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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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43 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

California is doing great. If it was it's own country it would be the fifth largest economy in the world. And the Republican party is disappearing there in the face of all that prosperity. West Virginia is turning Republican and getting poorer everyday 


If California was doing "great" they would not need to beg for federal funds and/or come up with new economic parlor tricks to come up with the 2-3b (there's a range that makes sense) and the sell-it-to-the-simpletons sleight of hand that something that will cost 2-3b is free. 


That's before we talk about middle class exodus, number of people living in poverty, number of people on welfare relative to the rest of the US, and places like San Francisco returning to the middle ages where folks just crap on the streets.  in fact, when the plague comes back around, the 100% free health care will be self-sustaining, because with all that demand health care will likely become even free-er.


I agree with you that California should secede from the union, become the fifth largest economy in the world and become a sanctuary country.







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Golden State Pension Deficit: $1.2 Trillion

It’s common for reports on states’ pension deficits to throw around figures in the hundreds of millions, the billions, or even the tens of billions. But according to a new estimate of California’s pension hole from the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, it’s time to bring out the t-word. The Orange County Register reports:

Preliminary calculations from a forthcoming SIEPR study peg the unfunded retirement tab for state and local government employees at more than $1.2 trillion, according to Insolvent Film, a website based on a documentary on government financial stability.

The $1.2 trillion-plus deficit includes approximately $950 billion in unfunded pension liabilities and about $300 billion in other post-employment benefits (primarily retiree health care). The total translates to roughly $30,650 for every man, woman and child in the state – about $123,000 for a family of four.

The figures are substantially higher than official government estimates… The difference, as Stanford public policy professor Joe Nation explained to Insolvent Film, is that public pension systems base their financial estimates on unrealistic assumptions about investment rates of return. CalPERS expects to earn 7.5 percent a year, for example.

Other recent reporting doesn’t inspire confidence that the Golden State’s pensions are in the best of hands. The San Francisco Chronicle reported Monday that a county in California’s East Bay has guaranteed its top public administrator an annual lifetime pension of more than $500,000 per year once she retires. And as Governing magazine reported earlier this month, California’s largest pension fund is devoting its energies to green social activism even as it continues to fall far short of its investment targets.

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1 hour ago, B-Man said:

From your link:


Recently I wrote about my visit to the doctor's office, in which I found out the total cash price for $740 worth or blood tests was only $62.

Which was a surprise.

Of course, the ongoing health care "crisis" — can it really be a crisis when it's been going on for at least twenty years? — is a topic of constant debate, and constant attempts by governments to solve the crisis, which somehow never goes away. In that, it's very much like Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty — after 50 years and trillions of dollars, it seems poverty is still winning.

Let's consider a radical idea. Perhaps the health care crisis is not being solved by government attempts to solve it; maybe the government is instead the cause of the healthcare crisis?

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6 hours ago, Tiberius said:

This is your brain on Fox News: 





Its a survey from the Bay Area Council.

Fox just reported their results.

You probably don't get that.

You should wonder what you do get.


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20 minutes ago, sherpa said:


Its a survey from the Bay Area Council.

Fox just reported their results.

You probably don't get that.

You should wonder what you do get.


 Is the area depopulating? No? Gee, imagine that!  People are not fleeing oppressive California which is GAINING population!

Maybe Fox is huffing and puffing over a Democratic state. Ever think of that? 


You are being played

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8z9FImcv_bigger.pngThe Associated PressVerified account @AP 4h4 hours ago
BREAKING: Government: Medicare will become insolvent in 2026, three years earlier than expected,
Social Security to follow in 2034.



















Democrats..............................."I thought we were ahead"




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 Daily Beast editor who GLOATED over Obamacare now ‘BAWLING’ over medical bills


The Daily Beast’s social editor Mandy Velez apparently got quite a shock today when she found out she owed $400 for medical appointments.


Naturally, she used this setback to give America the finger:




kY_5WxiY_normal.jpgMandy Velez
I started bawling because I can't afford to go to the doctor now for something I NEED to go to the doctor for. WITH insurance. The collections agent apologized to me and said something like, "it's ridiculous I know. I'm sorry."

FU AMERICA. Seriously. FU. #affordablehealthcareNOW


.You were warned.
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