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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About The “Religion” Of Islam

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If this is who we are really up against? Clowns that would publish their target list, and, give us insight into how they see the battlefield?


Sorry if I don't sound scared. Hell, this was probably published by the biggest buffoon of all time. Perhaps there is some truth to the statements that the leadership has been thinned out.


Example of seeing the battlefield: Bars on M street, huh? Why was this mentioned? Seems awfully specific given the context of the rest. Why be specific here, and not about NYC? Certainly there are as many people in bars in Little Italy as there are in bars on M street. I know, I've been to both. There's more people in bars in Ybor City than in both places, combined.


The author apparently has been to M street, but has little knowledge of NYC, and doesn't know F all about Tampa. I wonder if we can run some patterning on that? :lol:


This sounds like "places in the USA I've been to, plus some general stuff on places I haven't", written by some wannabe, to me.


Well, when one considers that the entire ethos of these people is 100% based on "wannabe"....because they can't win on the merits....


You know....like Mohammed being a "wannabe" prophet....

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THE HOLY BIBLE: “Look out for false prophets, who come to you under the guise of sheep, but inside they are devouring wolves. You must recognize them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:15-16)


THE CULT OF ISLAM: In this case the false Prophet and devouring wolf was Muhammad. And the fruits of Muhammad was the barbaric, evil, slave owning, apostate-murdering, death cult, false religion of Islam. Islam is NOT a religion.

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no, it's bigger than that. Einstein. the general theory. they found the graviton.


It's actually neither, since the Bible doesn't mention gravity and warns us about false prophets. And not only would Gabe never have spoken to a German-speaking Jew like Einstein, it is well documented that Newtonian physics is a pagan cult (seriously, google "pagan followers of Isaac Newton").


Gravity is obviously a FRAUD, and a pagan apostate cult.

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Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally uncovered the identity of PearlHowardMan. And oh by the way, these are the people who could possibly be running my province in a week. :wallbash::bag:




Janette Bertrand is a well-known Quebec writer and activist who last fall lent her name to a group of Quebec women — the Janettes — advocating in favour of the PQ’s charter of Quebec values. The charter would ban the wearing of such garments as the hijab, kippa and turban by all public-sector workers, and not a minute too soon in Ms. Bertrand’s eyes.



In October, she told La Presse that she would not want to be treated by a doctor wearing a hijab, the Muslim headscarf, because she might receive substandard care. “I would be afraid,” she said. “I would say to myself … in her religion, women are not given the same care as men, and the elderly are allowed to die sooner.”




The building where she lives in Montreal has a swimming pool. Once, she and her friend were doing their weekly aqua-fitness when two men came to the pool. Seeing two women present, they left.

“Suppose they leave and go see the owner who is very happy to have a lot of … rich McGill students who are there,” Ms. Bertrand said. “And then, they ask, ‘Well, we want to have a day.’ They pay, and then in a few months, they have the pool all the time. That is the chipping away. That is what we’re afraid of, and that is what is going to happen if we don’t have a charter.”

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Q. Why was death for Islamic apostates introduced in Islam?

A. Because too many Muslims were leaving the false religion of Islam.


Q. Why were so Muslims leaving Islam?

A. Because Islam is a Godless lie! Muhammad was never a Prophet of God and the angel Gabriel never visited Muhammad in the Hira cave! Without death for apostasy, Islam would collapse.



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