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Eliot Spitzer: The gift that keeps on giving

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1.) I don't believe the choking nonsense. Just seems too convenient of an allegation, and designed to get publicity.


2.) Yes I would, several times. I would, however, double or triple wrap. She's a prostitute, afterall.

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Just another in a long line of hypocritical progressive heroes.

Hypocrisy is common amongst men and women of all politics and positions in life. One of the reasons I get more turned off by politics in general everyday. It's hard to believe any thing anyone says these days. Most of our politicians are very hypocritical. At least if he were a Dutch politician his escapades would have been boasting the local economy. Instead he probably spent parts of his career as a DA prosecuting the same "businesses" he patronized. When it comes to all politicians in our country it never seems like what's "good for the goose is good for the gander". The gander of course being the American people. Edited by DriveFor1Outta5
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Hypocrisy is common amongst men and women of all politics and positions in life. One of the reasons I get more turned off by politics in general everyday. It's hard to believe any thing anyone says these days. Most of our politicians are very hypocritical. At least if he were a Dutch politician his escapades would have been boasting the local economy. Instead he probably spent parts of his career as a DA prosecuting the same "businesses" he patronized. When it comes to all politicians in our country it never seems like what's "good for the goose is good for the gander". The gander of course being the American people.

Yeah...but the gander isn't any better. We're all hypocrites about something. We all lie about something.


I think it's the false expectation of perfection, started by JFK using televison, that is the culprit here. Camelot, etc.


The worst is when this false expectation leads to "perfect" policies, like Obamacare, or "perfect" narratives, based on "perfect" science, like Global Warming. I think if we all want to have a better experience with politicians and government, then we all need agree that while government can be optimistic, it's not allowed to be silly, and it has to control its scope. Silly begins and ends with scope. I know scope. Controlling scope, meaning, controlling what you are doing, what you aren't, and making sure everybody knows the difference, is the key.


Government's scope has creeped. Actually, it has exploded. Government, at all levels, cannot possibly do all that is currently expected from it, nor should it. There is a myth that it can, and that myth comes directly from the "perfection" expectation above. Our government is simply not designed, correctly so, to fix things that citizens can and must fix for themselves. (EDIT: In other words, while government can put a man on the moon in 10 years, it cannot get every citizen to look for work, find it, show up and work hard, and then spend their wages wisely.) Yet here we are, with free Obamaphones. The scope is entirely out of hand. Corporations spend as much time protecting themselves from the government as getting things from it, :wallbash: , when none of that is "how it's supposed to be".


Think about it: given the state of our government, you actually want a politician to tell you the truth about it? :lol: Or, better, if you were the politician, you'd actually tell the truth about it, and see your political career end on the spot? So what are your realistic expectations? Until we recognize the truth regarding just how bad government is today, for ourselves, it's of no use to expect a politician to tell us that. Until we set good expectations for government, and for ourselves? Nothing else matters.


We get into trouble when we set silly expectations, rather than just optimistic. We also get into trouble when we expect that action hero of our lives, who is going to make everything better...isn't us.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Yeah...but the gander isn't any better. We're all hypocrites about something. We all lie about something.


I think it's the false expectation of perfection, started by JFK using televison, that is the culprit here. Camelot, etc.


The worst is when this false expectation leads to "perfect" policies, like Obamacare, or "perfect" narratives, based on "perfect" science, like Global Warming. I think if we all want to have a better experience with politicians and government, then we all need agree that while government can be optimistic, it's not allowed to be silly, and it has to control its scope. Silly begins and ends with scope. I know scope. Controlling scope, meaning, controlling what you are doing, what you aren't, and making sure everybody knows the difference, is the key.


Government's scope has creeped. Actually, it has exploded. Government, at all levels, cannot possibly do all that is currently expected from it, nor should it. There is a myth that it can, and that myth comes directly from the "perfection" expectation above. Our government is simply not designed, correctly so, to fix things that citizens can and must fix for themselves. (EDIT: In other words, while government can put a man on the moon in 10 years, it cannot get every citizen to look for work, find it, show up and work hard, and then spend their wages wisely.) Yet here we are, with free Obamaphones. The scope is entirely out of hand. Corporations spend as much time protecting themselves from the government as getting things from it, :wallbash: , when none of that is "how it's supposed to be".


