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  On 3/16/2016 at 6:15 PM, gatorman said:

Not if you couldn't have seen them because of your preexisting condition. Did you read what you were writing about?


No I'd thank the doctors who actually saved my life.


Why would I thank Obama? He's black after all. :rolleyes:

  On 3/16/2016 at 6:26 PM, Chef Jim said:


No I'd thank the doctors who actually saved my life.


They didn't save you; somebody else made that happen.


Obamacare attacks religious liberty: Little Sisters Mother Provincial


Government's contraception 'opt out' form reads and acts more like a permission slip


When I first answered God’s call to join the Little Sisters of the Poor and vow myself to Him and to the care of the elderly, I never dreamed of the happiness I would experience in serving, living with and caring for the aging poor until God calls them to Himself. I also never thought one day, I would be walking up the white marble steps of the Supreme Court to attend a legal proceeding in which the high court will decide whether the government can force my order to help offer health care services that violate my Catholic faith and that are already available through existing government exchanges.


For the past two years, since the time we felt we had no choice but to engage in this legal process, I have been saddened to see some of the anger and misinformation generated about our case. One of the most misunderstood aspects has arisen from early statements made by the government about how all it was asking was that we sign a form saying we had a religious objection to its mandated services so it could provide these services independent of our health care plan.


This is untrue. The government already knows we object. In fact, this is not our first appeal for protection from the court. In December 2013, we first asked to be protected from the fines that would accrue against us unless we provided the objectionable services. At the time, Justice Sonia Sotomayor stopped the fines and the government received a letter from us stating our objection. Even before then, since the government announced it had put this regulation into effect, we registered our objection in writing, citing our concerns.


Why would the government need us to provide these services? Everyone knows the government can provide free services to anyone it wishes without our signing a form. It has always been clear to us that rather than being an “opt out,” the form is an opt-in.


It gives the government permission to use our plan to deliver services such as ella, the week-after pill. The form even says our signature will legally alter our contract with our insurance provider.


One of the most puzzling aspects of the case is that the government, at the same time it has been trying to force us to sign this form and provide these services, has exempted close to 100 million Americans from having to comply with this mandate. It has exempted its own military family plan, its own insurance for the disabled as well as large private corporations such as Pepsi. All these exemptions were issued for convenience or commercial reasons, but when we have asked to be exempted for religious reasons, we have been denied the same privilege.



  On 3/23/2016 at 2:36 PM, B-Man said:

Obamacare attacks religious liberty: Little Sisters Mother Provincial


Of all the idiocy that has come from this administration, going to court with the Little Sisters of the Poor has to be, quite possibly, the most idiotic of all idiocies.


Yet we all know, right now, the far left circles are watching this with drool from the corners of their lips, waiting and hoping for the Little Sisters of the Poor to be forced to do something against their religion, like Brigette Niesen getting wet while Drago killed Creed.


Power to the little people, eh, SoProgs?

  On 3/23/2016 at 6:54 PM, LABillzFan said:

Power to the little people, eh, SoProgs?


They're not people, they're religious fundamentalists, hence terrorists.




SIXTH-ANNIVERSARY THOUGHTS: Obamacare Was Going to Lower Health Care Costs. What Actually Happened.



Hawking the Affordable Care Act (ACA) six years ago, President Barack Obama said, “Every single good idea to bend the cost curve and start actually reducing health care costs [is] in this bill.”

Team Obama projected that their version of health care reform—replete with the bells and whistles of “investments” in health information technology, health care delivery and payment reforms—would translate into big cost reductions for individuals, families and businesses. In his iconic health care “talking points”, the president said that the “typical” family would see a yearly $2500 savings in their health costs.

Those family cost savings, of course, have not materialized.

year six, even with lower than anticipated enrollment in the health insurance exchanges and the refusal of 21 states to participate in the law’s Medicaid expansion, the health care cost curve is still on an upwardly mobile trajectory.

It is fueled by sharp increases in both public and private health care spending.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services data show that total per capita health insurance spending will rise from $7,786 in 2016 to $11,681 in 2024. Looking at the future of employer-based health insurance costs, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that job-based premiums are poised to increase by almost 60 percent between now and 2025.

Obamacare’s cheerleaders have allowed their exuberance to outrun their supply lines. Medicare trustee Charles Blahous best summarized the problem:

“Given how the ACA’s advocates touted the law as ‘bending the cost curve down and reducing the deficit’ while occasionally in the same sentence crediting it with expanding coverage to ‘more than 94 percent of Americans’, many Americans could be forgiven for not understanding that those two goals were in conflict.”

Obamacare cannot deliver the impossible (even if it were good public policy­— and it isn’t).





It’s like the whole thing was just a gigantic fraud, sold with a pack of lies.





  On 3/24/2016 at 3:16 PM, B-Man said:

SIXTH-ANNIVERSARY THOUGHTS: Obamacare Was Going to Lower Health Care Costs. What Actually Happened.




Hawking the Affordable Care Act (ACA) six years ago, President Barack Obama said, “Every single good idea to bend the cost curve and start actually reducing health care costs [is] in this bill.”

Team Obama projected that their version of health care reform—replete with the bells and whistles of “investments” in health information technology, health care delivery and payment reforms—would translate into big cost reductions for individuals, families and businesses. In his iconic health care “talking points”, the president said that the “typical” family would see a yearly $2500 savings in their health costs.

Those family cost savings, of course, have not materialized.

In year six, even with lower than anticipated enrollment in the health insurance exchanges and the refusal of 21 states to participate in the law’s Medicaid expansion, the health care cost curve is still on an upwardly mobile trajectory.

It is fueled by sharp increases in both public and private health care spending.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services data show that total per capita health insurance spending will rise from $7,786 in 2016 to $11,681 in 2024. Looking at the future of employer-based health insurance costs, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that job-based premiums are poised to increase by almost 60 percent between now and 2025.

