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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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LOL at today's CNN 'coverage'.............it really is April Fools




April 1, 2014 6:22:22 AM CDT:


A senior administration official said today that after a surge in sign-ups on enrollment deadline day, Obamacare is on track to hit the White House's original target of 7 million people signing up, CNN's Jim Acosta reports.


More than 4.8 million visits were made to HealthCare.gov and 2 million calls were made to the call center Monday, raising optimism that the goal would be met, the official said.


The administration is awaiting final numbers from the federal and state exchanges, the official said.



So... an unnamed spokesperson says there was "a surge" and that sign-ups are "on track," and that there was a large number of visits to the website and calls to the center. CNN takes dictation and conveys a message that's intended to be read — if readers don't look too hard — as a claim that the original 7 million target was hit. But there are no "final numbers" yet.


No final numbers?! There are NO numbers on the sign-ups, only numbers on the traffic to the website and the call center. Do we even have a rough guess of the relationship between the number of visits and calls to the number of sign-ups? Is it 99%? 50%? 10%? We're given no idea! And the target of 7 million... 7 million what? Wasn't it coverage for 7 million of the previously uninsured, who were the point of all this health-insurance upheaval?


Many people lost insurance they had, and if these previously insured folk had to go to the website/call center to replace their insurance, they shouldn't count toward meeting the 7 million.

Edited by B-Man
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no. But I played one on TV. 100% registered Sagittarius.


That was the final question needing an answer in order to sign you up for ObamaCare. If you had answered in the affirmative we had 40 more pages of questions for you.

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That was the final question needing an answer in order to sign you up for ObamaCare. If you had answered in the affirmative we had 40 more pages of questions for you.

so when are you going to give me money? I deserve money. And free stuff. Send me lots of free stuff.
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LOL at today's CNN 'coverage'.............it really is April Fools




April 1, 2014 6:22:22 AM CDT:


A senior administration official said today that after a surge in sign-ups on enrollment deadline day, Obamacare is on track to hit the White House's original target of 7 million people signing up, CNN's Jim Acosta reports.


More than 4.8 million visits were made to HealthCare.gov and 2 million calls were made to the call center Monday, raising optimism that the goal would be met, the official said.


The administration is awaiting final numbers from the federal and state exchanges, the official said.



So... an unnamed spokesperson says there was "a surge" and that sign-ups are "on track," and that there was a large number of visits to the website and calls to the center. CNN takes dictation and conveys a message that's intended to be read — if readers don't look too hard — as a claim that the original 7 million target was hit. But there are no "final numbers" yet.


No final numbers?! There are NO numbers on the sign-ups, only numbers on the traffic to the website and the call center. Do we even have a rough guess of the relationship between the number of visits and calls to the number of sign-ups? Is it 99%? 50%? 10%? We're given no idea! And the target of 7 million... 7 million what? Wasn't it coverage for 7 million of the previously uninsured, who were the point of all this health-insurance upheaval?


Many people lost insurance they had, and if these previously insured folk had to go to the website/call center to replace their insurance, they shouldn't count toward meeting the 7 million.


It reminds me of the late 90's, when internet companies were reporting results as the number of "eyeballs" that viewed their site, with absolutely no !@#$ing clue how to translate that to commercial success.

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It reminds me of the late 90's, when internet companies were reporting results as the number of "eyeballs" that viewed their site, with absolutely no !@#$ing clue how to translate that to commercial success.


Well, that all worked out just fine. No worries.

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It's just beginning, moving forward it will cover even more people

The total number of people it covers is meaningless. Unless enough are young and healthy costs will continue to rise, and rise faster than previously. If no one can afford coverage eventually, what was the point? That's what's so funny about the crowing over the alleged 7M people who have enrolled. And if less than 5% of the previously uninsured signed up, again why did we do this?

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One of the heaviest chickens is beginning to circle the roost called the ACA.




It appears that the insurance companies are bracing for the inevitable rate increases and the resulting outcry given the proportions of young - old, healthy - sick enrollees in POTUS' legacy legislation. Of course, the great thing for politicians is that they can scapegoat the insurance companies since George Bush ain't around to get kicked any more.

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Holy ****. That's even worse than I thought!


One thing you can count on: when Obama's making a victory lap, he's going to trip over his lies before he crosses the finish line. They're doing anything they can to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately, they don't care about the people who are bleeding. Only their political fortunes.

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One thing you can count on: when Obama's making a victory lap, he's going to trip over his lies before he crosses the finish line. They're doing anything they can to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately, they don't care about the people who are bleeding. Only their political fortunes.

bs. they're trying their damdest to make sure all the political capital spent wasn't in vain. and they're winning. the aca today became a "buy" in most prognosticators view: it's much more unlikely to be repealed now than a couple days ago.. and someone said it was still a work in progress. kinda like that characterization.. i believe i've heard it before.
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bs. they're trying their damdest to make sure all the political capital spent wasn't in vain. and they're winning. the aca today became a "buy" in most prognosticators view: it's much more unlikely to be repealed now than a couple days ago.. and someone said it was still a work in progress. kinda like that characterization.. i believe i've heard it before.



I'm not seeing the connection and/or argument? What really changed? Less then 1mm now have insurance? That proves what? How many don't? What % changed?


I want our president - any president to succeed. But I don't see this as successful for the American people. I am almost 100% neutral on this and many issues.

