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I actually think 10 years probation for a 16 year old is quite reasonable.


It would be impossible for me to say that if I were related to a victim. History of bad behavior, stole booze, got high, 11 injured, four killed. Just complete disregard for others. He was babied his entire life -- and this punishment is just an extension of that. Poor families.

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defense lawyers argued his wealthy parents never taught him right from wrong.




It's one thing if it was a plain and simple accident. the 16 year old was DRUNK


Texas .... Open containers (2002) and gun racks YEE HAW


The precedent: only the middle class doesn't have disadvantaged youth.



It would be impossible for me to say that if I were related to a victim. History of bad behavior, stole booze, got high, 11 injured, four killed. Just complete disregard for others. He was babied his entire life -- and this punishment is just an extension of that. Poor families.


I mean, I agree. Lives were lost. But the kid is now on a short leash for 10 years. If he's truly a wreck, he'll be behind bars, thanks, tangentially, to this specific transgression.

Edited by The Big Cat
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The precedent: only the middle class doesn't have disadvantaged youth.





I mean, I agree. Lives were lost. But the kid is now on a short leash for 10 years. If he's truly a wreck, he'll be behind bars, thanks, tangentially, to this specific transgression.

Short leash, rich parents? He,ll be flying the globe with mommy and daddy,


He'll not learn that much unless he's made to really pay and not just check on with a PO.


?? how many (true) middle class families had F350's for sonny to play with?


drunk during the day or at night? Are Texas laws that lax where a minor can drive at night?

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Cute blonde chick, here in Austin, daughter of a prominent CA politician, working at the Texas Stare Capital ran over a woman taking her trash to the curb in the wee hours...she was loaded, coming home from a club. The woman's body was found in the neighbors bushes. Hit and run... a witness, and a busted part of the car at the scene, were traced pretty quickly.


The girl got 6 months in jail, six months probation and a $10,000 fine. Oh yeah, and her daddy has a long history of dui's as well...watching her sob when she was "harshly sentenced" was revolting...

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It would be impossible for me to say that if I were related to a victim. History of bad behavior, stole booze, got high, 11 injured, four killed. Just complete disregard for others. He was babied his entire life -- and this punishment is just an extension of that. Poor families.


If I was related to the victims, I'd probably explore at least the feasibility of murdering him. But, as a stranger from afar I agree it's a difficult case to levy sentence on given his age and the fact that while grossly negligent, he didn't intend to kill anyone. To me this makes him less culpable than the kid who kills four people by shooting into a crowd. I think what makes the case so outrage inducing is the defense tactic used by his lawyers. Not guilty by reason of being a spoiled rich kid is pretty blood boiling. But then again, IMO so is "rage defense" that a-holes have tried using to justify beating store clerks into a coma because they had to wait 30 seconds.




In my town, a 30 something woman was distracting changing the CD for her toddler in the back, hit an elderly man standing at his mailbox on the side of the road. Instead of stopping, she took off and made her first stop at an auto body shop to see if they could fix her damaged side mirror. Meanwhile the guy died on the side of the road. She claimed she didn't know she had hit a person, which of course no one believed. After years of continuances and negotiating, she eventually pled guilty. The family of the victim asked the judge to spare her a prison sentence because of the impact that would have on her young children. The judge said that was the only reason she didn't go away.

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Some people would be charged with shoplifting, stealing prescription drugs, underage drinking, driving while intoxicated, speeding and reckless endangerment, involuntary manslaughter - I don't know what the Texas penalties are for those crimes but it seems to me I remember a sixteen year old girl getting 18 month juvenile detention for stealing a seven dollar lipstick and some poor slob doing life because over a five year period he stole sunglasses, shoe laces and a pack of gum.

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I am totally against giving any kid a car. My dad said if I wanted a car, I had to pay for it and the insurance. He had great insurance and didn't want his going up. I got my car and license just after the blizzard of 77 just before I was 20. Took the NFTA bus to UB for college.I knew the value of a car when I had to pay for it myself.

Edited by Wacka
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So, if the kid isn't responsible because his parents didn't teach him that there are consequences to actions then make the parents responsible. Put them on trial. One of them supplied the kid with the truck.


Excellent point. Parents need to be held way more accountable for their kids' actions. If your kid is an idiot, it's on you. not always far but if parents are getting in trouble for their kids, they might try a little harder to be parents.


I can't stand rich kids. Entitled little pricks. But good job by the judge to send a strong message. This makes me sick.

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So, if the kid isn't responsible because his parents didn't teach him that there are consequences to actions then make the parents responsible. Put them on trial. One of them supplied the kid with the truck.


That's why you PUT the kid in jail, to teach him that there are consequences.

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