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In A Alternate NFL Universe

T master

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Some where in a alternate NFL universe our beloved Bills are making a push to the holy grail this year the trophy that all teams play for the Lombardy trophy . But some things are much different in this alternative NFL universe .


The FO of the Bills in this alternative universe sat back & did there due diligence & took a LONG period of time to see where they could improve before completely blowing up the team & it's coaching staff at the end of the Gailey era .


And this is what they did ...


At the end of last season they decided with the ore site of a great FO move that Buddy was not the answer & asked him politely to retire which he did . Then put Whaley in his current position & gave him full power of all things football & his first action was to tell Brandon to stick to what he knows & take care of the bills of the Bills !


Then Whaley kept Gailey & his offensive staff in place , but promptly fired Wanny & all coaches on the D & brought in Pettine to taker his place .


With that part done Whaley went into the draft & got the players that we did get in this past years draft & Gailey as the HC still & still in charge of the offense they kept Fitz b/c the previous staff paid him so rather than cut him & pay him any way they kept him to teach the incoming EJ .


Gailey being the QB/offensive guru that he is left Fitz in charge (but told him EJ is the future so don't get comfortable) of the O & put in place the other rookies but would bring EJ in as the "wildcat QB" from time to time to slowly acclimate him into the NFL .


Later in the season after Fitz has kept the team respectable at this same time of the season with a mark of 6 & 7 Gailey realizes the lack of arm strength in Fitz & that of the last 4 games Fitz has lost 3 by last minute INT's so Gailey puts EJ in after acclimating him slowly into his offense .


With only 3 games left to the season & still in the play off hunt at 6 & 7 Enter EJ in Gailey's offensive philosophy, tutelage, & Play calling & EJ wins the last 3 games (with help from Carpenter) by squeakers b/c they kept B. Kaufman earlier in the season & let TJ go so we had two large presence in the red zone which helped EJ to those extra wins .


Fitz was his normal team self helping EJ every chance he got to see the things he needed to & with those wins put us in as a wild card at the mark of 9 & 7 which we later got beat out by the Pats but we made into the play offs - drought over !!


This year in the books the next year with another draft under our belt EJ is the starter Pettines D dominates with the addition of a LB or 2 in the draft plus getting rid of Stevie & drafting this years Megatron in the draft & a great TE the Bills can't be stopped as they march to the ultimate goal & WIN IT ALL


THE BILLS ARE SUPER BOWL CHAMPS !! AH but back to reality ... :cry:


OH man is this some good stuff !!! Cough Cough !! :blink: HA !!!

Edited by T master
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Please consider not grating the nerves of OCD types, and use proper grammar in your headlines.


Thank you,


The Grammar Police.


The entirety of his posts- and they are usually threads- are borderline-incomprehensible. Is it too much to ask for people to write coherently?

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