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bs. they're trying their damdest to make sure all the political capital spent wasn't in vain. and they're winning. the aca today became a "buy" in most prognosticators view: it's much more unlikely to be repealed now than a couple days ago.. and someone said it was still a work in progress. kinda like that characterization.. i believe i've heard it before.

Yeah, it was like Christmas for the libs because they woke up early and found that Santa had left their arbitrary "7 million" number under the tree. But like every other scarce piece of news they've tried to do victory laps with, when people hear about the massive premium hikes coming for 2015, news which will drop conveniently before the mid-terms, they'll realize what they got was a lump of coal. Never mind if/when Barry reveals just how few of the uninsured signed up, versus the 48M that he assured us needed health care or they'd die or go bankrupt.

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bs. they're trying their damdest to make sure all the political capital spent wasn't in vain. and they're winning. the aca today became a "buy" in most prognosticators view: it's much more unlikely to be repealed now than a couple days ago.. and someone said it was still a work in progress. kinda like that characterization.. i believe i've heard it before.


Are you freaking kidding me? Leave the knob-gobbling to fools like gatorman. We both know if there was a GOOD number to show how many paid and how many were previously uninsured, Obama would be driving around waving the numbers in everyone's face.


But no. We get some unproven, undocumented 7.1 million and fools like you believe it. But the second you see a number that doesn't work, you call BS.


As a matter of fact, I stand corrected. You're every bit the knob-gobbler that gatorman proves to be every day. Millions of people are losing coverage, losing doctors, losing hospitals or, at the very least, are paying MORE for coverage and more for deductibles.


But hey...who cares when for the first time in four painful, embarrassing years, the signature Obama law spent one day as a buy. :lol:


EDIT: Another report on the RAND report from Forbes here. MORE BS!!!


What’s important to remember is that this is not how Obamacare was supposed to work. The Congressional Budget Office, in its original estimates, predicted that the vast majority of the people eligible for subsidies on the exchanges would be previously uninsured individuals.

Instead, the vast majority are previously insured people, many of whom are getting a better deal on the exchanges because they either qualify for subsidies, or because they’re older individuals who benefit from the law’s steep rate hikes on the young.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Are you freaking kidding me? Leave the knob-gobbling to fools like gatorman. We both know if there was a GOOD number to show how many paid and how many were previously uninsured, Obama would be driving around waving the numbers in everyone's face.


But no. We get some unproven, undocumented 7.1 million and fools like you believe it. But the second you see a number that doesn't work, you call BS.


As a matter of fact, I stand corrected. You're every bit the knob-gobbler that gatorman proves to be every day. Millions of people are losing coverage, losing doctors, losing hospitals or, at the very least, are paying MORE for coverage and more for deductibles.


But hey...who cares when for the first time in four painful, embarrassing years, the signature Obama law spent one day as a buy. :lol:


EDIT: Another report on the RAND report from Forbes here. MORE BS!!!

no kidding it's not supposed to work like this. medicaid expansion was integral to the plan and you have nearly 1/2 the states refusing to play ball. for sh*ts and giggles, take a look at a map of those states. despite this, the plan is becoming cemented into the fabric of the system inching closer to politically untouchable status daily.
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no kidding it's not supposed to work like this. medicaid expansion was integral to the plan and you have nearly 1/2 the states refusing to play ball. for sh*ts and giggles, take a look at a map of those states. despite this, the plan is becoming cemented into the fabric of the system inching closer to politically untouchable status daily.


Nothing pleases a conservative like me more than watching this abortion of a law find its way into the fabric of America to remind the country FOR GENERATIONS what happens when progressives are put in charge: in an effort to help eliminate hardships, they create a law so bad that it is, in and of itself, such a self-described hardship that you can actually claim it's more of a hardship than the hardship it set out to stop.


This, America, is considered a "win" by progressives. Good work there, Scooter. What do you do for an encore? Oh, I know. Spend a trillion dollars as kickback to your campaign donors and call it a jobs program measured by the number of jobs it "saved"??? :lol:



Edited by LABillzFan
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Nothing pleases a conservative like me more than watching this abortion of a law find its way into the fabric of America to remind the country FOR GENERATIONS what happens when progressives are put in charge: in an effort to help eliminate hardships, they create a law so bad that it is, in and of itself, such a self-described hardship that you can actually claim it's more of a hardship than the hardship it set out to stop.


This, America, is considered a "win" by progressives. Good work there, Scooter. What do you do for an encore? Oh, I know. Spend a trillion dollars as kickback to your campaign donors and call it a jobs program measured by the number of jobs it "saved"??? :lol:



here's a prediction: medicaid expansion will happen in all but the most backward states within the next few years. why? because health care systems are pressuring their senators and congressmen to get it done. the partial offset for decreased medicare payments for them is increased medicaid payments for the previously uninsured. that's not happening even in many of the poorest states that desperately need those healthcare jobs and dollars (yup, that map again - the southeastern states are all nonadopters). in effect, the uninsured that would be eligible for medicaid are being used as pawns by the cons. so what else is new? but once that happens, game over.
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bs. they're trying their damdest to make sure all the political capital spent wasn't in vain. and they're winning. the aca today became a "buy" in most prognosticators view: it's much more unlikely to be repealed now than a couple days ago.. and someone said it was still a work in progress. kinda like that characterization.. i believe i've heard it before.


LA says they only care about their political fortunes...and you say that's bs, because they're trying to make sure all their political capital wasn't spent in vain, and they're succeeding because the ACA can't be repealed?


Are you high?

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