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Interesting comments from Chris Brown


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Please tell me Marrone is not another my way or the highway guy.


I am with you on this. In the NFL, you gotta' be able to make it work with the players you have.


I find it hard to believe that Marrone doesn't understand this.......after spending as much time in the NFL as he has he would have to be a complete meathead to not see this.


I can't believe he would try to pull what he did after his first season at Syracuse and get rid of a bunch of players. You need all of the talent you have in the NFL......and that goes double if you don't have a star QB.........which Marrone does not.


To me, the burden of turning around the culture of losing at this level falls on the coaching and personnel department.


Getting rid of your best players to prove a point doesn't work. Trading out Ted Washington because he was a fat guy was a devastating blow. Since that time we have seen each regime come in and immediately hinder the roster building process.


Marrone needs to adapt. And the personnel department needs to get better players in than the ones he wants to get rid of......otherwise it doesn't work.

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it's year one of a new system with a lot of rookies. Sure I"d love to see the team at .500 or better, but all in all lets be realistic here.


firing Marone now is a bit premature.


I would never advocate firing Marrone for being 4-9 with a young team. Year 1's W-L record for any coach will be difficult. And coaches can turn that around over time.


What is not usually turned around is a blowhard attitude where a coach blames everyone but himself and surreptitiously and gutlessly uses a team mouthpiece as a messenger to notify the fan base of an oncoming talent purge.


A rookie 4-9 coach certainly has a shot as a team is being built. A rookie blowhard, my way or the highway, inflexible dolt rarely has a shot. A rookie, blowhard, my way or the highway, inflexible dolt whose way of "manning up" is to get Chris Brown to send warnings to the fans is someone who should probably save the fan base two more years of misery and just resign now.


The talent base in the NFL is full of prima donnas who prefer to play in some big market with glitz and glamour. Along comes a guy like Stevie who is a VERY good player, attaches himself to Buffalo and wants to stay for the long term. Marrone's answer to Stevie having some issues is going to be to cut him, rather than work with some VERY mild personality traits? Give me a break. And Spiller? Are you kidding me? So our backfield will now consist of Jackson, who gets a lot of deserved love, but is getting up there in age and a guy named Bingo? Really? Or we can waste a draft pick. Great.


And we're supposed to be proud to where our stuff again? Really Doug? Why should we be proud? Because you told us to be proud and adjusted your style 0% to match the team you had? Why not just skip a step and we can all wear Marrone sweatshirts? Because it really is all about you right?


Everyone likes to make fun of Jauron and he had his flaws, but being a blowhard was not one of them. Give him this roster and he wins more...not playoffs but maybe a game or two. The big difference is next year's team would improve. It would probably do so too slowly but it would improve. Under this guy it will do exactly what it did with Greggo; implode and dig a 3 year hole. Because this guy IS Greggo.

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I've listened to more than enough Marrone pressers and interviews to know he never says anything different. Never anything insightful about strategy or what he expects from opponents. Nothing but cliched NFL buzzwords and authoritarian smothering about everyone working as hard as him.


If he's the same way with the players, and I suspect he is listening to some of them lately, they have to be tuning Marrone out by now.


This is what bugs me about Marrone. I'm not as quick to cast him aside, but I have concerns. Being a hard nosed, take no ****, my way or the highway kind of coach is great if you're smart and know what you're doing. That kind of coach commands respect and good players want to play for him. These guys are seldom worse off for cutting malcontents. See Bill Parcells; Tom Coughlin.


On the other hand, if you're a doofy idiot who doesn't have a clue but still draws a hard line then you're just a stubborn fool who is destined to fail spectacularly. I don't know which group Marrone falls into. I'm not going to jump to conclusions prematurely, but if he's the latter I hope it comes out soon and is dealt with quickly. Neither arrogance nor stupidity alone irritates me all that much, but the combination is infuriating.

Edited by Rob's House
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I find it hard to believe that Marrone doesn't understand this.......after spending as much time in the NFL as he has he would have to be a complete meathead to not see this.



That was my feeling at first too. But now, I'm not sure. I sure hope I'm wrong but I see a lot more "me me me" when I read between Marrone's line than I see "us us us". And having Chris Brown deliver the message? Really? It's like a 7th grade girl getting her friend to tell a boy that she likes him.

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I am with you on this. In the NFL, you gotta' be able to make it work with the players you have.


I find it hard to believe that Marrone doesn't understand this.......after spending as much time in the NFL as he has he would have to be a complete meathead to not see this.


I can't believe he would try to pull what he did after his first season at Syracuse and get rid of a bunch of players. You need all of the talent you have in the NFL......and that goes double if you don't have a star QB.........which Marrone does not.


