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New Guy - The only question you need to answer right is, how do you like your coffee?


i'll have the Double Ristretto Venti Half-Soy Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One Sweet N'Low and One Nutrasweet, and Ice


and hurry.


New Guy - The only question you need to answer right is, how do you like your coffee?

Just cream...like i leave my ladies!


1) How do you feel about the blue pants?


2) Would you favor an all blue pant and jersey look?


-just like the Sammy or Dave question...there is only one correct answer to these questions...


1) Love the Blue pants with white jersey

2) Would not favor blue on blue


Welcome aboard! Always love to welcome new members to hear their insights and talk Bills.


On a serious note, please take the time to check out our Terms of Service! It is important to quickly familiarize yourself with the board. :thumbsup:

Whooa!!! There are Terms of Service ?!?!? I'd better check it out, soon.


i have bad spelling and even much more worser grammer. I love the ( ! )alot and use it often!!!!!



If you count the women then yes.

Hey!! My mom lives there!! Watch who you're calling a cow!!! JK.


Do you hang out at Smitty's Amber Lantern and get hammered with rednecks on weekends?


Have you and your buddies ever spent a night bullhead fishing at Silver lake with a couple of five gallon buckets filled with canned beer?


Have you or anyone in your family tried to see how fast you could go on a child's tricycle if you pushed someone on it going down one of those bigass hills on 20A going into Warsaw?


Have you ever got lost deer hunting in Warsaw and accidentally wandered into the little no mans land called "Dale" and wondered "WTF? Am I in the Twilight Zone?"


Well it isn't quite smitty's anymore..his son in law bought it so it is just the Amber Lantern. Don't hang there too much anymore, last time was the 2013 NFL Draft. I believe it was 2012 St Patty's day when i puked at the bar there...it was bad. SO i have curtailed my drinking ever since!


only fished silver lake in aboat and didn't catch a thing


my parents have a steep driveway and we used to ride the real metal tonka trucks down it..does that count


Partied in dale many times but never hunted their.....wethersfield is where i hunt (ed)

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