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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About The “Religion” Of Islam

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So's LOLCats. Doesn't mean cats want cheeseburgers.


Islam is a lie and Islam's founder Muhammad was a vile, evil, murderous, pig who lied about being a Prophet of God. It's common knowledge.


PearlHoward IQ > DC Tom IQ


"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."






"I saw it on the internet, so it must be true."










“Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the (false) faith he preached.”



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Islam is a lie and Islam's founder Muhammad was a vile, evil, murderous, pig who lied about being a Prophet of God. It's common knowledge.


Who are you to say that Mohammed wasn't a prophet of God? The only way you could possibly know that as factual is if you were a prophet of God yourself.


“Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the (false) faith he preached.”




Oh, okay. "I saw on the internet a quote from the Pope quoting a Persian historian quoting a Byzantine emperor who lived 700 years after Mohammed, so it must be true."


You are of unsound mind.

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I feel that it's reasonable to demand that of anyone building their arguments against Islam upon the premise that early Era Christians and Jews have a monopoly on both the understanding of the mind and nature of God, as well as an exclusive knowledge of the Angel Gabriel, be able to prove that Jesus of Nazareth existed.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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Who are you to say that Mohammed wasn't a prophet of God? The only way you could possibly know that as factual is if you were a prophet of God yourself.


Oh, okay. "I saw on the internet a quote from the Pope quoting a Persian historian quoting a Byzantine emperor who lived 700 years after Mohammed, so it must be true."


You are of unsound mind.

Wait a second. Do I have to be a plumber to recognize a pipe wrench, or, do I just have to be somewhat competent regarding tools in general?


And..wouldn't the guy who lived 700 years after Mohammed have a better idea of what actually happened....than the guy who lives 1400 years after? Neither is a prophet of God(unless you have something to tell us Tom), but, wouldn't the Byzantine Emperor know more about Islam, having lived nearer to it, and closer to the time of its orgination?


And..what exactly is wrong with the quote? What did Muhammad bring besides forced conversion, based on conquest?

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Wait a second. Do I have to be a plumber to recognize a pipe wrench, or, do I just have to be somewhat competent regarding tools in general?


The latter. And I'm pretty sure PearlHowardman doesn't approach anything even remotely resembling competence in this regard.


And..wouldn't the guy who lived 700 years after Mohammed have a better idea of what actually happened....than the guy who lives 1400 years after? Neither is a prophet of God(unless you have something to tell us Tom), but, wouldn't the Byzantine Emperor know more about Islam, having lived nearer to it, and closer to the time of its orgination?


Seriously? You think knowledge somehow decays with time? Do we know less about Louix XIV now than people did in 1900?


And..what exactly is wrong with the quote? What did Muhammad bring besides forced conversion, based on conquest?


I've posted before about the Islamic Renaissance. Search for it. And Islam has no concept of forced conversion, any more than Christianity does.

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The latter. And I'm pretty sure PearlHowardman doesn't approach anything even remotely resembling competence in this regard.




Seriously? You think knowledge somehow decays with time? Do we know less about Louix XIV now than people did in 1900?




I've posted before about the Islamic Renaissance. Search for it. And Islam has no concept of forced conversion, any more than Christianity does.

I honestly don't get your endless defense of Muslims except as a feel good measure showing that you're sophisticated, worldly and open minded. Let's skip the terrorism thing. Do you know of a single non Muslim country that stones woman to death for adultery?
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I honestly don't get your endless defense of Muslims except as a feel good measure showing that you're sophisticated, worldly and open minded. Let's skip the terrorism thing. Do you know of a single non Muslim country that stones woman to death for adultery?


It's not only the women who get stoned:


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I honestly don't get your endless defense of Muslims except as a feel good measure showing that you're sophisticated, worldly and open minded. Let's skip the terrorism thing. Do you know of a single non Muslim country that stones woman to death for adultery?


It's simple: It's not a defense, I'm simply not a raging lunatic racist ass that writes off two billion people as inherently evil.

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It's simple: It's not a defense, I'm simply not a raging lunatic racist ass that writes off two billion people as inherently evil.

So it's all or nothing? We cannot say a larger percentage of Muslims are prone to evil, violent acts to promote their religion then say, the protestants? Key word, percentage. Not all.

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So it's all or nothing? We cannot say a larger percentage of Muslims are prone to evil, violent acts to promote their religion then say, the protestants? Key word, percentage. Not all.


I don't know if you can. You never do. You blame an entire religion for a percentage of actions.

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You blame an entire religion for a percentage of actions.


Islam isn't a religion. Islam is a death cult. Muhammad was a fraud. All of your personal insults can't change any of this.


I feel that it's reasonable to demand that of anyone building their arguments against Islam upon the premise that early Era Christians and Jews have a monopoly on both the understanding of the mind and nature of God, as well as an exclusive knowledge of the Angel Gabriel, be able to prove that Jesus of Nazareth existed.


That's entirely false. Muhammad could have started his own religion. But he didn't.


Muhammad was a 7th century low-life thug who was jealous of the Christians and the Jews, the "book people" he called them. He wanted to be a Prophet of God so bad but the Christians and Jews rejected Muhammad. He spend the rest of his miserable life getting back at the Christians and Jews for rejecting him.


Muhammad was a fraud. Islam is a lie.

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I don't know if you can. You never do. You blame an entire religion for a percentage of actions.

Are you ghost writing for Tasker? He also made the false statement that I said all Muslims are evil. I will stand by what I actually said, that a higher PERCENTAGE of Muslims are just plain evil. I never said all.
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Couldn't we say that Muslims have a higher propensity to do evil, since the tenets of their religion are often specific to committing violence/conquest? If so, couldn't we say that it's no surprise, that years later, the Muslim religion is bound to contain a disproportionate # of evildoers relative to the other religions?


And, knowledge almost certainly decays over time, unless something is done to prevent it. How many people know how to farm today? Then, ask that question 100 years ago. How many people have been assigned to keeping the objective knowledge of Mohammed over the years? We have plenty of Muslim propaganda. How much real history do we have?


Right, Islamic conquerors never forced anyone to convert to Islam.....I guess Tamerlane never existed. Lack of an Islamic Reformation doesn't excuse, literally millions, of Muslims who are literally willing to kill/die over their religion today.











Wait? You said "Seriously?", didn't you?


Oh, my bad. No...as I said above, none of this is serious. This is simply OCinBuffalo...running the same stepwise method described above. :lol:


Why it has worked again, is fascinating, isn't it? :lol:

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