To me, the burden of turning around the culture of losing at this level falls on the coaching and personnel department.


Getting rid of your best players to prove a point doesn't work. Trading out Ted Washington because he was a fat guy was a devastating blow. Since that time we have seen each regime come in and immediately hinder the roster building process.


Marrone needs to adapt. And the personnel department needs to get better players in than the ones he wants to get rid of......otherwise it doesn't work.


Getting rid of your best players to prove a point????? Where did Chris Brown, or Marone, or Whaley or anyone ever said that???


Buffalo is 4 and, well you know. That suggests to me that there are players on this team that arn't good enough. Maybe the reason is that they have insufficient talent. Maybe their work ethic in not ideal. Maybe they're a locker-room discontent.


Before complaining about Marrone, don't you think we should give him a chance to make his changes? Give him a chance to bring in his type of players, upgrade the personnel to be more in line with his idea of what the team should be?? Then, after evaluating the results at the end of next year, decide whether criticism is warranted????


Making it work with the players you have may not be possible. Do you really want to se some of the same players on this roster next year (Legurski, Moats, Pears for example.)??? Every good coach adjusts his roster to get his type of player. Marrone should be given the chance to do the same.

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I don't follow college ball really but you can sign me up anyway for a RB that's over 6' and 240lbs. Reminds me of Eddie George just thinking about it. Yes please?!?!


The guy is a beast. If it were not for the 3 game suspension he would have been around 2,000 yards this year with 20+ TD's and an invite to the Heisman Trophy presentation. Michigan St. boasts the best rush defense in the land and he was gouging them last weekend. He has good feet and decent speed for a guy his size. I'd take him.

Edited by H2o
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I don't follow college ball really but you can sign me up anyway for a RB that's over 6' and 240lbs. Reminds me of Eddie George just thinking about it. Yes please?!?!


I realize how cynical I've become when my first thought is that yes, he is exactly what this team needs, and no, I don't think we'll draft him even if he's available in the 4th.

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I am with you on this. In the NFL, you gotta' be able to make it work with the players you have.


I find it hard to believe that Marrone doesn't understand this.......after spending as much time in the NFL as he has he would have to be a complete meathead to not see this.


I can't believe he would try to pull what he did after his first season at Syracuse and get rid of a bunch of players. You need all of the talent you have in the NFL......and that goes double if you don't have a star QB.........which Marrone does not.


To me, the burden of turning around the culture of losing at this level falls on the coaching and personnel department.


Getting rid of your best players to prove a point doesn't work. Trading out Ted Washington because he was a fat guy was a devastating blow. Since that time we have seen each regime come in and immediately hinder the roster building process.


Marrone needs to adapt. And the personnel department needs to get better players in than the ones he wants to get rid of......otherwise it doesn't work.


I respectfully suggest that Tampa's team got a lot better after they released Josh Freeman. Check their record before and after that move.

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The guy is a beast. If it were not for the 3 game suspension he would have been around 2,000 yards this year with 20+ TD's and an invite to the Heisman Trophy presentation. Michigan St. boasts the best rush defense in the land and he was gouging them last weekend. He has good feet and decent speed for a guy his size. I'd take him.

in a heartbeat. I'm going to guess that Freddy only has a few seasons left at best and we will need a new back with Freddy turning 100 and CJs contract coming up in a few years.


I will admit that I was wrong about both Freddy and CJ. I thought Freddy would be done this year and he's clearly an ironman and may be able to cheat Father Time. And CJ, I thought would be the next Priest Holmes and not that it's not possible, it's looking more and more like he's not. Maybe it's the coaching, maybe it's him, either way, it's not working the way it could and should.

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Getting rid of your best players to prove a point????? Where did Chris Brown, or Marone, or Whaley or anyone ever said that???


Buffalo is 4 and, well you know. That suggests to me that there are players on this team that arn't good enough. Maybe the reason is that they have insufficient talent. Maybe their work ethic in not ideal. Maybe they're a locker-room discontent.


Before complaining about Marrone, don't you think we should give him a chance to make his changes? Give him a chance to bring in his type of players, upgrade the personnel to be more in line with his idea of what the team should be?? Then, after evaluating the results at the end of next year, decide whether criticism is warranted????


Making it work with the players you have may not be possible. Do you really want to se some of the same players on this roster next year (Legurski, Moats, Pears for example.)??? Every good coach adjusts his roster to get his type of player. Marrone should be given the chance to do the same.


