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And God bless those organizations. Too bad that are so inadequte to the task. I wish they were up to the job, but they are not. I'm glad you think its nobel to help people, but can't understand why you think its so evil for government to promote the general welfare like the Constitution says.

don't quote the constitution if you don't understand what it is you're saying. the general welfare clause (not the mention of 'promoting the general welfare' in the preamble....the preamble to the constitution is only an introduction for the legal content to follow) is a part of the 'taxing and spending clause', and not some kind of vague, carte blanche allowing the federal government to dispense funds as they please. in fact, the constitution is supposed to prevent (pay attention here) the federal government from allocating funds to be paid to the states for services that are already provided by the state for its citizens.


today's american liberal describes themselves as 'leftists', but in the textbook sense that couldn't be further from the truth. the left is supposed to be about empowering individuals, not the state. the modern american liberal is much closer to the textbook definition of the 'right'.....all power ceded to the central authority with literally no regard for individual state sovereignty, or individual liberties.


think about that.

Edited by Azalin
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don't quote the constitution if you don't understand what it is you're saying. the general welfare clause (not the mention of 'promoting the general welfare' in the preamble....the preamble to the constitution is only an introduction for the legal content to follow) is a part of the 'taxing and spending clause', and not some kind of vague, carte blanche allowing the federal government to dispense funds as they please. in fact, the constitution is supposed to prevent (pay attention here) the federal government from allocating funds to be paid to the states for services that are already provided by the state for its citizens.


today's american liberal describes themselves as 'leftists', but in the textbook sense that couldn't be further from the truth. the left is supposed to be about empowering individuals, not the state. the modern american liberal is much closer to the textbook definition of the 'right'.....all power ceded to the central authority with literally no regard for individual state sovereignty, or individual liberties.


think about that.


State sovereignty and individual liberties are irrelevant. Big brother knows what you want or need better than you do. It's the right thing to do. Forward.


don't quote the constitution if you don't understand what it is you're saying. the general welfare clause (not the mention of 'promoting the general welfare' in the preamble....the preamble to the constitution is only an introduction for the legal content to follow) is a part of the 'taxing and spending clause', and not some kind of vague, carte blanche allowing the federal government to dispense funds as they please. in fact, the constitution is supposed to prevent (pay attention here) the federal government from allocating funds to be paid to the states for services that are already provided by the state for its citizens.


today's american liberal describes themselves as 'leftists', but in the textbook sense that couldn't be further from the truth. the left is supposed to be about empowering individuals, not the state. the modern american liberal is much closer to the textbook definition of the 'right'.....all power ceded to the central authority with literally no regard for individual state sovereignty, or individual liberties.


think about that.

I think gator's head just exploded.


The gator should be expelled for polluting a "Merry Christmas" titled thread with this income disparity junk.


Something less than classy from our latest Conner impersonator.


Merry Christmas, and/or whatever holiday you choose to support. :lol:


As far as wealth inequality goes? Since when is wealth supposed to be equal...in a free society? Wealth is not a right. So speaking in terms of "equality" about wealth is ridiculous. However, I get that your panties get bunched....so...I'll help you out.


It's mind numbingly simple:

1. When you put this many people on government benefits, when you implement policies that kill growth(Obamacare, Environtology rather than honest conservation, Dodd Frank), rather than support it, when you have this many people who have quit looking for work, never mind the people we count as unemployed?


Wealth inequality "is upon you, whether you would have it or not". Just do the math that determines it, obviously this many people on the dole, compared to 10 years ago, is going to mess with the numbers. It has to. The high earners are still who they are. Their numbers haven't changed, while the lower/middle's have.


Absolutely nothing is shocking that 5 years of policies that "create jobs via government" lead to "wealth inequality".


2. The only way to fix this problem is: private sector jobs. Private sector jobs does 3 things that government jobs/benefits cannot.

  • They pay into the system, rather than taking from it. One would think that people who want to spend so much(on the wrong things that don't work)...would be all about making sure as many people were paying into it as possible. Even if you taxed the 1% at 100%, you still don't even come close to getting the revenue necessary to offset the spending. Thus, it's illogical for anyone on the left to support any policy that kills even one private sector job, while still trying to maintain that they are "for the middle class". Anything that kills private sector jobs today must go. We can try and get back to the issues around it some other time. The private sector must be where 80% of the middle class works, for the liberal spending policies to be viable. (EDIT: That is, if you believe that these spending policies are ALSO going to help = things out.) Anything else and you run into a hot mess...such as we have now.

  • More private sector jobs, by definition, leads to more managers of those jobs. More manager jobs leads to more income/upward mobility, and leave the lower jobs vacant as people move up, so that other people can take them. Period.

  • Private sector jobs take people off the dole. Point one is about increasing revenue. This is about reducing cost. And, yeah...about letting people feel like they are worth a damn. The less we spend on everybody, the more we can spend on the people who really need help. And, the more likely we are to identify the lazy a-hole who's laughing while he's using the "safety net" as a hammock.

3. STOP PRINTING MONEY, MORONS! This is killing the wealth of the lower and middle classes. We can have a long, boring, discussion about how/why, but, at the end of it, this will be the conclusion. Stop printing money. Money = cash. The wealthy hold many and various assets, and usually just enough cash to keep the lights on. Assets are inherently valuable. Cash is subject to all sorts of nonsense. Most people's main asset is their house, whose value is determined by? Equity...and equity comes from? You guessed it? Cash. The more you destroy the value of cash, the more you destroy the wealth of the lower/middle class, and the more difficult you make it for them to convert their cash on hand into inherently valuable assets. Example: you kill the value of cash, you kill the value of the mortgage payment that each poor person makes. Thus their wealth is directly compromised.



These are just the simple ones.


If you really care about "wealth inequality", you will immediately demand that all of this gets done, and that no politician on either side, stand in the way of any of it.


Otherwise, you are either a simpleton, or a phony, in which case: who cares if you think wealth inequality is bad?


You're not going to be part of the solution to it anyway.

My vote for most brilliant post of 2013. More private sector jobs as the solution to what ails! Who knew....

I stand with oc, I demand this gets done!

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