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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About The “Religion” Of Islam

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S'no wonder there is strife between and among religious belief systems. Each seems firmly grounded on the we're-right-you're-wrong premise. I think Abe Lincoln had the right idea when he said show me a religion that ONLY believes in God and I'll join it. For me, religion is personal and private. My attempts to find a place of worship trickled out somewhere south of Couples Club, Men's Group, Singles Worship Class, and Sunday Guitar Service....

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Dear Muhammad,


We Christians and Jews are flattered that you want to be one of our Abrahamic Prophets of God but unfortunately (for you) we have decided to REJECT your half-ass request.


First of all, these "experiences" that you had in the Hira cave were never witnessed by anyone and by the sounds of what you told us, it was not the angel Gabriel that visited you there.


Worse, we Christians and Jews also think that you're both insane and evil.




The Christians And Jews




S'no wonder there is strife between and among religious belief systems.


Islam is not a religion. Islam is a lie.

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Dear Muhammad,


We Christians and Jews are flattered that you want to be one of our Abrahamic Prophets of God but unfortunately (for you) we have decided to REJECT your half-ass request.


First of all, these "experiences" that you had in the Hira cave were never witnessed by anyone and by the sounds of what you told us, it was not the angel Gabriel that visited you there.


Worse, we Christians and Jews also think that you're both insane and evil.




The Christians And Jews






Islam is not a religion. Islam is a lie.


Will you !@#$ing go away.

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Dear Muhammad,


We Christians and Jews are flattered that you want to be one of our Abrahamic Prophets of God but unfortunately (for you) we have decided to REJECT your half-ass request.


First of all, these "experiences" that you had in the Hira cave were never witnessed by anyone and by the sounds of what you told us, it was not the angel Gabriel that visited you there.


Worse, we Christians and Jews also think that you're both insane and evil.




The Christians And Jews






Islam is not a religion. Islam is a lie.


Who witnessed Moses' talk with God on Mt. Sinai?

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The Psychological Profile Of Islam's False-Prophet Muhammad:


1. Lied about being an Abrahamic Prophet of God.

2. Attracted sexually to young girls.

3. Casual attitude to killing.

4. Capture, rape and sale of slaves.

5. Murder of critics.

6. Torture to obtain goods.

7. Lies are ok to deceive people to achieve your ends.

8. Deep hatred for both Jews and Christians.

9. Favorite killing method was decapitating people.

10.Merciless, ruthless, warmongering, vengeful, narsissistic.



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The Psychological Profile Of Islam's False-Prophet Muhammad:


1. Lied about being an Abrahamic Prophet of God.

2. Attracted sexually to young girls.

3. Casual attitude to killing.

4. Capture, rape and sale of slaves.

5. Murder of critics.

6. Torture to obtain goods.

7. Lies are ok to deceive people to achieve your ends.

8. Deep hatred for both Jews and Christians.

9. Favorite killing method was decapitating people.

10.Merciless, ruthless, warmongering, vengeful, narsissistic.




You say that stuff like it's supposed to be a bad thing...

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The Psychological Profile Of Islam's False-Prophet Muhammad:


1. Lied about being an Abrahamic Prophet of God.

2. Attracted sexually to young girls.

3. Casual attitude to killing.

4. Capture, rape and sale of slaves.

5. Murder of critics.

6. Torture to obtain goods.

7. Lies are ok to deceive people to achieve your ends.

8. Deep hatred for both Jews and Christians.

9. Favorite killing method was decapitating people.

10.Merciless, ruthless, warmongering, vengeful, narsissistic.



So Islam is the most metal of the three major monotheistic religions?

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The Psychological Profile Of Islam's False-Prophet Muhammad:


1. Lied about being an Abrahamic Prophet of God.

2. Attracted sexually to young girls.

3. Casual attitude to killing.

4. Capture, rape and sale of slaves.

5. Murder of critics.

6. Torture to obtain goods.

7. Lies are ok to deceive people to achieve your ends.

8. Deep hatred for both Jews and Christians.

9. Favorite killing method was decapitating people.

10.Merciless, ruthless, warmongering, vengeful, narsissistic.