The flip side that's hard to swallow is that if marrone tosses a couple of guys that could be nfl winners that he simply doesn't want to deal with or don't fit his unproven program.... We are left making up the talent gap again with the next coach. Lots of bad coaches run off good players leaving behind train wreck rosters. Hopefully, if marrone does make the bold moves at the top of the roster that rumors are pointing towards, he's the right guy to be making those moves (or atleast not terribly wrong).

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he said he also gets the opinion coach feels like he only has 2 NFL caliber lineman in Wood and Glenn

i wouldnt disagree. Maybe Urbik is solid if he's your 4th or 5th best and Pears is nothing more than a backup swing tackle. Maybe Hairston is different but we wouldn't know at this point. And Legursky absolutely sucks. If rather have anybody back there.
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he said he also gets the opinion coach feels like he only has 2 NFL caliber lineman in Wood and Glenn


They were strangely not aggressive addressing that issue if the feeling is even remotely accurately relayed here. And I'm not sure how you let our front office off the hook there as most of the evaluators including Whaley have long been around.



i wouldnt disagree. Maybe Urbik is solid if he's your 4th or 5th best and Pears is nothing more than a backup swing tackle. Maybe Hairston is different but we wouldn't know at this point. And Legursky absolutely sucks. If rather have anybody back there.


I'd say urbik is an nfl starter but not your anchor of the line. Generally I agree - but it's ridiculous to be floating that out after a free agent period where you let one walk and were far from active during a span that had a ton of starters moving around the league.

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So there is a report that the coach may get rid of players that don't have a good work ethic, a real commitment to the team or professionalism - and fans are MAD about this? Okaaaay...


Call me when someone actually knows what's going on in the locker room. I listen to a ton of Sirius and watch a ton of NFLN and Marrone seems to have a ton of respect from from former coaches and players. For now I'll take their perspective rather than my TBD brethren.

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We'll just agree to disagree. Respect your opinion but i cant sit here and agree with you that bc we're "young" we're allowed to "lose and lose ugly". No, we're not.


Aside from 3-4 players, this team is not that young. There are plenty of veterans on this team. This team was not prepared to play against pittsburgh and this team was not prepared tl play against tampa. That falls on the coaching staff and nobody else.


i don't think we're "young", but i like the youth that whaley and marrone brought in.


i think that the guys that we think of "veterans" on the team suck--specifically; spiller, stevie, chandler, and yes, fred jackson now.


i would be fine if all of them were cut outright, but i would take 5th and 6th rounders for stevie and freddy, and a fourth for spiller.


i trust whaley, a lot. i think there will be a lot of turnover this offseason, and i expect the bills to make great strides next year. don't judge marrone based on the Bills, judge marrone based on the rookies and second year guys--in that sense he's doing great. i like what i've seen from goodwin, alonso is a stud, and ej has shown flashes of greatness.


the lack of talent on the roster is atrocious though.


i would expect the bills to be very aggressive in free agency this coming season.

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The flip side that's hard to swallow is that if marrone tosses a couple of guys that could be nfl winners that he simply doesn't want to deal with or don't fit his unproven program.... We are left making up the talent gap again with the next coach. Lots of bad coaches run off good players leaving behind train wreck rosters. Hopefully, if marrone does make the bold moves at the top of the roster that rumors are pointing towards, he's the right guy to be making those moves (or atleast not terribly wrong).


Has he done that?? With what player? If you worry about things that may never happen, you'll get grey hair before turning 18.


Brown referenced the WR from Tennessee (name I can't recall this moment) as someone Marrone released because he wasn't a team player and, possibly, because of a bad work ethic. That player appeared in a game last week and caught two TDs. Is it posible that, having been cut by Buffalo, that player got religion with Indi and that cutting the player was good for the player? Or maybe that was a one time occurance. Maybe, if it doesn't work out for that player, he becomes toxic to team chemistry? Can't we just wait and see with him?


Lets not create perceived problems with Marrone that may not exist.

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It's amazing how frequently coaches come into Buffalo and attempt to mold the roster into what they want, wasting 1-2 years in the process. Unfortunately, they don't get it right, which means year 3 continues to be as bad or slightly better than the preceding 1-2 years. Jauron did it, Gailey did it, and now Marrone is doing it.


One of Marv's greatest abilities was to manage personalities. He had Jim, Bruce, Thurman, Andre and a host of guys who were stars to keep in check. While ML wasn't the best HC, he kept those guys on the right path (with exceptions). Now, we have the disciplinarian style seemingly invading the locker room and it's only natural the players will become resentful. But that's the danger of hiring college coaches who work only with 18-23 year olds.


Talent wins in the NFL. And so, like others have said, it's up to the HC to manage personalities and get the most out of them. There's a limit to that, but choir boys aren't going to get you into the playoffs.

Edited by BillsVet
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