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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About The “Religion” Of Islam

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Islam isn't a religion. Islam is a death cult. Muhammad was a fraud. All of your personal insults can't change any of this.




That's entirely false. Muhammad could have started his own religion. But he didn't.


Muhammad was a 7th century low-life thug who was jealous of the Christians and the Jews, the "book people" he called them. He wanted to be a Prophet of God so bad but the Christians and Jews rejected Muhammad. He spend the rest of his miserable life getting back at the Christians and Jews for rejecting him.


Muhammad was a fraud. Islam is a lie.

What's entirely false?


Here's what I wrote:



"I feel that it's reasonable to demand that of anyone building their arguments against Islam upon the premise that early Era Christians and Jews have a monopoly on both the understanding of the mind and nature of God, as well as an exclusive knowledge of the Angel Gabriel, be able to prove that Jesus of Nazareth existed."


Now respond to it.

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What's entirely false?


Here's what I wrote:



"I feel that it's reasonable to demand that of anyone building their arguments against Islam upon the premise that early Era Christians and Jews have a monopoly on both the understanding of the mind and nature of God, as well as an exclusive knowledge of the Angel Gabriel, be able to prove that Jesus of Nazareth existed."


Now respond to it.


Response: Christians and Jews denied that their angel Gabriel ever visited Muhammad in the Hira cave. Illiterate Muhammad claimed that the angel Gabriel tried to force him to read something as well as the angel Gabriel holding & pressing Muhammad three times so hard that Muhammad couldn't breathe. When Christians and Jews heard of this they INSTANTLY knew that it was NOT the angel Gabriel who supposedly visited Muhammad in the Hira cave. Since the Christians and Jews had at least 600 years experience with this kind of thing I think they would know what they were talking about. Muhammad was rejected as an Abrahamic Prophet of God by the Christians and Jews. Jews called Muhammad "the mad man" and the Christians thought that Muhammad was insane and evil. Dejected, Muhammad became angry with the Christians and Jews so he tried to start the third Abrahamic religion (after Christianity and Judaism) but had few followers. He then turned to forcing people in to Islam and instituting death for apostasy - which is still in place today. Muhammad went to his grave hating both the Christians and Jews for rejecting him as one of their Prophets of God.


All Muhammad ever wanted was to be accepted by the Christians and Jews as one of their Prophets of God. In truth, Muhammad was a petty, sick, evil, twisted, shallow monster.


If you think that Muhammad was a Prophet of God and that Islam is a religion you are a hopeless fool!

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Response: Christians and Jews denied that their angel Gabriel ever visited Muhammad in the Hira cave. Illiterate Muhammad claimed that the angel Gabriel tried to force him to read something as well as the angel Gabriel holding & pressing Muhammad three times so hard that Muhammad couldn't breathe. When Christians and Jews heard of this they INSTANTLY knew that it was NOT the angel Gabriel who supposedly visited Muhammad in the Hira cave. Since the Christians and Jews had at least 600 years experience with this kind of thing I think they would know what they were talking about. Muhammad was rejected as an Abrahamic Prophet of God by the Christians and Jews. Jews called Muhammad "the mad man" and the Christians thought that Muhammad was insane and evil. Dejected, Muhammad became angry with the Christians and Jews so he tried to start the third Abrahamic religion (after Christianity and Judaism) but had few followers. He then turned to forcing people in to Islam and instituting death for apostasy - which is still in place today. Muhammad went to his grave hating both the Christians and Jews for rejecting him as one of their Prophets of God.


All Muhammad ever wanted was to be accepted by the Christians and Jews as one of their Prophets of God. In truth, Muhammad was a petty, sick, evil, twisted, shallow monster.


If you think that Muhammad was a Prophet of God and that Islam is a religion you are a hopeless fool!


Now do the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

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If Islam isn't a religion, then the thread title is totally confusing.

I agree. Motion to rename this thread "Questions No One Has Ever Asked About the (in Howard's Opinion) "Death Cult" Called Islam Incompetently Answered By An Assshole Speaking for the Angel Gabriel".

Edited by Jauronimo
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I agree. Motion to rename this thread "Questions No One Has Ever Asked About the (in Howard's Opinion) "Death Cult" Called Islam Incompetently Answered By An Assshole Speaking for the Angel Gabriel".


Too bad he's not speaking for the Archangel Michael. Gave's the forgiving sort. Ol' Mike, on the other hand, would be getting medieval on his presumptive ass...


A shame, too. Fire, brimstone, leprosy, frogs...good times...

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Response: Christians and Jews denied that their angel Gabriel ever visited Muhammad in the Hira cave. Illiterate Muhammad claimed that the angel Gabriel tried to force him to read something as well as the angel Gabriel holding & pressing Muhammad three times so hard that Muhammad couldn't breathe. When Christians and Jews heard of this they INSTANTLY knew that it was NOT the angel Gabriel who supposedly visited Muhammad in the Hira cave. Since the Christians and Jews had at least 600 years experience with this kind of thing I think they would know what they were talking about. Muhammad was rejected as an Abrahamic Prophet of God by the Christians and Jews. Jews called Muhammad "the mad man" and the Christians thought that Muhammad was insane and evil. Dejected, Muhammad became angry with the Christians and Jews so he tried to start the third Abrahamic religion (after Christianity and Judaism) but had few followers. He then turned to forcing people in to Islam and instituting death for apostasy - which is still in place today. Muhammad went to his grave hating both the Christians and Jews for rejecting him as one of their Prophets of God.


