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"Green Bay, as of Wednesday morning, was about 8,500 tickets short of a sellout, according to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel's Tom Silverstein. If the Packers don't sell out by 3:40 p.m. Thursday, the game will be blacked out on local TV from Green Bay to Milwaukee. That's almost inconceivable. The Press-Gazette said the Packers have sold out every regular-season game since 1959 (a playoff game in January of 1983, at the end of the strike-shortened season, did not). And yet they are having troubles selling out a playoff game a week after Aaron Rodgers returned from injury to beat the Bears for the NFC North title."


See more here: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/nfl-alarmed-three-four-playoff-games-including-green-213137570--nfl.html

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Posted (edited)

Did season ticket holders really in large quantity turn down playoff tickets for GB? I had to purchase saints ones over a month ago, just in case... I wonder what system they use there? Even if not planning to attend you'd think they'd want the rights for resale opportunities.

Edited by NoSaint
Posted (edited)

Surprising to see Green Bay is having trouble selling out. Only place that would surprise me actually


Its a big revenge game too for them after getting manhandled by SF in last years playoffs

Edited by Max997

I am shocked at Green Bay not selling out. I know I give folks crap about Bills fans not filling games but we haven't been good in forever. Maybe people are just used to the Packers being better and don't have any faith in the team, ala Bills 1993 after losing the finale to Houston. Either way I think this shows a softening of demand for NFL games in general.




The NFL is losing touch with local fan bases as this is the downside to big money buying season tix and boxes. The average family is hard pressed to cough up the funds it takes to attend games. People probably assume the game will sell out and would rather see it on tv.


Packers fans not responding well to Aaron Rodgers is gay rumors


He needs to get a hotel room and two hot chicks and film his own version of the "Discount Double Check" for fans, to prove them untrue, lmao


Colts and Bengals too, huh?


That's really no surprise...


Indy fans aren't really "fans", more like people that go out to watch an event...although with one of the smallest stadiums in the NFL(62,150) and a having dome and still can't sell out is pretty sad...


Cincy as least has a little excuse....its gonna be cold and its outdoors...although again, its one of the smaller stadiums with 65,500 capacity...


Believe me when I say that if either of those two places had a team like the Bills that didn't make the playoffs for 14 straight years, they would have problems getting 20,000 fans to the game...

Posted (edited)

GB did not know they were in until the last minute. tough to sell out a stadium in a few days.


I have saints playoff tickets from a month ago that will end up just being an early payment for next year since as a 6 there's no chance to host a game. Standard here for season ticket holders is if you are mathmatically alive to host a game you get your invoice shortly after thanksgiving with about 2-3 weeks to pay. I'm amazed that IF they do the same, that percentage of season ticket holders passed.


Also, the Sunday weather forecast is for High 2, Low -19 in Green Bay.

That's crazy. I would be hardpressed to justify attending a game in THAT.

Edited by NoSaint
Posted (edited)

The article said some of these tickets are $300 each. How do they justify that pricing level for a first round playoff game?


Sadly, as I'm likely one of very few buying playoff tickets annually ill chime in again- I'll say typically its face value of the regular season cost plus a rising percentage each round (just spit balling but say $100 for a regular season would be $120 this week, $135 next and $150 for the championship).


Could be the packers really jack up the playoff prices or those are simply fairly premium seats that would start in the 200-250 range regularly

Edited by NoSaint

GB did not know they were in until the last minute. tough to sell out a stadium in a few days.


It's funny, we had a thread on here a couple weeks ago where certain people were bashing Bills fans for not selling out the Comeback game.


Bills fans may not be the best, but they aren't far from it.


This should serve as a wake-up call to certain people who hate on Bills fans here.


Bills fans were expecting homefield advantage......meaning a divisional round game.........and they also lost their starting QB and had just a few days to sell out.


There was no on-line purchasing then, people were lined up outside the office trying to purchase tickets at 4 open booths.....it was a cluster and in no way reflected a lack of interest in the game.


I think it also tells you about the ACTUAL nature of the GB season ticket base. They are just like Bills fans, except their organization has been committed and in turn their fans have been willing to give their commitment before the season.


That's the way it should work. Commitment to putting the best product you can on the field and a reciprocation from fans. Haven't had that here.


GB did not know they were in until the last minute. tough to sell out a stadium in a few days.


Have to disagree as playoff tickets in most cities that have a good fan base normally sellout in less then a day

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