Obamacare’s cheerleaders have allowed their exuberance to outrun their supply lines. Medicare trustee Charles Blahous best summarized the problem:

“Given how the ACA’s advocates touted the law as ‘bending the cost curve down and reducing the deficit’ while occasionally in the same sentence crediting it with expanding coverage to ‘more than 94 percent of Americans’, many Americans could be forgiven for not understanding that those two goals were in conflict.”


Obamacare cannot deliver the impossible (even if it were good public policy­— and it isn’t).




It’s like the whole thing was just a gigantic fraud, sold with a pack of lies.





Just picked up my tax preparation yesterday. We found out that "owe" $2,888 for Obamacare, not because we don't have HC insurance - we do - at higher premiums and much higher deductibles - but because we made "too much". Oh and did I mention the $6,000 in "Alternative Minimum Tax" we owe? Because we made "too much" and even though our tax is calculated at a certain amount, because we made "too much" the Feds think it's only fair that we pay and additional tax.


!@#$ you Obama, Pelosi, Reid and every other mother f ucking Dummycunt that voted for this piece of shite. I hope you get every cancer known to man and have to go to Canada to get treatment. !@#$ you !@#$ you FUC K YOU!

  On 3/29/2016 at 3:10 PM, Nanker said:

Just picked up my tax preparation yesterday. We found out that "owe" $2,888 for Obamacare, not because we don't have HC insurance - we do - at higher premiums and much higher deductibles - but because we made "too much". Oh and did I mention the $6,000 in "Alternative Minimum Tax" we owe? Because we made "too much" and even though our tax is calculated at a certain amount, because we made "too much" the Feds think it's only fair that we pay and additional tax.


!@#$ you Obama, Pelosi, Reid and every other mother f ucking Dummycunt that voted for this piece of shite. I hope you get every cancer known to man and have to go to Canada to get treatment. !@#$ you !@#$ you FUC K YOU!





  On 3/29/2016 at 3:10 PM, Nanker said:

Just picked up my tax preparation yesterday. We found out that "owe" $2,888 for Obamacare, not because we don't have HC insurance - we do - at higher premiums and much higher deductibles - but because we made "too much". Oh and did I mention the $6,000 in "Alternative Minimum Tax" we owe? Because we made "too much" and even though our tax is calculated at a certain amount, because we made "too much" the Feds think it's only fair that we pay and additional tax.


!@#$ you Obama, Pelosi, Reid and every other mother f ucking Dummycunt that voted for this piece of shite. I hope you get every cancer known to man and have to go to Canada to get treatment. !@#$ you !@#$ you FUC K YOU!


Don't forget the fact that you can't deduct your student loan interest or the fact that you don't 'qualify' for most deductions because you "make too much." You have your kids in childcare so you can work? Tough. No deduction for you! On and on it goes. I love when people say I only pay "x" percent more in taxes....and it's not a big deal. Bullsh!t.


Just keep coughing up your 'fair share.'


I'll borrow the math skills from Joe Biden and leave with this: I've got a four letter word for you: AMT.

  On 3/29/2016 at 3:10 PM, Nanker said:

Just picked up my tax preparation yesterday. We found out that "owe" $2,888 for Obamacare, not because we don't have HC insurance - we do - at higher premiums and much higher deductibles - but because we made "too much". Oh and did I mention the $6,000 in "Alternative Minimum Tax" we owe? Because we made "too much" and even though our tax is calculated at a certain amount, because we made "too much" the Feds think it's only fair that we pay and additional tax.


!@#$ you Obama, Pelosi, Reid and every other mother f ucking Dummycunt that voted for this piece of shite. I hope you get every cancer known to man and have to go to Canada to get treatment. !@#$ you !@#$ you FUC K YOU!


Yeah, but just think about that $2500 in savings every year. Wait, what?

Posted (edited)
  On 3/29/2016 at 3:25 PM, BillsFanM.D. said:


Don't forget the fact that you can't deduct your student loan interest or the fact that you don't 'qualify' for most deductions because you "make too much." You have your kids in childcare so you can work? Tough. No deduction for you! On and on it goes. I love when people say I only pay "x" percent more in taxes....and it's not a big deal. Bullsh!t.


Just keep coughing up your 'fair share.'


I'll borrow the math skills from Joe Biden and leave with this: I've got a four letter word for you: AMT.

You're right. Married filing jointly with deductions - one receives a $4,000 per person standard deduction or $8,000 per couple... unless of course you "make too much". In my case the entire standard deduction for wifey and me was a fat $960.00. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Edited by Nanker
  On 3/29/2016 at 6:05 PM, Nanker said:

You're right. Married filing jointly with deductions - one receives a $4,000 per person standard deduction or $8,000 per couple... unless of course you "make too much". In my case the entire standard deduction for wifey and me was a fat $960.00. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Why are you just taking the standard deduction?


We are receiving $3,900 in federal money because we qualified for a an ACA subsidy, but did not apply for it when I was not working last year and buying Maine federal individual policies. We are also getting another $900 from the State of Colorado in the same case.


Classic Government- subsidize someone who didn't ask for it nor "need" it.


Our experience on the ACA insurance was quite good, cost comparative to my employers based plan after benefit credits... its nice to have a 250 deducitble rather than 6,000 though.

  On 3/29/2016 at 6:19 PM, Chef Jim said:

Why are you just taking the standard deduction?

I'm not. We itemize. You get a $4k standard deduction when you itemize - unless you "earn too much". Ours got whittled down to $960.

All the other deductions get whittled down at less than face value too - when you "earn too much".


B-Large - you're welcome. $2,888 of your $3,900 in Federal money came from me.

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