Think about it: given the state of our government, you actually want a politician to tell you the truth about it? :lol: Or, better, if you were the politician, you'd actually tell the truth about it, and see your political career end on the spot? So what are your realistic expectations? Until we recognize the truth regarding just how bad government is today, for ourselves, it's of no use to expect a politician to tell us that. Until we set good expectations for government, and for ourselves? Nothing else matters.


We get into trouble when we set silly expectations, rather than just optimistic. We also get into trouble when we expect that action hero of our lives, who is going to make everything better...isn't us.

You do make some fine points. My only point is that all of our government is to blame for the mass expansion we've witnessed in recent history. The government has grown exponentially under both the Bush and Obama administrations. Conservatives love to blame liberals for this, and liberals blame conservatives when in fact both parties are equally responsible for this. As far as corporations "protecting themselves from the government" I'm not so sure about that. It's the small business man that gets screwed by the government. Many of the biggest corporations in this country are in bed with politicians. In fact corporations run this country. I have no sympathy for them. I just don't see things ever making sense until we get past partisan politics. People feel such a need to stick to their party lines that they don't think for themselves. This causes a lack of new ideas, and often prevents the most sensible solutions for our counties problems. Edited by DriveFor1Outta5
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You do make some fine points. My only point is that all of our government is to blame for the mass expansion we've witnessed in recent history. The government has grown exponentially under both the Bush and Obama administrations. Conservatives love to blame liberals for this, and liberals blame conservatives when in fact both parties are equally responsible for this. As far as corporations "protecting themselves from the government" I'm not so sure about that. It's the small business man that gets screwed by the government. Many of the biggest corporations in this country are in bed with politicians. In fact corporations run this country. I have no sympathy for them. I just don't see things ever making sense until we get past partisan politics. People feel such a need to stick to their party lines that they don't think for themselves. This causes a lack of new ideas, and often prevents the most sensible solutions for our counties problems.

The trouble is that most people aren't personally responsible for their firm's compliance with regulation. Ask a director of nursing about regulation. If she even dares to talk about it, because she's been so cowed by the state after years of beatings at the hands of regulators, she'll explain exactly how horrible it is. If she's really ballsy, she'll tell you how little regulations have done to improve quality of care, and how much they have done to distract from it. Every minute a nurse is filling out a compliance form, is a minute they aren't delivering care. ALL health care facilities have at least one RN, not LPN or aid, and often 4-5 who deliver no care whatsoever, and spend their entire day on compliance.


Tell me that is good allocation of resources...in the midst of a nursing shortage. Um, why is there a nursing shortage? Why is it that the average lifespan of a nursing home administrator is only 3 years? Then tell me why the government created this situation and what the results are. (I already know the answers. But this will open your eyes.) Finally, tell me who really benefits from regulation. In order to answer this: you're going to have to study up on how the regulators get paid. I'm serious. Understanding these things WILL be life-changing for anyone.


Last time I checked, a director of nursing doesn't work at a corporation...mostly. :) But that last part is revealing: why do you think so much consolidation has gone on in health care? Think about where you live. Didn't there use to be 2 or 3 separate hospitals? Now, aren't they all part of one big system? Getting bigger/pooling your resources means you can afford lobbyists and lawyers.


So, once again, another industry is seeking protection from government, by consolidating itself into huge organizations. You can tell me they aren't corporations. I will laugh, because they are in every sense of the word. They want a seat at the table, and to get in on the protecting/getting racket the same as everybody else.


We can talk about where it all started. But when we get done? The fact will remain that corporations do have to protect themselves from government. Once they establish that protection, why not see what they can get? The lawyers and lobbyists are on retainer already. Why not ask them to do more than protect?


This...is how we got where we are. Do you honeslty believe that any small businessperson wouldn't jump at the chance to protect themselves from the government, or get something from it? The ONLY thing they lack is the resources. The choice is already made.


Partisan politics isn't the creation of corporations, but they don't mind it, and they will use it.


Bottom line: Of course coporations are in bed with politicians. :wacko: What CEO wouldn't be looking to get whatever they can? That's their job. Thus it is simply solved: the less Washington, DC has to sell, and the less they are empowered to make decisions they have no business making, the less corporate involvement in the political process. Once again, this is about controlling the scope. I am NOT saying have no scope at all. I am saying: DC needs to be disciplined. The EPA needs to be disciplined. The DoD needs to be disciplined. They all need adult supervision, and corporal punishment if necessary.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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