All Muhammad ever wanted was to be accepted by the Christians and Jews as one of their Prophets of God. In truth, Muhammad was a petty, sick, evil, twisted, shallow monster.


If you think that Muhammad was a Prophet of God and that Islam is a religion you are a hopeless fool!

You know, a case can be made for some of this.


I mean, at the very least, we can say that Muhammad was very unlike every other Prophet of God. It's the Duck Test in reverse: Muhammand doesn't talk like a Prophet of God, he didn't act like one. He might have been one. But, he was the first and only of his kind since. This is easily identified in the history we do have.


Can somebody show me something Muhammad had in common, with any of the Prophets, besides being a Prophet?


Sometimes I think: If God wasn't such a miserable dude, he'd send us another, real prophet, and sort some of this stuff out. I mean, if he was willing to deliver Commandments, you'd think he could be bothered to give us a ruling on something trivial in comparison, like Muhammad.


All I'm asking for is a replay challenge. It's not like I'm asking for a Federal case.

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You know, a case can be made for some of this.


I mean, at the very least, we can say that Muhammad was very unlike every other Prophet of God. It's the Duck Test in reverse: Muhammand doesn't talk like a Prophet of God, he didn't act like one. He might have been one. But, he was the first and only of his kind since. This is easily identified in the history we do have.


Can somebody show me something Muhammad had in common, with any of the Prophets, besides being a Prophet?


Sometimes I think: If God wasn't such a miserable dude, he'd send us another, real prophet, and sort some of this stuff out. I mean, if he was willing to deliver Commandments, you'd think he could be bothered to give us a ruling on something trivial in comparison, like Muhammad.


All I'm asking for is a replay challenge. It's not like I'm asking for a Federal case.


All equivalent to asking "Can someone tell me what God thinks?"


And the answer is "No." Best I can do is tell you he doesn't think like Simon - if he did, PearlHowardman would have been banned from the planet by now.

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All equivalent to asking "Can someone tell me what God thinks?"


And the answer is "No." Best I can do is tell you he doesn't think like Simon - if he did, PearlHowardman would have been banned from the planet by now.

No. What does Muhammad have in common with Paul the Apostle? Or, John the Baptist? Or Simeon Niger? That's not what God thinks, that's what we think, right? Or, that's what you think, if you think...about it. (:lol: Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simeon_Niger....and notice how they call Niger, a "nickname". :lol: Racists!)


:lol: I don't know, I just like it when somebody busts on Simon. No white man in history...

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No. What does Muhammad have in common with Paul the Apostle? Or, John the Baptist? Or Simeon Niger? That's not what God thinks, that's what we think, right? Or, that's what you think, if you think...about it. ( :lol: Read this: http://en.wikipedia....ki/Simeon_Niger....and notice how they call Niger, a "nickname". :lol: Racists!)


Oh, that's easy: people believe they're prophets.


:lol: I don't know, I just like it when somebody busts on Simon. No white man in history...


Simon's more of an Old Testament moderator, really. I think he sent bears after /dev/null.

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If you examine the life of Mohammed from the many texts available, you can only deduce:


1. He was a warlord who acquired booty, women and power through endless campaigns against neighboring villages;

2. He personally took part in beheading Jews;

3. He tortured Kinana, the leader of the Khaybar Jews for treasure, then had him beheaded;

4. He then raped Kinana’s young wife Safiyya that same night and passed women around as booty;

5. He treated captives as slaves and people of the book as second class citizens;

6. He had a poetess murdered because he did not like her poetry;

7. He maintained women are deficient in intelligence and are the property of a man;

8. He stoned women to death for adultery, even though Jesus had banned the practice;

9. He married a six year old girl named Aisha and consummated the union when she was only nine years old. This has consigned a similar fate to millions of young Muslim girls ever since;

10. He encouraged his followers to fondle young girls which today is considered paedophilia;

11. He gouged out men’s eyes, cut of hands and feet as punishment for minor offences;

12. He enshrined slavery in Islam and over 100 million in Africa alone were victims of Islamic slavery.

13. He condoned four wives for men and unlimited concubines;

14. He allowed a man to divorce his wife in a trivial manner;

15. His teachings have led to a rape epidemic in western countries as Muslim men receive no penalty under Sharia law for raping an unbelieving woman;

16. He taught his followers to break the Ten Commandments of Moses even though he acknowledged Moses as a prophet.

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No, I think he's actually serious.


And quite stupid. But he probably believes his own bull ****.


24 pages of this thread are yours.


If you think HogBoy II believes his own stuff, more power to you. He isn't even taking the time to build a persona. He just lobs the grenades and runs.


I volunteer you to jump on the grenade and shield the rest of us from this nonsense.

Edited by John Adams
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24 pages of this thread are yours.


If you think HogBoy II believes his own stuff, more power to you. He isn't even taking the time to build a persona. He just lobs the grenades and runs.


I volunteer you to jump on the grenade and shield the rest of us from this nonsense.


My contribution is only mocking him (and Jim in Anchorage), because that's what I do.


What, you think I take this seriously? Troll or not, he's not interested in discussion, only soliciting mockery.

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