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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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Not even a strongly worded letter? :D



That Obamacare individual mandate may now be… optional?


When is a mandate not a mandate? The answer to that question may turn out to be a bit more tricky than first meets the eye but it’s the new focus of the individual mandate under Obamacare. According to a report which broke last night at Reason Magazine, there has been no change in the law instituted by Congress but the IRS will be turning a blind eye to the question when you file your taxes this year. Assuming this is true, if you refused to purchase healthcare in 2016 in defiance of the law you may not be in for a showdown with the taxman after all.

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THE OTHER SIDE OF OBAMACARE: Millions Excluded from Obamacare Aid, Pass on Coverage.



It’s hard to tell people who don’t see health care needs in the year ahead that they should be paying premiums and higher deductibles to make the system work for everyone else,” says JoAnn Volk
, a senior research professor at Georgetown University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms. “But the going-in idea is that you’ll need health insurance at some point.”


To 42-year-old Tiffany, one of several people U.S. News spoke with whose last names are being withheld to protect their privacy, the costs of coverage to her and her husband this year were overwhelming: $1,221.20 per month, with an $11,700 deductible. If they were to divorce, they realized, they would qualify for cheaper coverage. Alternatively, Tiffany’s husband, who is self-employed, would need to make an extra $20,000 a year to make up the difference once medication and doctor visits are factored in.



As a family of five making between $115,000 and $125,000 a year, they did not qualify for subsidies. And doctors in the plans available were far away.


“This year, I just cried,” Tiffany says of the moment she saw how much insurance was going to cost them. “I’m not an emotional person. I was just floored. I completely shut down because there were no options.”






Somebody needs to tell JoAnn Volk that the choice between going broke now for certain, or taking a chance on going broke later, is no choice at all.



Anyway, ObamaCare sticks it to the middle and upper-middle class because, as Willie Sutton is supposed to have said, that’s where the money is.

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"Why won't republicans hurry up & pass a giant mess without even reading it for us to criticize & protest?"





It's going to take a while to clean up this democrat mess.


How many years have they been voting to repeal it? That's not long enough?

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Reason #12,648 that Hillary lost


They just can't see how foolish they look














her: These illustrations depicting Disney Princesses being denied treatment in a world without Obamacare is downright heartbreaking.





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It’s hard to tell people who don’t see health care needs in the year ahead that they should be paying premiums and higher deductibles to make the system work for everyone else,” says JoAnn Volk, a senior research professor at Georgetown University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms. “But the going-in idea is that you’ll need health insurance at some point.”


It's also hard to convince people like me that do see the need for health insurance that I should pay for "your" health insurance through much higher premiums and deductibles for "my" health insurance. Can I expect a 14% premium increase again next year?

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It’s hard to tell people who don’t see health care needs in the year ahead that they should be paying premiums and higher deductibles to make the system work for everyone else,” says JoAnn Volk, a senior research professor at Georgetown University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms. “But the going-in idea is that you’ll need health insurance at some point.”


It's also hard to convince people like me that do see the need for health insurance that I should pay for "your" health insurance through much higher premiums and deductibles for "my" health insurance. Can I expect a 14% premium increase again next year?

And private insurance premiums have increased so that Medicaid reimbursements to providers can stay artificially low.

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Study: Contrary to Dem claims, repealing Obamacare will not increase mortality rates

Mortality rates actually went up under Obamacare.


Democrats and supporters of Obamacare have tried using scare tactics to keep the law in place, claiming without the socialized health care plan people will die.

However, a study by the Manhattan Institute has shown that Obamacare has saved zero people since it went into effect:

Certainly, there are individuals who have benefited from various of its provisions. But attempts to claim broader effects on public health or thousands of lives saved rely upon extrapolation from past studies that focus on the value of private health insurance.





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REPEALING AND REPLACING OBAMACARE: Draft legislation indicates the first step is ending the mandate.

The 105-page measure largely tracks talking points that House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., unveiled last summer and a similar outline that GOP leaders recently gave lawmakers. The document is 2 weeks old, and GOP aides said it is subject to change.


Still, it provides some new details of Republican thinking and reaffirms others, such as blocking federal payments to Planned Parenthood for a year.


It also shows Republicans have begun translating their ideas into legislative language, even as they continue their seven-year struggle to unify their party behind a bill repealing Obama’s 2010 overhaul.



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Obamascare: 60% of online Obamacare defenders ‘paid to post’ hits on critics.




A majority of online and social media defenders of Obamacare are professionals who are “paid to post,” according to a digital expert.


“Sixty percent of all the posts were made from 100 profiles
, posting between the hours of 9 and 5 Pacific Time,” said Michael Brown. “They were paid to post.”


His shocking analysis was revealed on this weekend’s Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson, broadcast on Sinclair stations and streamed live Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Her upcoming show focuses on information wars and Brown was describing what happened when he had a problem with Obamacare and complained online. . . .


He began investigating it after his criticism of the former president’s health insurance program posted on the Obamacare Facebook page. He was hit hard by digital activists pretending to be regular people.






If it weren’t for astroturf, would Democrats have any turf at all?







ANALYSIS: TRUE. No, Obamacare Has Not Saved American Lives.



Left unsaid? About 75% of those who applied for coverage under ObamaCare’s expanded Medicaid program had been eligible for Medicaid under the old, unexpanded program.


Essentially then, ObamaCare was a wrecking ball aimed at private insurance, and a multi-billion-dollar advertising buy for public assistance.


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