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Really, let's just examine this idiotic premise:





Yeah, seems to me to be a great way to treat women.






That's funny, when I see your posts I see an angry little idiot flailing about.




Yeah, I must agree that what I said was stupid. I'm sure the whole being beaten for not wearing it thing makes that an easy fashion choice for Muslim women. You know, cause that's how they roll in a society where women are treated as property.


Which apparently doesn't happen by the religious police because it's against the Quran. Oh wait, yes it does:






These are rules of man, not the Quran. Saudi Arabia helps your argument but you failed to mention EVERY OTHER country in the Middle East.


No justice you have a skill.


Whores and sluts everywhere? Skimpy clothing for Florida is pretty normal.


Sounds like you treat women great.


They may not all be sluts, but they are wearing the uniform. The Middle East must be cold.


I live in Florida and no my daughters don't have the right to go out alone. They're not allowed freedoms that other girls their age have. I'm old school. My daughters are well protected from peer pressure and I intend to keep it that way. Giving them freedom, specifically allowing them date, hurts their chances of having a sustainable marriage, because I believe once you've had variety in life, you're compelled to continue down that path.


Driving a car, IMO, is okay once they're married. I can't/won't give them that freedom as long as they're single. Driving doesn't turn anyone into whores, but it is a helpful instrument. LOL.

How do they get marryed if they can't date? Are we back to the arranged marriage thing?



Interesting to say the least. What happens if they turn 18 and choose to part ways w/your authority? In FLA of course. ?? I am hoping just disownment.




Then there is the woman in Orchard Park (wife of the TV station dude). Hell of a steep drop off for the 2%. You wonder why the other 98% live in fear!


Disownment? No, but if they don't live by my rules they can't live with me.


Oh yeah, something like that never happened here.


No justice you have a skill.


Whores and sluts everywhere? Skimpy clothing for Florida is pretty normal.


Sounds like you treat women great.


He's always been a classy fella that one.


How do they get marryed if they can't date? Are we back to the arranged marriage thing?


Glad you asked. We have a lot of social gatherings. When a guy notices a girl he might like he has to get permission from her father so they may get to know each other by phone or by chaperoned dates. If they like each other, they get married.


Glad you asked. We have a lot of social gatherings. When a guy notices a girl he might like he has to get permission from her father so they may get to know each other by phone or by chaperoned dates. If they like each other, they get married.


You mean like how Michael Corleone met the girl who got blown up in Godfather 1?




You mean like how Michael Corleone met the girl who got blown up in Godfather 1?


Old country ways. Just like that. Hopefully minus the ending. Lol.




Disownment? No, but if they don't live by my rules they can't live with me.




I hope you mean what I wish you to mean!


Well choosing not to life under your authority is choosing NOT to life w/you. What else would it mean?


Sorry JiA... I have to: LoL


Do you give them internet access? As I duck!


These are rules of man, not the Quran. Saudi Arabia helps your argument but you failed to mention EVERY OTHER country in the Middle East.


Like Iraqi "honor" killings, Iran being just as bad (if not worse) than Saudi Arabia in strictly enforcing religious rules by physical force, gang rapes in Afghanistan, Malala Yousafzai?


No justice you have a skill.


Whores and sluts everywhere? Skimpy clothing for Florida is pretty normal.


Sounds like you treat women great.


The next thing you know he won't let them smoke pot or leave pot cookies strewn about.




Like Iraqi "honor" killings, Iran being just as bad (if not worse) than Saudi Arabia in strictly enforcing religious rules by physical force, gang rapes in Afghanistan, Malala Yousafzai?


Then there is the pedophilia...Yep, old school ways! Screw the little chi boys and then get married, all good! Nothing but cum dumpsters till the dude finds a female to marry. Hey, I am not saying other religions have their scandals, but at least they try to rid it!




Like Iraqi "honor" killings, Iran being just as bad (if not worse) than Saudi Arabia in strictly enforcing religious rules by physical force, gang rapes in Afghanistan, Malala Yousafzai?


Don't act like there's no violence here. There are violent people everywhere. All those things aren't condoned in Islam. Do you know how hard it is to prove adultery in Islam? Four people have to witness the act. The rule is there to dissuade people from committing the act, but rarely is it implemented for those very same reasons.


Then there is the pedophilia...Yep, old school ways! Screw the little chi boys and then get married, all good! Nothing but cum dumpsters till the dude finds a female to marry. Hey, I am not saying other religions have their scandals, but at least they try to rid it!


So, other than going off on an irrelevant tangent, you got nothing?


Don't act like there's no violence here. There are violent people everywhere. All those things aren't condoned in Islam. Do you know how hard it is to prove adultery in Islam? Four people have to witness the act. The rule is there to dissuade people from committing the act, but rarely is it implemented for those very same reasons.


So making it nigh impossible to prove the act somehow dissuades people from committing it? Yeah...


Let's talk about your divorce rate comparison as a mark for how well women are treated for a second. You never addressed that women are deprived of their children and given virtually no maintenance to go along with the "scandal", assuming they can even prove the limited grounds for divorce in court. Don't you think that may have something to do with dissuading women from reporting spousal abuse or leaving their husband?


How is it irrelvant? Culturally accepted pedophilia is rampant in Afghanistan.


Oh I thought you were talking about the Greeks. Carry on, then.




So, other than going off on an irrelevant tangent, you got nothing?




So making it nigh impossible to prove the act somehow dissuades people from committing it? Yeah...


Let's talk about your divorce rate comparison as a mark for how well women are treated for a second. You never addressed that women are deprived of their children and given virtually no maintenance to go along with the "scandal", assuming they can even prove the limited grounds for divorce in court. Don't you think that may have something to do with dissuading women from reporting spousal abuse or leaving their husband?


Not every country in the Middle East have those requirements for divorce.


But let's assume they do. So you're trying to tell me that 48% more of marriages in that part of the world would end in divorce if those things were easier to prove?


50% of married women are getting their asses beat in the US?



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