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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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He should have got a policy that covered everybody when open enrollment was happening... I can't think of a reason why he didn't... Consolidating family policies is not a qualifying event, he can change if up next enrollment.


Oh you... I spent 12 years in hospital administration, I've seen all the circus acts. I know an Endo doc who 11 months into the fiscal year calculated that she met her salary and benefit RVU benchmarks for the year, so she told management she would be taking off that next month and to cancel her 32 half day clinic sessions. Management refused, as some patients had waited 4 months for those Appts... She called each patient and told them not to come in and schedule with someone else.


This case was extreme, but the bitching about making 300k and only working 45 weeks a year got REALLY old for me, and the cases were too many to count.

And she worked 40 hour weeks before that?



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No. Some of them are a rare breed of entitled and lazy though.

So? There isn't a single profession on this planet that doesn't contain that behavior. It's called human nature. Some people are entitled. Some people are lazy. Some people are both. Most people aren't.


The demands to become a doctor today are ridiculous. That breeds a sense of entitlement and probably a little bit of laziness, since most had to work so hard just to get where they are. It is what it is.


I work with some incredibly brilliant and driven people. They didn't get where they are by accident. A few of them are pretty entitled and (gasp) a little bit lazy. They're guilty of resting on their laurels a little. It happens to most successful people. I choose to learn from it rather than emulate it but it's not an indictment of my entire profession.

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Whichever legal argument the law’s opponents were relying on at the moment, it was secondary to the political argument against Obamacare. Scalia, in his attempt to justify the social upheaval that would come if the court jettisoned the law, asked the government’s top lawyer, Donald Verrilli: “You really think Congress is just going to sit there while all of these disastrous consequences ensue? . . . Congress adjusts, enacts a statute that takes care of the problem. It happens all the time.”

“This Congress, your honor?” Verrilli replied.

There was laughter in the courtroom.

After the argument, hundreds of activists, whipped up by some members of that very Congress, waved signs and traded taunts as if they were rival fans at a basketball game.

“Stand up! Fight back! Health care under attack!” chanted one side.

“Liberty! Follow the law!” the other side shouted back.

In the unlikely event the Roberts court uses an ambiguous textual dispute to overturn the most significant social legislation of the era, there will be no place to hide from the national conflagration that follows.



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If they strike it down, my guess is that the justices will allow some sort of grace period for the subsidies to expire in the hopes of not causing total immediate chaos in the private health insurance markets and a possible deal to made in Congress *chuckle chuckle*. If they don't allow this grace period, then Congress probably will end up doing an 18 month extension. The Senate which is slightly made up of individuals that are more serious-minded will easily pass this extension with probably around 60-65 votes. Then it will go to the house, they will hoot and holler, Boehner will pretend he is siding with the tea party folks and at the last moment, he will do the responsible thing and put the extension up for a vote and it will pass with around 250 votes with approximately a quarter of the GOP house members voting for the extension. And that will mark the end of Boehner.


My guess is that it won't reach this conclusion. 60% odds in my view that one or two of the conservative justices will side with preserving the subsidies.

Edited by Magox
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Oregon abolishes its hopelessly bungled health insurance exchange
Los Angeles Times, by Samantha Masunaga


Original Article


A bill dissolving Cover Oregon, the state´s dysfunctional health insurance exchange, has been signed by Gov. Kate Brown. The measure, which had bipartisan support, transfers responsibilities for the Oregon exchange to the state Department of Consumer and Business Services.

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Oregon abolishes its hopelessly bungled health insurance exchange

Los Angeles Times, by Samantha Masunaga


Original Article


A bill dissolving Cover Oregon, the state´s dysfunctional health insurance exchange, has been signed by Gov. Kate Brown. The measure, which had bipartisan support, transfers responsibilities for the Oregon exchange to the state Department of Consumer and Business Services.


Well, it wasn't a total failure. I'm sure at least a dozen progressive lobbyists and elected officials got a good chunk of that $250M for their trouble.

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Interesting: FWIW... I know, I know the source. Just throwing it out there--




Obamacare Fixed U.S. Health Care Inflation


Cost of health care is rising at the slowest rate since 1961.

The "PCE" referred to in the graph is "personal consumption expenditures". As can be seen from the BEA tables the quarter to quarter changes can be quite variable making the claim based on one month dubious at best. In addition, data for January is just a preliminary estimate.


The 1961 claim during Kennedy's term is equally dubious for the same reasons. See:





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“Massachusetts Health Connector officials behind the state’s failed health care website have racked up more than $170,000 in taxpayer-funded expenses, including a Boston Harbor summertime boat cruise, luxury hotel stays, ‘appreciation’ meals for staffers and contractors — and a $285 Obamacare cake commemorating the launch of the Affordable Care Act.”







Elizabeth Price Foley & David Rivkin: When bad Obama policies collide: How the president’s immigration amnesty will undermine Obamacare.




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Wait a minute..............we meant for everybody else.........not us !




More at the link: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/06/us/health-care-fixes-backed-by-harvards-experts-now-roil-its-faculty.html?_r=0






Like Nanker said: GOOD!


Everyone wants to feel special no matter who they are. Too bad Harvard... Suck it up!

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“Massachusetts Health Connector officials behind the state’s failed health care website have racked up more than $170,000 in taxpayer-funded expenses, including a Boston Harbor summertime boat cruise, luxury hotel stays, ‘appreciation’ meals for staffers and contractors — and a $285 Obamacare cake commemorating the launch of the Affordable Care Act.”







Elizabeth Price Foley & David Rivkin: When bad Obama policies collide: How the president’s immigration amnesty will undermine Obamacare.




Now that is interesting. See, if the private sector health care manager spent 100 times that much no one would say anything. Here, he got busted.

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Now that is interesting. See, if the private sector health care manager spent 100 times that much no one would say anything. Here, he got busted.


Now what's interesting is your normal reply of "yeah....but"


Well not really interesting. Par for your course.


However if you can't see the difference of private sector voluntary insurance waste vs mandatory publicly funded abuse I can't help you.

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Now what's interesting is your normal reply of "yeah....but"


Well not really interesting. Par for your course.


However if you can't see the difference of private sector voluntary insurance waste vs mandatory publicly funded abuse I can't help you.


That's true Jim


What is particularly interesting is if someone actually opens the link and reads the article, you see that it is the Boston Herald that is reporting this waste and the government officials simply blow it off and say that their expenses were "justified.


No one was "busted" or disciplined.





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