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Snowing in Richmond


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.................one inch and counting and we are shutting down the town.



It snowed here in Greensboro this morning, but it's all pretty much melted now. It was funny watching the flurries this morning and everybody on campus acting like it was a blizzard though. :P

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Cary, NC. just outside of raliegh.


i went in to wendys for lunch, only flurries.

came out 30 min. later and the ground and road were all white.


i tried to drive back to work and slamed my car in to a curb. i make it back to work ok, even though my allignment is totaly fu*ked.


the weather guy on the radio has the balls to say, its snowing out side, but "there does not appear to be any measurable accumulation"


!@#$in bastard


good news is i get out of work at 3. :P

bad news is, if i couldnt drive strait at noon, how the hell can i drive on the highway at 3???

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.................one inch and counting and we are shutting down the town.


I am in downtown, and it is amazing how my employees are like clockwork. First flake falls, in my office saying its snowing. 10 minutes later looks bad. 20 minutes later bet they close the schools. 30 minutes later I better leave cause everyone saying roads are bad and if I need to pick my kids up, do not want to be caught on the bad roads. 31 minutes later they are leaving and surely we will closing the office so that they do not need to use any leave right?


BTW, in downtown richmond and barely snowing!


Guess i

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