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Girlfriend enjoyed "Eat, Pray, Love"


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No. It's only a deal breaker (between you and heterosexuality) if YOU read it.




simple pleasures, travel, inner peace,,, I think more girls should read it


Hedonism, self-indulgence, amorality...if those are the qualities you like in a girl we're all lucky to have you taking them off our hands.


Absolutely. Can't have girls reading and filling their pretty little heads full of fancy ideas. Ain't no good gonna come of that.


Good point.


The book or the movie?



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I have not read the book, but since this book is targeted for women, it should not be a surprise that she liked it. So I do not see this as a dealbreaker.


I have not seen the movie either, but since she liked it, this leads me to believe that she enjoys movies with Julia Roberts starring in them. This would be a dealbreaker.

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Just think, men a 150 years ago thought woman just reading was a dealbreaker! Let alone a scribbling "mad woman" that actually penned a book! I guess we haven't come far... God forbid, she might act out it! LoL Damn that scribbling mad woman Elizabeth Gilbert!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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I have not seen the movie either, but since she liked it, this leads me to believe that she enjoys movies with Julia Roberts starring in them. This would be a dealbreaker.


I've never understood why people think Roberts is pretty. I think she has a bit of a horse face, like Sarah Jessica Parker. It makes her romantic movies with good looking co-stars less believable.

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Just think, men a 150 years ago thought woman just reading was a dealbreaker! Let alone a scribbling "mad woman" that actually penned a book! I guess we haven't come far... God forbid, she might act out it! LoL Damn that scribbling mad woman Elizabeth Gilbert!


I blame Mary Shelley for this mess.

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I've never understood why people think Roberts is pretty. I think she has a bit of a horse face, like Sarah Jessica Parker. It makes her romantic movies with good looking co-stars less believable.

That is a mystery that boggles my mind too.


Agreed. And she overrated (and annoying) as an actress.


Julia Roberts is a deal breaker when it comes to any movie my wife is trying to get me to see.

I wholeheartedly agree. Remember how long her stint lasted on broadway?


What's even worse is she actually won an Oscar.

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