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Happy Festivus!

Just Jack

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Now I know why that sounded familiar.


Seriously, we are paying homage to a holiday created by a television show?

not to make it political ....... yet FOX news is outraged by a Festivus pole in Florida and more



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not to make it political ....... yet FOX news is outraged by a Festivus pole in Florida and more





That has got to be one of the silliest things I have ever seen.


Fact is stranger than fiction.


Question: Would it be offensive to all those who celebrate Festivus if someone took the beer cans off the pole and took them to a recycling unit?


I find that question odd coming from the movie dude.

Not sure what your point is.

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I would think you'd understand people having some fun based off of a TV show. =)

I would.


However, I get the suspicion that "fun" was not a part of this guy's motive.


Edit: Now I realize that you are talking about the OP of this thread. That I can appreciate.


The guy in Florida, I don't know.

Edited by Mark Vader
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