On the plus side...fewer Bronies.


Fair trade.

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I always laugh whenever someone criticizes historical figures for what we today consider to be pedophilia. Our particular viewpoint on this subject is an evolved biological imperative based around our long life expectancy and economic improvements which have allowed us to embrace childhood as something quasi-precious on a philosophical level.


The life expectancy during Mohammed's era was around 30-35 years of age. Everyone reared their children early, or they didn't have them. Girls were typically married off around the time they began to menstruate, and the men who married them were older, having earned the coin to support them. A woman who reached the age of 18, had no husband, and no children was considered an old maid, unlikely to ever marry.


This attitude was pervasive even in America until the late 1800's.



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I always laugh whenever someone criticizes historical figures for what we today consider to be pedophilia. Our particular viewpoint on this subject is an evolved biological imperative based around our long life expectancy and economic improvements which have allowed us to embrace childhood as something quasi-precious on a philosophical level.


The life expectancy during Mohammed's era was around 30-35 years of age. Everyone reared their children early, or they didn't have them. Girls were typically married off around the time they began to menstruate, and the men who married them were older, having earned the coin to support them. A woman who reached the age of 18, had no husband, and no children was considered an old maid, unlikely to ever marry.


This attitude was pervasive even in America until the late 1800's.

This attitude has a distinctly USA-centric bias. :lol:


In many parts of the world today, many of the societal realities you've defined, still exist. Therefore, the attitudes still exist. And, there's a certain amount of cultural, what "mothers tell their daughters" to this as well.


My understanding is: You go to Eastern Europe, and it's quite shocking. You feel like a dirty old man, because so many of the young women there are looking for older, established men. Much older in most cases. And, no, it's not just the "rich American" thing. One of my buddies spent a lot of time there recently, and he's sorta torn.


On one hand, he doesn't want to say he turns down good looking young women, because he fears having his "man card" revoked. On the other hand is the creepy part. He seems truly bothered by it. I don't have any advice other than do whatever you think is cool, and you never know: maybe you meet somebody that makes you happy. If so, then that's all that matters. Perhaps somebody else knows better?

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"I bear witness that false-Prophet Muhammad was a mass murdering, thieving, looting, war mongering, wife beating, slave owning, adopted son wife stealing, Jew hating, Christian hating, child screwing pedophile, head decapitating, apostate-killing, false prophet, that both deceived and forced untold millions into the false belief that Muhammad was an Abrahamic Prophet of God (a lie) and that Islam is a religion (another lie). Fraud Muhammad's evil soul will burn in everlasting HELL for his SATANIC DECEPTION!!!!!!"



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"I bear witness that false-Prophet Muhammad was a mass murdering, thieving, looting, war mongering, wife beating, slave owning, adopted son wife stealing, Jew hating, Christian hating, child screwing pedophile, head decapitating, apostate-killing, false prophet, that both deceived and forced untold millions into the false belief that Muhammad was an Abrahamic Prophet of God (a lie) and that Islam is a religion (another lie). Fraud Muhammad's evil soul will burn in everlasting HELL for his SATANIC DECEPTION!!!!!!"



Judgement is reserved for whom?


Someone here often seems to forget about the plank in his own eye...

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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"I bear witness that false-Prophet Muhammad was a mass murdering, thieving, looting, war mongering, wife beating, slave owning, adopted son wife stealing, Jew hating, Christian hating, child screwing pedophile, head decapitating, apostate-killing, false prophet, that both deceived and forced untold millions into the false belief that Muhammad was an Abrahamic Prophet of God (a lie) and that Islam is a religion (another lie). Fraud Muhammad's evil soul will burn in everlasting HELL for his SATANIC DECEPTION!!!!!!"




A damn sight better than those !@#$ing foot decapitators.

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