid end of the continuum for their little TV extravaganza?"  Liquid, I think not!


Liquid tends to be shiny anyhow.

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Today we got our renewal for our company insurance which renews 12/1.  A 40% increase!  Not 38% or 39%, 40 friggin percent.  We had a very slight demographic shift since last year but I do mean slight.  It's utterly ridiculous.  We'll shop the other 3 major carriers in the state but I'll wager heavily none of them will be different in any meaningful way.   It's outrageous, but just like Fedex and UPS are to shipping, we are a captive insurance market.  Our choice is basically between nothing and what the monopoly offers.

Edited by keepthefaith
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23 minutes ago, keepthefaith said:

Today we got our renewal for our company insurance which renews 12/1.  A 40% increase!  Not 38% or 39%, 40 friggin percent.  We had a very slight demographic shift since last year but I do mean slight.  It's utterly ridiculous.  We'll shop the other 3 major carriers in the state but I'll wager heavily none of them will be different in any meaningful way. 


It's one of the features of the ACA: the specificity of what insurance may and may not cover leads to everyone offering largely the same thing at largely the same price - even the networks don't usually differ materially.  You have an increase in choice...but a decrease in actual options, since your choices are all the same.

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1 hour ago, DC Tom said:


It's one of the features of the ACA: the specificity of what insurance may and may not cover leads to everyone offering largely the same thing at largely the same price - even the networks don't usually differ materially.  You have an increase in choice...but a decrease in actual options, since your choices are all the same.


Thank you.  I feel much better now knowing there isn't an effing thing we can do.  Why waste the energy and emotion on it.  Better to invest my time reading about why the Bills suck.

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31 minutes ago, keepthefaith said:


Thank you.  I feel much better now knowing there isn't an effing thing we can do.  Why waste the energy and emotion on it.  Better to invest my time reading about why the Bills suck.


It's to prepare you for socialized medicine, when you don't even have the illusion of choice.  

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10 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

Damned if you do.  Damned if you don't when it comes to passing federal health care legislation.  


Trend: Responsibility for Health Insurance


Big shock most people polled want someone else to pay for something expensive and that the uptick in poll support mirrors the big cost increases and mandates from the Obamacare rollout. 

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Vox tackles the Scooby Doo mystery of what changed in the past 10 years to make health insurance deductibles go up


Vox is trying to figure out what possibly could have happened in the last 10 years to affect insurance deductibles like this?



Just a decade ago, the average American with employer-sponsored coverage had a deductible of $303.

Flash forward just one decade, and that number now sits at $1,350. https://bit.ly/2Nrtnbl


Can you think of anything?
Edited by B-Man
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47 minutes ago, B-Man said:

Vox tackles the Scooby Doo mystery of what changed in the past 10 years to make health insurance deductibles go up


Vox is trying to figure out what possibly could have happened in the last 10 years to affect insurance deductibles like this?


Considering Vox's previous articles and the image they provided, I'm going to venture a guess they blame white people.

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10 hours ago, B-Man said:

Vox tackles the Scooby Doo mystery of what changed in the past 10 years to make health insurance deductibles go up


Vox is trying to figure out what possibly could have happened in the last 10 years to affect insurance deductibles like this?


GOP obstructionism and Trump.

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I must admit a am a true neophyte when it comes to this health care mess we are in. Such a huge part of our economy, I really should understand more than I do and have a firmer grip on the realities, not the talking points.


Having said that, thought i would share with the board that my wife recently had surgery to remove about a 10-inch section of her colon( not cancerous, but had to go). Thought she would be hospital 3 days, ended up being 6. Received the statement from the hospital today.


IV Tylenol for pain.                                                                                        $600/pop

Fluids/saline IV..                                                                                            $400 a pop

Sterile Items( not sure what that is                                                             $2000

Tums                                                                                                                 $60


All told, $58,000 for a 6 day hospital stay(surgeons fee not included, that was an additional $6K in separate bill) that was all about pain management. Never in ICU, never any additional scans/tests after the surgery outside of blood work to make sure no infection...they just wanted her there as her pain was greater than they expected.


WOW..we are on an HSA High Deductible and had already hit deductible so we pay $0..but Aetna paying them $43K..holy moly.


Something wrong somewhere

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