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Welcome to the Ralph - Slam Dunk Competition


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I didn't notice that anyone else mentioned this but it is probably worth noting that at the start of this season a handful of the Bills players were tweeting out videos of them doing this "surprise dunk on each other thing" in the locker room.


IIRC there was even one of Fred Jackson dunking on Coach Marrone.


In any case it is more than likely where these guys came up with the idea.

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I didn't notice that anyone else mentioned this but it is probably worth noting that at the start of this season a handful of the Bills players were tweeting out videos of them doing this "surprise dunk on each other thing" in the locker room.


IIRC there was even one of Fred Jackson dunking on Coach Marrone.


In any case it is more than likely where these guys came up with the idea.


its near certainly where they got it from - but they seemed to miss it being between teammates and not strangers on the street.

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About seven years ago I went to a game with my girlfriends grandfather. I was 23. Some guys my age were doing the fun push your friend backwards over the guy kneeling behind him gag. I'd done it with friends more than a couple times at parties and whatnot. Well on this occasion, the kid getting pushed down accidently knocked my girlfriends grandfather down and he cracked his head on the sidewalk. Sadly he, and the kid that pushed his friend, ended up in the hospital and I ended up in jail. It was one of the more embarrassing days in my entire life. I now limit myself to a few beers on game day and actively avoid situations where it looks like the kids are too cool to realize they are just immature dbags.

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Dumb and lucky they did not get a fist in the mouth. I have seen guys get pummeled for less by drunken fans. Enjoy the tail gate with your buddies without acting like a moron. This behavior is why I stay away from the stadium. What passes for fun and humor for one is aggressive and juvenile for another. It is the lack of respect that bothers me. I guess I am showing my age.

Edited by Nitro
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That's pretty dumb and eventually will be done to the wrong guy if it hasnt already


I'd be more then annoyed if someone did that to me

Apparently you, and all the "what about if he gets pissed/is crazy" people here missed the part where they did a "roll call" of all the dudes involved in this.


That 1 "wrong guy", and/or his 1-2 buddies, aren't taking 10 guys + the camera guy. Never. Even if you discount a couple of them. That's still 3(at best) vs. 8. Nope. I've been on both sides of that fight. It almost always ends the same way.

I'm 36 and think its great. Funny as ****. If they get popped in the face, that's on them. I had snowballs thrown at me in Philly so there's worse being done out there by other fans.

Yes, clearly the "personal space" and people bringing "liberty" into this :rolleyes: people have never been elsewhere.


Ask the now-dead guy in Dodger's stadium parking lot about how bad grab-ass dunking is.

I am old and grumpy but it is not a meme. The definition of meme has changed as history and newfriends get ahold of internet slang and ruin what was once the fu n of the internet to create tumblr and then 9gag


A meme is not pronounced me-me but it is based off of a me me because going back to 2002-3 when the name came relevant it was used to drescribe how many popular attention whores would label their duck face pictures and other drama pictures to make everything about them.


I am hardly out of touch with all of this stuff, heck, I am too in touch with it. From Jessie slaughter and Jeffrey pumba laroque, shoe on the head, boxxxy, and even marky Thompson I pretty much stay in tune heck, I remember snacks and his crap.


These kids are punks and newfriends.

Ha! Newfriends. That ain't right, but none of them know it. I haven't thought about Jessie Slaughter for a while...


But, I use the "Good Luck" thing all the time.


The difference is I think the lulz here are the dunks themselves, not the video on Youtube. So, I don't agree that this is LAMP.


Funny how we can't even use the words we use anymore....which never meant what they meant anyway.


But, this is a good thing: overuse of the word gay, in place of bad, is how one of my employees said the following "I just got Cinemax turned on. So, I've been watching a lot of gay porn lately." :lol:


You want to talk about a meme? :lol: We have been generating content for years now, centered around that single statement. He doesn't even work here anymore(Google now), and we are still hazing him on a weekly basis.

Wow. So many people ready to commit violence. All for some guys dunking a foam ball. Get over you're selfs. If it happened to me I'd laugh my ass off.

Yeah, they'd be all badass...until they were surrounded by 10 dudes. :lol: Internet muscles abound in this thread.


The only thing to do is laugh.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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